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Created December 26, 2008 13:37
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name: "tux-say",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "mongolito404", email: "[email protected]"},
license: "GPL",
description: "Read a text with your Tux Droid.",
help: "tux-say Hello World",
takes: {"input": noun_arb_text},
execute: function(msg) {
//Noun yype for Loccutors...
var noun_type_locutor = {
_name: 'Locutor',
_locutors: [],
suggest: function(text, html) {
var suggestions = [];
if (typeof text != "string") {
// Input undefined or not a string
return [];
for ( var x in this._locutors ) {
var word = this._locutors[x].toLowerCase();
if ( word.indexOf( text.toLowerCase() ) > -1 ) {
suggestions.push( CmdUtils.makeSugg(this._locutors[x]) );
return suggestions;
//Get available locutors
jQuery.get('', {},function(data){
noun_type_locutor._locutors ="locutor"), function(locutor){
locutor = jQuery(locutor);
return locutor.text().replace('8k','');
name: "tux-set-locutor",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "mongolito404", email: "[email protected]"},
license: "GPL",
description: "Set the <i>locutor</i> for your Tux Droid.",
takes: {"locutor": noun_type_locutor},
execute: function(input) {
jQuery.get('', {name: input.text});
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