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Last active June 15, 2024 17:17
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  • Save pawelszydlo/5eacd49d7e57bce71e96171e9fad1cd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pawelszydlo/5eacd49d7e57bce71e96171e9fad1cd2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script for cleaning MacOS related trash (dot files and folders) from a removable disk and unmounting that disk.
# Script for cleaning MacOS related trash (dot files and folders)
# from a removable disk and unmounting that disk.
# Script does sanity checks, should be safe, but use at your own risk!
# Newest version can always be found at
# Display a dialog box.
# $1 - title
# $2 - message
# $3 - icon (default "caution")
# $4 - buttons (default "OK")
# Prints the button that was pressed.
function osa_message {
local answer=$(osascript -e "display dialog \"$2\" buttons ${4:-\"OK\"} \
default button 1 with title \"$1\" with icon ${3:-caution}")
echo ${answer#"button returned:"}
# Check if path was passed as an argument.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# No? Get current Finder path (useful for running this from Finder toolbar).
folder=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to POSIX path of (folder of front window as alias)')
# Strip trailing slash.
# Check if disk can be unmounted.
if ! $(diskutil info $folder | \
grep -q "\s\+Removable Media:\s\+Removable"); then
osa_message "Error" "Device at $folder is not marked as removable." stop > /dev/null
# Ask to proceed.
proceed=$(osa_message \
"Unmount $folder?" \
"Do you want to remove all Mac related hidden files and folders and eject disk?" \
"caution" \
"{\"Eject\", \"Cancel\"}")
if [ "$proceed" == "Eject" ]; then
# Remove all meta data (._ files).
dot_clean -m $folder
# Remove trashes.
rm -rf "$folder/.Trashes"
# Remove spotlight data.
rm -rf "$folder/.Spotlight-V100"
# Remove other stuff.
rm -rf "$folder/.fseventsd"
# Eject the disk.
if ! eject_output=$(diskutil eject $folder 2>&1); then
# Something went wrong when ejecting.
osa_message "Error" "$eject_output" stop > /dev/null
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