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Created November 6, 2020 04:22
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Haskell implementations of Python's built-in Iterator, Iterable, and Sequence types and their associated functions
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Prelude hiding (all, any, length, map)
import Data.Bool (Bool(..), not, otherwise)
import Data.List (reverse)
import qualified Data.List (length)
class Iterator a where
type IteratorElement a :: *
next :: a -> Maybe (a, IteratorElement a)
newtype IteratorState a = NextIterator a
class Iterator (IteratorState a) => Iterable a where
type IterableElement a :: *
iter :: a -> IteratorState a
iter = NextIterator
all :: Boolifiable (IteratorElement (IteratorState a)) => a -> Bool
all as = allHelper (next (iter as)) where
allHelper Nothing = True
allHelper (Just (iterState, a))
| not (bool a) = False
| otherwise = allHelper (next iterState)
any :: Boolifiable (IteratorElement (IteratorState a)) => a -> Bool
any as = anyHelper (next (iter as)) where
anyHelper Nothing = False
anyHelper (Just (iterState, a))
| bool a = True
| otherwise = anyHelper (next iterState)
map :: (IteratorElement (IteratorState a) -> b) -> a -> [b]
map f as = mapHelper (next (iter as)) [] where
mapHelper Nothing bs = reverse bs
mapHelper (Just (iterState, a)) bs = mapHelper (next iterState) (f a : bs)
class Sequence a where
type SequenceElement a :: *
getitem :: a -> Int -> Maybe (SequenceElement a)
seqIter :: a -> IteratorState (a, Int)
seqIter xs = NextIterator (xs, 0)
class Lengthy a where
length :: a -> Int
instance Lengthy [a] where
length = Data.List.length
class Boolifiable a where
bool :: a -> Bool
instance Boolifiable Int where
bool 0 = False
bool _ = True
instance Boolifiable String where
bool "" = False
bool _ = True
instance Iterator (IteratorState [a]) where
type IteratorElement (IteratorState [a]) = a
next (NextIterator []) = Nothing
next (NextIterator (x:xs)) = Just (NextIterator xs, x)
instance Iterator (IteratorState a) => Iterator (IteratorState (IteratorState a)) where
type IteratorElement (IteratorState (IteratorState a)) = IteratorElement (IteratorState a)
next (NextIterator innerIterState) = case next innerIterState of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (nextInnerIterState, element) -> Just (NextIterator nextInnerIterState, element)
instance Iterator (IteratorState a) => Iterable (IteratorState a) where
type IterableElement (IteratorState a) = IteratorElement a
instance Iterable [a] where
type IterableElement [a] = a
instance Sequence [a] where
type SequenceElement [a] = a
getitem [] _ = Nothing
getitem [x] 0 = Just x
getitem (_:xs) i = getitem xs (i - 1)
type SequenceIteratorState a = IteratorState (a, Int)
instance Sequence a => Iterable (a, Int) where
type IterableElement (a, Int) = SequenceElement a
instance Sequence a => Iterator (SequenceIteratorState a) where
type IteratorElement (SequenceIteratorState a) = SequenceElement a
next (NextIterator (xs, idx)) = case getitem xs idx of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> Just (NextIterator (xs, idx + 1), x)
data Cons a
= Nil
| a :> (Cons a)
instance Sequence (Cons a) where
type SequenceElement (Cons a) = a
getitem Nil _ = Nothing
getitem (x:>_) 0 = Just x
getitem (_:>xs) i = getitem xs (i - 1)
someSequenceElement :: Maybe String
someSequenceElement = snd <$> next (seqIter ("hello" :> Nil))
someList :: [String]
someList = ["a", "b", "c"]
someElement :: Maybe String
someElement = snd <$> next (iter (iter someList))
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (any someList)
print (all someList)
print (map length someList)
print (getitem someList 2)
print someElement
print someSequenceElement
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