I pulled latest develop, then checked-out enhancement/14949.
File dev/vagrant.rst
, line 6: change:
`Vagrant <http://www.vagrantup.com/>`_
`Vagrant <http://www.vagrantup.com/>`__
(an anonymous link, this way we don't have a repetition warning.)
File getting_started/installing.rst
, last paragraph: change it to:
Congratulations! |gwm| is now installed and initialized. Next, you'll want to look into :ref:`configuring` and :ref:`deployment`, if you are going to be setting up a production instance. Otherwise, if you just want to play around with |gwm|, or are :ref:`developing <development>` |gwm|, take a look at :ref:`development-server`.
sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck source ./build/html
You'll see a couple non working links (and a lot more working) - it might be wise to fix them.
At static-files
label (whole paragraph): use double apostrophes instead of single (line 40).
At deployment/apache.rst
(last line): wrong settings file name. Should default to the one installed via setup.py
, ie. config.py
, right?
At deployment/nginx_site.conf:2
: I heard that using Unix sockets is not only faster but also safer than URIs. It might be worth mentioning.
At deployment/uwsgi.ini:6
: should it be ganeti_webmgr.ganeti_web.wsgi