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Last active November 9, 2022 18:19
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Save pbuyle/51d30e80a17920f6df12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Drupal - Migrate existing field content from language "undefined" to entity language in a single hook_update_N() implementation.
* Migrate existing field content from language "undefined" to entity language.
function MODULE_update_N(&$sandbox) {
// Number of entities to be processed for each step.
$messages = array();
if (!isset($sandbox['fields'])) {
// Initialize the array of field to process.
$sandbox['fields'] = array_filter(field_info_fields(), function($field_info) {return $field_info['translatable'];});
foreach (array_keys($sandbox['fields']) as $field_name) {
$sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['context'] = array('sandbox' => array(), 'finished' => 0);
// Search for an unfinished field.
$field_names = array_keys($sandbox['fields']);
$field_name = &reset($field_names);
while ($field_name && $sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['context']['finished'] >= 1) {
$field_name = &next($field_names);
if ($field_name) {
// Process the field.
module_load_include('inc', 'entity_translation', 'entity_translation.admin');
entity_translation_translatable_batch(TRUE, $sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['field_name'], TRUE, $sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['context']);
$sandbox['#finished'] = array_reduce($sandbox['fields'], function($carry, $item) {
return $carry + $item['context']['finished'];
}, 0) / count($sandbox['fields']);
$message_args = array(
'@field_name' => $sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['field_name'],
'@progress' => (new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::PERCENT))->format($sandbox['#finished']),
'@field_progress' => (new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::PERCENT))->format($sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['context']['finished'])
if ($sandbox['fields'][$field_name]['context']['finished'] >= 1) {
$messages[] = format_string('@progress - Done with @field_name.', $message_args);
else {
$messages[] = format_string('@progress - Processing @field_name (@field_progress)... ', $message_args);
else {
// No more field to process, we are done.
$sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
return implode("\n", $messages);
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