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Created December 6, 2015 16:12
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Tangram Animation
import Svg exposing (svg, path, g, text, text', rect)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (width, height, viewBox, fill, transform, d, x, y, rx, ry, style, textAnchor)
import Easing exposing (ease, easeOutElastic, float)
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Svg.Events exposing (onClick)
import Time exposing (Time, second)
import StartApp
import Task
type alias Model =
{ angle : Float
, animationState : AnimationState
type alias AnimationState =
Maybe { prevClockTime : Time, elapsedTime: Time }
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init =
( { angle = 0, animationState = Nothing }
, Effects.none
rotateStep = 90
duration = 1 * second
type Action
= Spin
| Tick Time
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update msg model =
case msg of
Spin ->
case model.animationState of
Nothing ->
( model, Effects.tick Tick )
Just _ ->
( model, Effects.none )
Tick clockTime ->
newElapsedTime =
case model.animationState of
Nothing ->
Just {elapsedTime, prevClockTime} ->
elapsedTime + (clockTime - prevClockTime)
if newElapsedTime > duration then
( { angle = model.angle + rotateStep
, animationState = Nothing
, Effects.none
( { angle = model.angle
, animationState = Just { elapsedTime = newElapsedTime, prevClockTime = clockTime }
, Effects.tick Tick
toOffset : AnimationState -> Float
toOffset animationState =
case animationState of
Nothing ->
Just {elapsedTime} ->
ease easeOutElastic float 0 rotateStep duration elapsedTime
trans : ((Float, Float), (Float, Float, Float)) -> Svg.Attribute
trans (t, r) =
(a, x, y) = r
transform <| "translate"++(toString t)++ ", rotate("++(toString a) ++" " ++(toString x)++" " ++ (toString y)++")"
trans2 : ((Float, Float), Float) -> Svg.Attribute
trans2 (t, a) =
transform <| "translate"++(toString t)++ ", rotate("++(toString a) ++")"
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
(angle, dist) = case model.animationState of
Nothing -> (0, 100)
Just {elapsedTime} ->
( ease easeOutElastic float 0 rotateStep duration elapsedTime
, ease easeOutElastic float 100 200 duration elapsedTime)
t1 = trans ((100, 100), (model.angle+ angle, 140, 140))
[ width "560", height "560"] [ g [ width "280", height "280", onClick (Signal.message address Spin)]
[ path [ t1, fill "#7ed13b", d "m7.7 0h133c20.3 20.4 40.7 40.7 61 61-44 .1-88 0-133 0-20.5-20.3-40.8-40.8-61-61"][]
, path [ t1, fill "#5fb4cb", d "m156 0h124v124c-41-41-83-83-124-124"] []
, path [ t1, fill "#596378", d "m0 7.7c44 44 88 88 133 133-44 44-88 88-133 133v-265"] []
, path [ t1, fill "#f0ad00", d "m80 72c40-.1 81-.1 121 0-20.3 20-40 40-61 61-20-20-40-40-60-61"] []
, path [ t1, fill "#7ed13b", d "m214 74c22 21.8 43.8 43.7 66 66v1.1c-22 21.9-43.8 43.9-65.9 65.8-22-22-44-44-66-66 22-22 44-44 66-66"] []
, path [ t1, fill "#5fb4cb", d "m8.6 280c43.9-43.9 88-88 132-132 44 43.8 88 88 132 132h-264"] []
, path [ t1, fill "#f0ad00", d "m222 214c19-19.7 38.8-38.8 58-58v116c-19.4-19.3-38.6-38.8-58-58"] []
app = StartApp.start
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = []}
main = app.html
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Effects.Never ())
port tasks = app.tasks
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