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SpaceOyster / mastodon-icon.html
Last active April 14, 2024 20:04 svg icon
<svg viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16"><path fill="#828282" d="M 15.659 9.592 C 15.424 10.72 13.553 11.956 11.404 12.195 C 10.283 12.32 9.18 12.434 8.003 12.384 C 6.079 12.302 4.56 11.956 4.56 11.956 C 4.56 12.13 4.572 12.297 4.595 12.452 C 4.845 14.224 6.478 14.33 8.025 14.379 C 9.586 14.429 10.976 14.02 10.976 14.02 L 11.04 15.337 C 11.04 15.337 9.948 15.884 8.003 15.984 C 6.93 16.039 5.598 15.959 4.047 15.576 C 0.683 14.746 0.104 11.4 0.015 8.006 C -0.012 6.998 0.005 6.048 0.005 5.253 C 0.005 1.782 2.443 0.765 2.443 0.765 C 3.672 0.238 5.782 0.017 7.975 0 L 8.029 0 C 10.221 0.017 12.332 0.238 13.561 0.765 C 13.561 0.765 15.999 1.782 15.999 5.253 C 15.999 5.253 16.03 7.814 15.659 9.592 Z M 13.124 5.522 L 13.124 9.725 L 11.339 9.725 L 11.339 5.646 C 11.339 4.786 10.951 4.35 10.175 4.35 C 9.317 4.35 8.887 4.867 8.887 5.891 L 8.887 8.124 L 7.113 8.124 L 7.113 5.891 C 7.113 4.867 6.683 4.35 5.825 4.35 C 5.049 4.35 4.661 4.786 4.661 5.646 L 4.661 9.725 L 2.876 9.725 L 2.876 5.522 C 2.876 4.663 3.111 3.9
emeeks /
Created March 3, 2017 03:18
Annotated Venn

Venn Diagram as Annotation

This demonstrates how to use d3-annotation() with d3.forceSimulation to draw a Venn Diagram. In this the Venn shows a population of data visualizers (a semi-mythical and apparently controversial profession) that describe their organization as having data visualization professionals either embedded in other teams (green) or in a dedicated data visualization team (tan) or having both (green and tan). This uses d3.packEnclose to determine the size and location of the annotation subject, which utilizes d3.annotationCalloutCircle.

d3-annotation by Susie Lu.

hugolpz / Wikidata-API-via-JS.markdown
Last active March 21, 2024 14:49
Wikidata API via JS
emeeks / edgelist.csv
Last active March 1, 2021 10:49
Arc Diagram with Directed Edges
source target weight
sam tully 3
sam pat 8
sam kim 2
sam pris 1
roy pris 5
roy sam 1
tully sam 1
tully pris 5
tully kim 3