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Created July 18, 2020 15:50
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import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { HttpModule } from './http/http.module';
import { FooModule } from './foo/foo.module';
imports: [
FooModule, // <- we'll make use of the "augmented" HttpService in this module
export class AppModule {}
import { Controller, Get, HttpService } from '@nestjs/common';
export class FooController {
private readonly httpService: HttpService,
) {}
async bar(): Promise<any> {
const response = await this.httpService.get('').toPromise();
import { HttpModule, Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { FooController } from './foo.controller';
imports: [
* Here we can import either the common HttpModule or the one we defined.
* It doesn't matter as long as our module is at least imported once (for instance in the AppModule)
controllers: [
export class FooModule {}
import { HttpService, Logger, Module, OnModuleInit, HttpModule as BaseHttpModule } from '@nestjs/common';
imports: [
// I prefer temporarily aliasing the homonymous module rather than naming my module MyHttpModule
exports: [
export class HttpModule implements OnModuleInit {
private readonly httpService: HttpService,
) {}
public onModuleInit(): any {
const logger = new Logger('Axios');
// Add request interceptor and response interceptor to log request infos
const axios = this.httpService.axiosRef;
axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
// Please don't tell my Typescript compiler...
config['metadata'] = { ...config['metadata'], startDate: new Date() };
return config;
(response) => {
const { config } = response;
config['metadata'] = { ...config['metadata'], endDate: new Date() };
const duration = config['metadata'].endDate.getTime() - config['metadata'].startDate.getTime();
// Log some request infos (you can actually extract a lot more if you want: the content type, the content size, etc.)
logger.log(`${config.method.toUpperCase()} ${config.url} ${duration}ms`);
return response;
(err) => {
// Don't forget this line like I did at first: it makes your failed HTTP requests resolve with "undefined" :-(
return Promise.reject(err);
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