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Forked from pkazmier/.skhdrc
Last active January 15, 2019 10:17
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[skhdrc config] #cfg #fork
# Modified from configuration.
# The following configuration heavily leverages modal keymaps to minimize the
# pollution of global keybindings. In addition, the modal keymaps facilitate
# the consistent use of the same keybindings across different modes. For
# example, this configuration uses 'h', 'l', 'j', and 'k' to represent west,
# east, south, and north when: changing focus, warping windows, resizing
# windows, swapping windows, and moving floating windows. Those four keys are
# mapped differently depending on the current mode to provide a consistent user
# experience.
# Six different modes are provided in this configuration in addition to the
# default mode. The modes are tailored to their respective operations. Common
# operations are generally available without the need of any modifier keys.
# When modifier keys are used, they are for infrequent actions or size related
# actions. Entry into the modal system is via Ctrl - Space, which enters FOCUS
# mode. From there, any of the other modes can be activated with a single
# keypress.
# The following is a high-level summary of the keybindngs:
# ctrl - space Enter FOCUS mode
# ctrl - return Open an iTerm
# cmd - return Open a floating iTerm
# escape Exit current mode
# f Enter FOCUS mode
# g Enter GRID mode
# s Enter SWAP mode
# r Enter RESIZE mode
# w Enter WARP mode
# shift - w Enter WARP NO FOLLOW mode
# q Close window
# e Equalize window sizes
# m Toggle fullscreen
# o Toggle offset
# p Toggle parent zoom
# i Toggle split
# t Toggle float
# x Mirror horizontal
# y Mirror vertical
# space Rotate desktop 90
# shift - space Rotate desktop 270
# return, h, j, k, l Focus window (biggest, west, south, north, east)
# cmd + h, j, k, l Set insertion point (west, south, north, east)
# 1, 2, 3, tab, shift - tab Focus monitor (1, 2, 3, next, prev)
# cmd + 1, 2, 3, tab, shift - tab Focus desktop (1, 2, 3, next, prev)
# cmd - t Float next window
# cmd - return Cancel insertion point and float next window
# cmd + b, m, f Set desktop layout mode (bsp, monacle, float)
# return, h, j, k, l Warp window (biggest, west, south, north, east)
# 1, 2, 3, tab, shift - tab Warp to monitor (1, 2, 3, next, prev) and follow
# cmd + 1, 2, 3, tab, shift - tab Warp to desktop (1, 2, 3, next, prev) and follow
# return, h, j, k, l Warp window (biggest, west, south, north, east)
# 1, 2, 3, tab, shift - tab Warp to monitor (1, 2, 3, next, prev) and do not follow
# cmd + 1, 2, 3, tab, shift - tab Warp to desktop (1, 2, 3, next, prev) and do not follow
# return, h, j, k, l Swap window (biggest, west, south, north, east)
# h, j, k, l Increase window (west, south, north, east)
# shift + h, j, k, l Decrease window (west, south, north, east)
# return, h, j, k, l Resize & move floating window (center, left, bottom, top, right)
# shift + return, h, j, k, l Resize smaller & move floating window (center, left, bottom, top, right)
# cmd + return, h, j, k, l Resize even smaller & move floating window (center, top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right, top-right)
:: default : chunkc border::color 0xff61afef
:: focus @ : chunkc border::color 0xffe06c75 # Focus window, desktop, monitors
:: grid @ : chunkc border::color 0xff56b6c2 # Floating window layout
:: swap @ : chunkc border::color 0xffc678dd # Swap windows
:: warp @ : chunkc border::color 0xffe5c07b # Warp and send to desktop/monitors
:: warpnf @ : chunkc border::color 0xffd19a66 # Same, but don't follow focus
:: resize @ : chunkc border::color 0xff98c379 # Resize window operations
# CTRL-SPACE is the global hotkey to toggle in/out of modal mode. Entry is
# always to FOCUS mode. Getting out of any mode can also be done with ESCAPE.
default < ctrl - space ; focus
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < ctrl - space ; default
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < escape ; default
# Once in FOCUS mode (or any other mode other than default), you can switch
# modes with single keystroke. (mnemonic: letter corresponds to first letter of
# mode name, with exception of warpnf, which is a variant invoked with shift)
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < f ; focus
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < g ; grid
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < s ; swap
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < r ; resize
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < w ; warp
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < shift - w ; warpnf
# The following keybindings are available in all modes.
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < space : chunkc tiling::desktop --rotate 90
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < shift - space : chunkc tiling::desktop --rotate 270
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < x : chunkc tiling::desktop --mirror horizontal # mnemonic: x-axis
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < y : chunkc tiling::desktop --mirror vertical # mnemonic: y-axis
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < o : chunkc tiling::desktop --toggle offset # mnemonic: _o_ffset
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < e : chunkc tiling::desktop --equalize # mnemonic: _e_qualize
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < m : chunkc tiling::window --toggle fullscreen # mnemonic: monacle
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < q : chunkc tiling::window --close # mnemonic: _q_uit
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < p : chunkc tiling::window --toggle parent # mnemonic: _p_arent
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < i : chunkc tiling::window --toggle split # mnemonic: couldn't think of one!
focus, grid, swap, warp, warpnf, resize < t : chunkc tiling::window --toggle float # mnemonic: floa_t_
# Global hotkeys which I limit so as to not pollute the global namespace
default < ctrl - return : open -na iTerm
default < cmd - return : chunkc set window_float_next 1; open -na iTerm
# Change focus using standard vi directional keys. Enter changes focus to the
# biggest window. You'll see this theme repeated over and over again. Since this
# is such a common operation, no modifier keys are used.
focus < k : chunkc tiling::window --focus north
focus < j : chunkc tiling::window --focus south
focus < l : chunkc tiling::window --focus east
focus < h : chunkc tiling::window --focus west
focus < return : chunkc tiling::window --focus biggest
# Change the next insertion point to be something other than the default (left)
# using standard vi directional keys with the Cmd modifier. In addition, to
# make the next window a floating window, we bind cmd - t (using same mnemonic
# as above). As these operations are intended for the next window that is
# opened, we exit FOCUS mode immediately. Finally, to cancel any of these
# "next" window operations, we bind cmd - return.
focus < cmd - k : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point north; qes -k "ctrl - space"
focus < cmd - j : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point south; qes -k "ctrl - space"
focus < cmd - l : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point east; qes -k "ctrl - space"
focus < cmd - h : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point west; qes -k "ctrl - space"
focus < cmd - t : chunkc set window_float_next 1; qes -k "ctrl - space"
focus < cmd - return : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point cancel; chunkc set window_float_next 0; qes -k "ctrl - space"
# Change the monitor focus using numbers corresponding to monitor or cycle
# through the monitors using tab and shift - tab combination. You'll see this
# pattern repeated when we get WARP moded as well. The non-modified keys will
# warp to a monitor, and prefixing with cmd will warp to desktop. Again, the
# goal was to aim for consistency.
focus < 1 : chunkc tiling::monitor -f 1
focus < 2 : chunkc tiling::monitor -f 2
focus < 3 : chunkc tiling::monitor -f 3
focus < tab : chunkc tiling::monitor -f next
focus < shift - tab : chunkc tiling::monitor -f prev
# Prefix the above with cmd to change the desktop focus using numbers
# corresponding to desktop or cycle through the monitors using tab and shift -
# tab combination. Note: we do not use chunkwm's fast desktop switching as it
# requires chunk-sa (which injects code into the Insead, we fake
# this by sending keystrokes to mission control, but in order to do so, me must
# exit FOCUS mode, send the gloabl mission control keystroke, and then re-enter
# FOCUS mode, so we remain in focus mode. It's very likely that you'll want to
# change focus of windows after switching desktops, which is why we want to get
# back to FOCUS mode. Finally, due timing issues, we introduce a sleep as the
# standard mode commands are executed before mission control is done with its
# animation. Direct jumping to a window is faster than cycling through
# desktops, so the sleep delays are different.
focus < cmd - 1 : qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "cmd + alt - 1"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; sleep 0.4; chunkc border::color 0xffe06c75
focus < cmd - 2 : qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "cmd + alt - 2"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; sleep 0.4; chunkc border::color 0xffe06c75
focus < cmd - 3 : qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "cmd + alt - 3"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; sleep 0.4; chunkc border::color 0xffe06c75
focus < cmd - tab : qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "ctrl - right"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; sleep 0.75; chunkc border::color 0xffe06c75
focus < cmd + shift - tab : qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "ctrl - left"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; sleep 0.75; chunkc border::color 0xffe06c75
# Change the layout mode of a desktop to one of the three supported modes.
focus < cmd - b : chunkc tiling::desktop --layout bsp # mnemonic: _b_sp
focus < cmd - m : chunkc tiling::desktop --layout monocle # mnemonic: _m_onacle
focus < cmd - f : chunkc tiling::desktop --layout float # mnemonic: _f_loat
# Grid mode bindings are to resize and place floating windows on your desktop
# in well known positions. The standard non-modified keys are used to resize
# the window to the top-half, bottom-half, right-half, left-half, and center of
# screen respectively.
grid < k : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 2:1:0:0:1:1
grid < j : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 2:1:0:1:1:1
grid < l : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 1:2:1:0:1:1
grid < h : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 1:2:0:0:1:1
grid < return : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 6:6:1:1:4:4
# Prefix the above with shift modifier to resize a bit smaller: top-third,
# bottom-third, left-third, right-third, and smaller center.
grid < shift - k : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 3:1:0:0:1:1
grid < shift - j : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 3:1:0:2:1:1
grid < shift - l : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 1:3:2:0:1:1
grid < shift - h : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 1:3:0:0:1:1
grid < shift - return : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 4:4:1:1:2:2
# Prefix with cmd to resize even smaller and place in corners or center.
grid < cmd - k : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 5:5:4:4:1:1
grid < cmd - j : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 5:5:0:4:1:1
grid < cmd - l : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 5:5:4:0:1:1
grid < cmd - h : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 5:5:0:0:1:1
grid < cmd - return : chunkc tiling::window --grid-layout 6:6:2:2:2:2
# Swap windows using standard vi directional keys.
swap < k : chunkc tiling::window --swap north
swap < j : chunkc tiling::window --swap south
swap < l : chunkc tiling::window --swap east
swap < h : chunkc tiling::window --swap west
swap < return : chunkc tiling::window --swap biggest
# Warp windows using standard vi directional keys. These bindings are the same
# whether you are in WARP or WARPNF mode.
warp, warpnf < k : chunkc tiling::window --warp north
warp, warpnf < j : chunkc tiling::window --warp south
warp, warpnf < l : chunkc tiling::window --warp east
warp, warpnf < h : chunkc tiling::window --warp west
warp, warpnf < return : chunkc tiling::window --warp biggest
# Warp window to monitor and follow.
warp < 1 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor 1; chunkc tiling::monitor -f 1
warp < 2 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor 2; chunkc tiling::monitor -f 2
warp < 3 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor 3; chunkc tiling::monitor -f 3
warp < tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor next; chunkc tiling::monitor -f next
warp < shift - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor prev; chunkc tiling::monitor -f prev
# Prefix with cmd to warp window to desktop and follow.
warp < cmd - 1 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 1; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "cmd + alt - 1"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "w"; sleep 0.4; chunkc border::color 0xff98c379
warp < cmd - 2 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 2; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "cmd + alt - 2"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "w"; sleep 0.4; chunkc border::color 0xff98c379
warp < cmd - 3 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 3; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "cmd + alt - 3"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "w"; sleep 0.4; chunkc border::color 0xff98c379
warp < cmd - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop next; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "ctrl - right"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "w"; sleep 0.75; chunkc border::color 0xff98c379
warp < cmd + shift - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop prev; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "ctrl - left"; qes -k "ctrl - space"; qes -k "w"; sleep 0.75; chunkc border::color 0xff98c379
# Warp window to monitor, but do NOT follow.
warpnf < 1 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor 1
warpnf < 2 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor 2
warpnf < 3 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor 3
warpnf < tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor next
warpnf < shift - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-monitor prev
# Prefix with cmd to warp windown to monitor, but do NOT follow.
warpnf < cmd - 1 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 1
warpnf < cmd - 2 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 2
warpnf < cmd - 3 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 3
warpnf < cmd - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop next
warpnf < cmd + shift - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop prev
# Increase size of window using standard vi directional keys.
resize < k : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.05 --adjust-window-edge north
resize < j : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.05 --adjust-window-edge south
resize < l : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.05 --adjust-window-edge east
resize < h : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.05 --adjust-window-edge west
# Prefix the above with shift to decrease size of window using standard vi
# directional keys.
resize < shift - k : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.05 --adjust-window-edge north
resize < shift - j : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.05 --adjust-window-edge south
resize < shift - l : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.05 --adjust-window-edge east
resize < shift - h : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.05 --adjust-window-edge west
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