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A Pandoc filter that replaces Image links having *.csv extension with Pandoc Markdown Tables.
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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell | |
{- | |
The MIT License (MIT) | |
Copyright (c) 2015 Wasif Hasan Baig <[email protected]> | |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy | |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal | |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights | |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell | |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is | |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all | |
copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
-} | |
{-| | |
A Pandoc filter that replaces image or fenced code blocks and replaces them | |
with rendered pandoc markdown tables. | |
Image Links should have a "csv" extension. | |
Include the csv file in markdown as | |
>  | |
Instead of image links, you can use fenced code blocks to reference an | |
external CSV file using the "source" attribute. | |
> ```{.table caption="This is the **caption**" source="table.csv"} | |
> ``` | |
You can also omit the source attribute and include the contents of the CSV | |
inside the code block directly. | |
> ```{.table caption="This is the **caption**"} | |
> Fruit, Quantity, Price | |
> apples, 15, 3.24 | |
> oranges, 12, 2.22 | |
> ``` | |
You can include Pandoc Markdown in the CSV file. It will be parsed | |
by the Pandoc Markdown Reader when the table is inserted in the document. | |
For a detailed explanation of usage and options, see <https://github.com/baig/pandoc-csv2table-filter/blob/master/README.md README> | |
at project's source directory. | |
-} | |
import Text.CSV (CSV, parseCSV, parseCSVFromFile) | |
import Data.List | |
import Data.Text (pack, unpack, justifyLeft, justifyRight, center) | |
import Text.Pandoc (readMarkdown, def) | |
import qualified Text.Pandoc.JSON as J | |
-- Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
-- Type synonyms | |
type Span = Int | |
type Width = Int | |
type Gutter = Int | |
type Lines = [String] | |
type Caption = String | |
type AtrName = String | |
type AtrValue = String | |
type Atrs = [(AtrName, AtrValue)] | |
-- | Type of the 'Table'. | |
data TableType = Simple -- Simple Table | |
| Multiline -- Multiline Table | |
| Grid -- Grid Table | |
| Pipe -- Pipe Table | |
deriving (Eq, Show) | |
-- | Position of the caption. | |
data CaptionPos = BeforeTable -- Insert caption before table markdown. | |
| AfterTable -- Insert caption after table markdown. | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- | Alignment of a Column in the Table. | |
-- Not all TableTypes support column alignments. | |
data Align = LeftAlign -- Left Align | |
| RightAlign -- Right Align | |
| CenterAlign -- Center Align | |
| DefaultAlign -- Default Align | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- | A cell in a table has column span, cell width, cell alignment and the | |
-- number of lines. | |
-- | |
-- * __Span:__ Number of lines spanned by the cell. | |
-- * __Width:__ Width of the column this cell is contained inside | |
-- * __Align:__ Alignment of the content inside the cells | |
-- * __Lines:__ A list of strings where each string represents a line | |
data Cell = Cell Span Width Align Lines | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- | A Row contains a list of Cells. | |
data Row = Row [Cell] | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- | A Column contain information about its width and alignment. | |
-- | |
-- * __Width:__ Character length of the widest 'Cell' in a 'Column'. | |
-- * __Align:__ Alignment of the cells inside this column | |
data Column = Column Width Align | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- | A Header contains a Row if present, otherwise NoHeader. | |
data Header = Header Row | |
| NoHeader | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- | A Table has a caption, information about each column's width and | |
-- alignment, either a header with a row or no header, and a series of rows. | |
data Table = Table Caption [Column] Header [Row] | |
deriving (Show) | |
-- Builder Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- | |
-- | Table Builder Functions | |
-- Helper functions to create a Table from the parsed CSV file (a list of | |
-- list of Strings). | |
-- | Converts Lines to Cell. | |
mkCell :: Align -> Lines -> [Cell] | |
mkCell a xs = map (Cell (span xs) 0 a) liness | |
where | |
span = maximum . map (length . lines) | |
liness = map lines xs | |
-- | Converts a list of Lines to a list of Cells. | |
mkCells :: [Align] -> [Lines] -> [[Cell]] | |
mkCells as xss = map (addCellAligns as . | |
addCellWidths columnWidths . | |
mkCell DefaultAlign) xss | |
where | |
lines1 = map . map $ lines | |
calcWidths = map . map . map $ (+2) . length | |
columnWidths = map maximum . | |
map concat . | |
transpose . | |
calcWidths . | |
lines1 $ | |
xss | |
addCellAligns :: [Align] -> [Cell] -> [Cell] | |
addCellAligns (a:as) (c:cs) = updateCellAlign a c : addCellAligns as cs | |
addCellAligns [] (c:cs) = c : addCellAligns [] cs | |
addCellAligns (a:as) [] = [] | |
addCellAligns [] [] = [] | |
updateCellAlign :: Align -> Cell -> Cell | |
updateCellAlign a (Cell s w _ xs) = Cell s w a xs | |
addCellWidths :: [Width] -> [Cell] -> [Cell] | |
addCellWidths (w:ws) (c:cs) = updateCellWidth w c : addCellWidths ws cs | |
addCellWidths [] (c:cs) = c : addCellWidths [] cs | |
addCellWidths (w:ws) [] = [] | |
addCellWidths [] [] = [] | |
updateCellWidth :: Width -> Cell -> Cell | |
updateCellWidth w (Cell s _ a xs) = Cell s w a xs | |
mkRows :: [Align] -> [Lines] -> [Row] | |
mkRows as = map Row . mkCells as | |
mkColumns :: [Align] -> Row -> [Column] | |
mkColumns as (Row cs) = columnify as cs | |
where | |
columnify (a:as) ((Cell _ w _ _):cs) = Column w a : columnify as cs | |
columnify [] ((Cell _ w _ _):cs) = Column w DefaultAlign : columnify [] cs | |
columnify (a:as) [] = [] | |
columnify [] [] = [] | |
mkTable :: Caption -> [Align] -> Bool -> [Lines] -> Table | |
mkTable c as h xss = case h of | |
True -> Table c columns mkHeader $ tail $ mkRows as csv | |
False -> Table c columns NoHeader $ mkRows as csv | |
where | |
csv = filter (/=[""]) xss | |
columns = mkColumns as . head . mkRows as $ csv | |
mkHeader = Header $ head $ mkRows as csv | |
insertRowSeparator :: TableType -> [Column] -> Lines -> Lines | |
insertRowSeparator (Multiline) cs xs = intersperse "\n" xs | |
insertRowSeparator (Grid) cs xs = intersperse (separator cs) xs | |
where | |
separator ((Column w _):cs) = "+" ++ replicate (w+2) '-' ++ separator cs | |
separator [] = "+\n" | |
insertRowSeparator _ _ _ = [] | |
mkTableBorder :: TableType -> [Column] -> String | |
mkTableBorder (Multiline) ((Column w _):[]) = replicate w '-' ++ "\n" | |
mkTableBorder (Multiline) ((Column w _):cs) = replicate (w+1) '-' ++ mkTableBorder Multiline cs | |
mkTableBorder (Grid) [] = "+\n" | |
mkTableBorder (Grid) ((Column w _):cs) = "+" ++ replicate (w+2) '-' ++ mkTableBorder Grid cs | |
mkTableBorder _ _ = "" | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator :: TableType -> [Column] -> String | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator (Grid) ((Column w _):cs) = "+" ++ replicate (w+2) '=' ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Grid cs | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator (Pipe) ((Column w a):cs) = (let sep = "|" ++ replicate (w+2) '-' | |
in case a of | |
LeftAlign -> "|:" ++ (drop 2 sep) | |
RightAlign -> reverse $ ":" ++ (drop 1 . reverse $ sep) | |
CenterAlign -> ("|:" ++) $ drop 2 $ reverse $ ":" ++ (drop 1 . reverse $ sep) | |
_ -> reverse . drop 1. reverse $ sep ) ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Pipe cs | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator (Grid) [] = "+\n" | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator (Pipe) [] = "|\n" | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator t ((Column w _):[]) = replicate w '-' ++ "\n" | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator t ((Column w _):cs) = replicate w '-' ++ " " ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator t cs | |
-- | Add members to pad cell content based on span | |
padCell :: Cell -> Cell | |
padCell (Cell s w a xs) = Cell s w a (xs ++ padList) | |
where | |
padList = replicate padByNum (take w $ repeat ' ') | |
padByNum = s - length xs | |
-- | Expects padded cells | |
alignCellStrings :: TableType -> Cell -> Lines | |
alignCellStrings (Grid) (Cell _ w a cs) = map (alignText w LeftAlign) cs | |
alignCellStrings _ (Cell _ w a cs) = map (alignText w a) cs | |
cellToLines :: TableType -> Cell -> Lines | |
cellToLines t = alignCellStrings t . padCell | |
flatten :: [Lines] -> String | |
flatten = concatMap (++"\n") . map concat | |
addGutter :: Gutter -> Lines -> Lines | |
addGutter g (x:xs) = x : map ((replicate g ' ')++) xs | |
alignText :: Width -> Align -> String -> String | |
alignText w (LeftAlign) = unpack . justifyLeft w ' ' . pack | |
alignText w (RightAlign) = unpack . justifyRight w ' ' . pack | |
alignText w (CenterAlign) = unpack . center w ' ' . pack | |
alignText w (DefaultAlign) = unpack . justifyLeft w ' ' . pack | |
row2Md :: TableType -> Row -> String | |
row2Md (Grid) (Row cs) = flatten $ transpose $ appendPipes $ map (cellToLines Grid) cs | |
row2Md (Pipe) (Row cs) = flatten $ transpose $ appendPipes $ map (cellToLines Pipe) cs | |
row2Md t (Row cs) = flatten $ map (addGutter 1) $ transpose $ map (cellToLines t) cs | |
appendPipes :: [Lines] -> [Lines] | |
appendPipes (xs:[]) = [map (++" |") xs] | |
appendPipes (xs:xss) = map (("| "++) . (++" | ")) xs : (map (map (++" | ")) xss) | |
addCaption :: CaptionPos -> Caption -> String -> String | |
addCaption _ [] s = s | |
addCaption (BeforeTable) c s = "Table: " ++ c ++ "\n\n" ++ s | |
addCaption (AfterTable) c s = s ++ "\nTable: " ++ c | |
toMarkdown :: TableType -> CaptionPos -> Table -> String | |
toMarkdown (Simple) = toSimpleMd | |
toMarkdown (Multiline) = toMultilineMd | |
toMarkdown (Grid) = toGridMd | |
toMarkdown (Pipe) = toPipeMd | |
toMultilineMd :: CaptionPos -> Table -> String | |
toMultilineMd l (Table c cs (Header h) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
mkTableBorder Multiline cs ++ | |
row2Md Multiline h ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Multiline cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
insertRowSeparator Multiline cs $ | |
map (row2Md Multiline) rs) ++ | |
mkTableBorder Multiline cs | |
toMultilineMd l (Table c cs (NoHeader) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Multiline cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
insertRowSeparator Multiline cs $ | |
map (row2Md Multiline) rs) ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Multiline cs | |
toGridMd :: CaptionPos -> Table -> String | |
toGridMd l (Table c cs (Header h) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
mkTableBorder Grid cs ++ | |
row2Md Grid h ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Grid cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
insertRowSeparator Grid cs $ | |
map (row2Md Grid) rs) ++ | |
mkTableBorder Grid cs | |
toGridMd l (Table c cs (NoHeader) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
mkTableBorder Grid cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
insertRowSeparator Grid cs $ | |
map (row2Md Grid) rs) ++ | |
mkTableBorder Grid cs | |
toPipeMd :: CaptionPos -> Table -> String | |
toPipeMd l (Table c cs (Header h) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
row2Md Pipe h ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Pipe cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
map (row2Md Pipe) rs) | |
toPipeMd l (Table c cs (NoHeader) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Pipe cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
map (row2Md Pipe) rs) | |
toSimpleMd :: CaptionPos -> Table -> String | |
toSimpleMd l (Table c cs (Header h) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
row2Md Simple h ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Simple cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
map (row2Md Simple) rs) ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Simple cs | |
toSimpleMd l (Table c cs (NoHeader) rs) = addCaption l c $ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Simple cs ++ | |
(concatMap (++"") $ | |
map (row2Md Simple) rs) ++ | |
mkHeaderRowSeparator Simple cs | |
-- Helper Functions ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
-- Helper functions to manipulate the Pandoc Document and parse the | |
-- Configuration String. | |
-- | Add Inline from Image into Table as the caption | |
addInlineLabel :: [J.Inline] -> J.Pandoc -> J.Pandoc | |
addInlineLabel i (J.Pandoc m [(J.Table _ as ds ts tss)]) = J.Pandoc m [(J.Table i as ds ts tss)] | |
addInlineLabel _ x = x | |
-- | Extracts Blocks from Pandoc Document | |
toBlocks :: J.Pandoc -> [J.Block] | |
toBlocks (J.Pandoc _ bs) = bs | |
toTableType1 :: String -> TableType | |
toTableType1 (x:ys) = case x of | |
's' -> Simple | |
'm' -> Multiline | |
'p' -> Pipe | |
_ -> Grid | |
toTableType1 [] = Grid | |
toTableType :: String -> TableType | |
toTableType s = case s of | |
"simple" -> Simple | |
"multiline" -> Multiline | |
"pipe" -> Pipe | |
_ -> Grid | |
getTableType :: [J.Inline] -> TableType | |
getTableType ((J.Str s):[]) = toTableType1 s | |
getTableType (_:is) = getTableType is | |
getTableType [] = Grid | |
-- | Whether to treat first line of CSV as a header or not. | |
isHeaderPresent :: [J.Inline] -> Bool | |
isHeaderPresent ((J.Str s):[]) = not $ "n" `isInfixOf` s | |
isHeaderPresent (_:is) = isHeaderPresent is | |
isHeaderPresent [] = True | |
isHeaderPresent1 :: String -> Bool | |
isHeaderPresent1 ('n':'o':[]) = False | |
isHeaderPresent1 _ = True | |
toAlign :: String -> [Align] | |
toAlign (x:ys) = case x of | |
'l' -> LeftAlign : toAlign ys | |
'L' -> LeftAlign : toAlign ys | |
'r' -> RightAlign : toAlign ys | |
'R' -> RightAlign : toAlign ys | |
'c' -> CenterAlign : toAlign ys | |
'C' -> CenterAlign : toAlign ys | |
'd' -> DefaultAlign : toAlign ys | |
'D' -> DefaultAlign : toAlign ys | |
_ -> [] ++ toAlign ys | |
toAlign [] = [] | |
-- | Parse Config String for alignment information | |
getAligns :: [J.Inline] -> [Align] | |
getAligns ((J.Str s):[]) = toAlign s | |
getAligns (_:is) = getAligns is | |
getAligns [] = [] | |
-- | Remove Str Inline from caption | |
removeConfigString :: [J.Inline] -> [J.Inline] | |
removeConfigString (_:[]) = [] | |
removeConfigString (x:ys) = x : removeConfigString ys | |
removeConfigString [] = [] | |
-- | Get value of attribute | |
getAtr :: AtrName -> Atrs -> AtrValue | |
getAtr a ((at,v):_) | a == at = v | |
getAtr a (_:xs) = getAtr a xs | |
getAtr a [] = "" | |
-- | Make Pandoc Table from Image Inline | |
tableFromImageInline :: [J.Inline] -> CSV -> J.Pandoc | |
tableFromImageInline l = addInlineLabel (removeConfigString l) . | |
readMarkdown def . | |
toMarkdown (getTableType l) AfterTable . | |
mkTable "" (getAligns l) (isHeaderPresent l) | |
-- | Make Pandoc Table from Code Block | |
tableFromCodeBlock :: Atrs -> CSV -> J.Pandoc | |
tableFromCodeBlock as = readMarkdown def . | |
toMarkdown (toTableType $ getAtr "type" as) AfterTable . | |
mkTable (getAtr "caption" as) | |
(toAlign $ getAtr "aligns" as) | |
(isHeaderPresent1 $ getAtr "header" as) | |
-- Main ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
main :: IO () | |
main = J.toJSONFilter tablifyCsvLinks | |
tablifyCsvLinks :: J.Block -> IO [J.Block] | |
tablifyCsvLinks (J.Para [(J.Image l (f, _))]) | "csv" `isSuffixOf` f = do | |
csv <- parseCSVFromFile f | |
case csv of | |
(Left _) -> return [] | |
(Right xss) -> return . | |
toBlocks . | |
tableFromImageInline l $ | |
xss | |
tablifyCsvLinks b@(J.CodeBlock (_, cs, as) s) | "table" `elem` cs = do | |
let file = getAtr "source" as | |
case file of | |
"" -> case s of | |
"" -> return [b] | |
_ -> case (parseCSV "" s) of | |
(Left _) -> return [] | |
(Right xss) -> return . | |
toBlocks . | |
tableFromCodeBlock as $ | |
xss | |
_ -> do | |
csv <- parseCSVFromFile file | |
case csv of | |
(Left _) -> return [] | |
(Right xss) -> return . | |
toBlocks . | |
tableFromCodeBlock as $ | |
xss | |
tablifyCsvLinks x = return [x] |
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