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Last active September 7, 2021 23:57
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  • Save pcaversaccio/f3104105289275c58292f0a3039c57e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This is the decompiled EVM bytecode of 0x3a3051221174a2420a18504Ff39ae9FBB08AE024 using the Panoramix decompiler (
# Panoramix v4 Oct 2019
# Decompiled source of 0x3a3051221174a2420a18504Ff39ae9FBB08AE024
# Let's make the world open source
# I failed with these:
# - unknown10d1e85c(?)
# - unknown5d0b1d4d(?)
# - unknown82552627(?)
# - _fallback()
# All the rest is below.
def storage:
stor1 is addr at storage 1
def unknownefd51aa9(uint256 _param1): # not payable
require calldata.size - 4 >= 32
require caller == stor1
call stor1 with:
value _param1 wei
gas gas_remaining wei
def unknown83a2a6bf(addr _param1, array _param2) payable:
require calldata.size - 4 >= 64
require _param2 <= 4294967296
require _param2 + 36 <= calldata.size
require _param2.length <= 4294967296 and _param2 + _param2.length + 36 <= calldata.size
require caller == stor1
call _param1 with:
value call.value wei
gas gas_remaining wei
args _param2[all]
def unknownd8104200(addr _param1): # not payable
require calldata.size - 4 >= 32
require caller == stor1
require ext_code.size(_param1)
static call _param1.balanceOf(address owner) with:
gas gas_remaining wei
args this.address
if not ext_call.success:
revert with ext_call.return_data[0 len return_data.size]
require return_data.size >= 32
require ext_code.size(_param1)
call _param1.transfer(address to, uint256 value) with:
gas gas_remaining wei
args stor1, ext_call.return_data[0]
if not ext_call.success:
revert with ext_call.return_data[0 len return_data.size]
require return_data.size >= 32
def unknown8240ef48(array _param1, array _param2): # not payable
require calldata.size - 4 >= 256
require _param1 <= 4294967296
require _param1 + 36 <= calldata.size
require _param1.length <= 4294967296 and _param1 + _param1.length + 36 <= calldata.size
require _param2 <= 4294967296
require _param2 + 36 <= calldata.size
require _param2.length <= 4294967296 and _param2 + _param2.length + 36 <= calldata.size
require ext_code.size(0xd06527d5e56a3495252a528c4987003b712860ee)
call 0xd06527d5e56a3495252a528c4987003b712860ee.0xc5ebeaec with:
gas gas_remaining wei
args 8500 * 10^18
if not ext_call.success:
revert with ext_call.return_data[0 len return_data.size]
require return_data.size >= 32
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