- compile the SendToPort.elm to elm.js
elm-make SendToPort.elm --output elm.js
- open SendToPort.html
module ZipCodes where | |
import Effects exposing (Effects, map, batch, Never) | |
import Html exposing (..) | |
import Html.Attributes exposing (..) | |
import Html.Events exposing (..) | |
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=)) | |
import Task | |
import String | |
import Char |
module SlideShow where | |
import StartApp | |
import Time exposing (second, Time) | |
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, text) | |
import Html.Attributes exposing (style) | |
import Effects exposing (Effects, map, batch, Never) | |
import Array exposing (get, fromList) | |
import Task | |
import Mouse |
module StartApp ( start, Config, App ) where | |
{-| This module helps you start your application in a typical Elm workflow. | |
It assumes you are following [the Elm Architecture][arch] and using | |
[elm-effects][]. From there it will wire everything up for you! | |
**Be sure to [read the Elm Architecture tutorial][arch] to learn how this all | |
works!** | |
[arch]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-architecture-tutorial | |
[elm-effects]: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/evancz/elm-effects/latest |
import Html exposing (..) | |
import Html.Attributes exposing (style, id, type', src) | |
import Html.Events exposing (onClick) | |
import Task exposing (Task, succeed) | |
import StartApp | |
import Effects exposing (Never) | |
import Json.Decode exposing ( (:=), string ) | |
import Http exposing (send, Request, empty, defaultSettings, fromJson ) | |
import Task exposing (andThen) |
import Svg exposing (svg, path, g, text, text', rect) | |
import Svg.Attributes exposing (width, height, viewBox, fill, transform, d, x, y, rx, ry, style, textAnchor) | |
import Easing exposing (ease, easeOutElastic, float) | |
import Effects exposing (Effects) | |
import Html exposing (Html) | |
import Svg.Events exposing (onClick) | |
import Time exposing (Time, second) | |
import StartApp | |
import Task |
module TurnBase (Model, Action, init, update, view, main) where | |
import Effects exposing (Effects) | |
import Html exposing (Html) | |
import Svg exposing (svg, rect, g, text, text') | |
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) | |
import Svg.Events exposing (onClick) | |
import Time exposing (Time, second) | |
import StartApp | |
import Task exposing (Task) |
import Html exposing (..) | |
import Html.Attributes exposing (width, style) | |
import StartApp | |
import Effects exposing (Effects) | |
import Task exposing (Task) | |
import Time exposing (Time) | |
type MainAction = Sidebar Html | Content Html |
module RandomDemo where | |
import Html exposing (..) | |
import Html.Events exposing (onClick) | |
import Random exposing (int, generate) | |
import StartApp | |
import Effects exposing (Effects) |
module Game where | |
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never) | |
import Html exposing (..) | |
import Html.Attributes exposing (..) | |
import Html.Events exposing (..) | |
import String | |
import Time | |
import Task | |
import Random exposing (generate, int, initialSeed) |