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Last active April 13, 2018 10:50
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Fulcro interop with React Higher Order Components (HOC)


React Higher Order Components (HOC) can be used with Fulcro but due to how Fulcro works internally interop/glue code is needed.

Higher Order Components is a pattern in React similar to Decorator pattern in object-oriented programming: you wrap one component class with another component to decorate it with extra behaviour.

Some React reusable components provide HOC components to wrap cross cutting logic needed for the wrapped components to work.

For example google-maps-react provides GoogleApiWrapper HOC that handles dynamic loading and initialisation of Google Maps Javascript library so it doesn't have to be handled manually in every place where Google Maps React component (like Map or Marker) is used. In this particular example, GoogleApiWrapper creates a wrapper component class that behaves in the following way:

  • it will display a placeholder "Loading" component and trigger Google Maps script loading and initialisation
  • when the script loading and initialisation is complete it will replace "Loading" placeholder with the wrapped component

Fulcro and React HOC

So what's the issue with using React HOC in Fulcro Interop:

  • Fulcro will embed React JS components (ones created by HOC)
  • React JS HOC will wrap Fulcro components

In the first case React JS components (like these from google-maps-react) expect props to be plain JavaScript objects, not ClojureScript maps. Fulcro components pass ClojureScript to nested components thus props need to be converted. This part is described in Fulcro Book's chapter on Factory Functions for JS React Components. All we need to do is to have a factory function that will do the conversion. For example:

(ns hoc-example
    [fulcro.client.dom :as dom]
    [fulcro.client.primitives :as prim :refer [defsc]]
    ["google-maps-react" :refer [GoogleApiWrapper Map Marker]]))

(defn factory-apply [js-component-class]
  (fn [props & children]
    (apply js/React.createElement
           (dom/convert-props props) ;; convert-props makes sure that props passed to React.createElement are plain JS object

(def ui-google-map (factory-apply Map)) ;; Fulcro wrapper factory for google-maps-react's Map component
(def ui-map-marker (factory-apply Marker)) ;; Another wrapper factory for Marker component

In the second scenario we will have React JS component passing plain JS object props to our Fulcro component and we need to add a layer that will do JS -> Cljs props conversion.

Let's create our sample Fulcro LocationView component. It queries for view title, location's lat and lng and google which is the Google Maps API object required by google-maps-react components. It's managed by google-maps-react HOC wrapper and provided in props passed in our wrapped component.

(defsc LocationView [this {:keys [title lat lng google]}]
  {:query [:lat :lng :google]}
    (dom/h1 title)
    (dom/div {:style {:width "250px" :height "250px"}}
      (ui-google-map {:google google
                      :zoom 15
                      :initialCenter {:lat lat :lng lng}
                      :style {:width "90%" :height "90%"}}
        (ui-map-marker {:position {:lat lat :lng lng}})))))

Now we need to create a factory for our LocationView. It will need to sneak props as Cljs map so it's available for our wrapped LocationView component:

(defn hoc-wrapper-factory-apply [component-class]
  (fn [props & children]
    (apply js/React.createElement
           #js {:hocFulcroCljPropsPassthrough props}

We also need LocationView factory that will get JS props received from HOC and will recover our Cljs map props enhancing it also with google object provided by HOC. We use "function as child" React pattern.

;; Plain Fulcro factory that will be used in our interop layer.
;; It won't be used directly in our client UI code.
(def ui-location-view-wrapped (prim/factory LocationView)

(defn ui-location-view-interop [js-props]
  (let [fulcro-clj-props (.-hocFulcroCljPropsPassthrough js-props) ;; unwrapping Fulcro Cljs props wrapped by hoc-factory-apply
        google (.-google js-props) ;; we need to extract google object passed by google-maps-react HOC
        props (assoc fulcro-clj-props :google google)] ;; final version of cljs props that has a proper format for our LocationView component
    (ui-location-view-wrapped props)))

Now we can finally create a factory for LocationView component that will be used in our client UI code:

(def ui-location-view
  ;; GoogleApiWrapper is a function returning HOC with specified configuration parameters like API key
  ;; Notice that it's a plain JS function thus it requires it's options to be plain JS map thus #js usage
  (let [hoc (GoogleApiWrapper #js {:apiKey "AIzaSyDAiFHA9fwVjW83jUFjgL43D_KP9EFcIfE"})
        WrappedLocationView (hoc ui-location-view-interop)]
    (hoc-wrapper-factory-apply WrappedLocationView)))

Now we can use our LocationView in our views:

(ui-location-view {:lat 37.778519 :lng -122.405640})

Reusable HOC factory

utils-hoc namespace presented below provides a reusable hoc-factory that can be used to handle all the boilerplate code and interop gluing. It supports :extra-props-fn in the opts argument that can be used to customize the final props passed to the wrapped component. The code below shows its usage where google value from js-props (injected by google-maps-react HOC wrapper) needs to be propagated under :google entry in Cljs props passed to the wrapped LocationView compoent.

(ns utils.hoc
[fulcro.client.primitives :as prim]))
(defn hoc-factory
"Creates a factory for HOC wrapped component class.
extra-props-fn allows for additional customization of props passed to the wrapped component. It will be provided
plain js-props and cljs-props unwrapped from js-props and must return cljs-props with modified contents if needed."
([hoc-wrapper-fn wrapped-component-class]
(hoc-factory hoc-wrapper-fn wrapped-component-class nil))
([hoc-wrapper-fn wrapped-component-class {:keys [extra-props-fn]}]
(let [cljs-props-key (name (gensym "fulcro-cljs-props"))
wrapped-component-factory (prim/factory wrapped-component-class)
js->clj-props-interop (fn js->clj-props-interop [js-props]
(let [clj-props (goog.object/get js-props cljs-props-key)
props (if extra-props-fn
(extra-props-fn js-props clj-props)
(wrapped-component-factory props)))
hoc-wrapped-component-class (hoc-wrapper-fn js->clj-props-interop)]
(fn [props & children]
(apply js/React.createElement
(js-obj cljs-props-key props)
"Example usage"
(defsc LocationView [this {:keys [lat lon google]}]
{:query [:lat :lon :google]}
(dom/div {:style {:width "250px" :height "250px"}}
(ui-google-map {:zoom 15
:google google
:initialCenter {:lat lat :lng lon}
:style {:width "90%" :height "90%"}}
(ui-map-marker {:position {:lat lat :lng lon}}))))
(def google-maps-hoc (gmaps/google-api-wrapper #js {:apiKey "AIzaSyDAiFHA9fwVjW83jUFjgL43D_KP9EFcIfE"}))
(def ui-location-view
{:extra-props-fn (fn propagate-google-api [js-props cljs-props]
(assoc cljs-props :google (goog.object/get js-props "google")))}))
(ui-location-view {:lat 37.778519 :lng -122.405640}))
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