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Created September 19, 2014 14:34
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Various Elm signal functions
module Elmz.Signal where
import Elmz.Maybe
{-| Delay the input `Signal` by one unit. -}
delay : a -> Signal a -> Signal a
delay h s =
let go a {prev,cur} = { cur = prev, prev = a }
in foldp go { prev = h, cur = h } s
|> lift .cur
{-| Statefully transform the `a` signal, using `f`. -}
loop : (a -> s -> (b, s))
-> s
-> Signal a
-> Signal (Maybe b)
loop f s a =
let go a (_,s) = case f a s of (b,s) -> (Just b, s)
in fst <~ foldp go (Nothing,s) a
{-| True if `f previous current` is `True`. Initially `False`. -}
unchangedBy : (a -> a -> Bool) -> Signal a -> Signal Bool
unchangedBy f s =
let go a b = case a of
Nothing -> False
Just a -> f a b
in go <~ delay Nothing (lift Just s) ~ s
{-| True if the present value differs from the previous value using `==`. -}
changed : Signal a -> Signal Bool
changed = unchangedBy (/=)
{-| True if the present value equals the previous value using `==`. -}
unchanged : Signal a -> Signal Bool
unchanged = unchangedBy (==)
{-| Accumulates using `foldp` during regions where `cond` is `True`,
starting with the value `z`, otherwise emits `z`. -}
foldpWhen : Signal Bool -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b
foldpWhen cond f z a =
let go (cond,a) b = if cond then f a b else z
in foldp go z ((,) <~ cond ~ a)
{-| Like `foldpWhen`, but uses `z` as the starting value during 'live'
regions, and emits `Nothing` when `cond` is `False`. -}
foldpWhen' : Signal Bool -> (a -> b -> b) -> Signal b -> Signal a -> Signal (Maybe b)
foldpWhen' cond f z a =
let go (a,z) b = case b of Nothing -> Just (f a z)
Just b -> Just (f a b)
in foldpWhen cond go Nothing ((,) <~ a ~ z)
{-| Accumulates into a list using `foldp` during regions where `cond`
is `True`, otherwise emits the empty list. -}
accumulateWhen : Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal [a]
accumulateWhen cond a = foldpWhen cond (::) [] a |> lift reverse
choose : Signal Bool -> Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal a
choose cond a a2 =
let go cond a a2 = if cond then a else a2
in go <~ cond ~ a ~ a2
fromMaybe : Signal a -> Signal (Maybe a) -> Signal a
fromMaybe = lift2 Elmz.Maybe.fromMaybe
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