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Created December 30, 2019 15:51
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Save pdc4444/a11a92e90e84d307cbe5a5d55c70b863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates ark shortcuts on your desktop to quickly join a server.
* The purpose of this script is to create custom ark shortcuts on your desktop that automatically will connect you to the server of your choosing.
* This avoids Wildcard's dumb menu which is currently bugged out and will sometimes crash your game :(
* Another reason for this script's existence is the fact that I can't put a hostname into the shortcut and have it automatically be resolved (it has to be an ip address).
* Code Flow:
* - Get the ip address to
* - Generate a custom vbs script for every server
* - Create the shortcut for that server on the desktop
* - Clean up remaining files
* Things to consider:
* - Not all Ark servers have a hostname
* - Variables like server name and ports and user folder data are all hardcoded
* - This script probably isn't very user friendly to begin with because it's running a php based .vbs wrapper and automation requires
* using windows task manager.
* - Maybe I should add in a method to add to windows task scheduler?
* - Maybe add in a configurable ini file?
* vbs code was used from this source. Thank you fellow developer!
$servers = [
'TheIsland' => 60101,
'Extinction' => 60105,
'Scorched_Earth' => 60109,
'The_Center' => 60113,
'Ragnarok' => 60117,
'Abberation' => 60121,
'Dev_VM' => 60125
$ip_address = resolveHostnameIP();
$password = ''; //Intentionally left blank for now
//Change our working directory to the shortcut folder
$shortcut_folder = 'C:' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Users' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Peter' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Desktop';
$ark_binary_location =
foreach ($servers as $name => $port) {
//Generate the raw .vbs script
$script_name = 'ark_shortcut.vbs';
$script_loc = $shortcut_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $script_name;
//Remove the script if it exists already (should only happen if the script ever fails in the middle of processing)
if (file_exists($script_loc) !== FALSE) {
$shortcut_name = 'Ark_' . $name;
$shortcut_location = $shortcut_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $shortcut_name . '.lnk';
$script = createShortcutScript($ip_address, $port, $password);
file_put_contents($script_loc, $script);
//Run the script!
$shell_cmd = $script_name . ' /target:"' . $ark_binary_location . '" /shortcut:"' . $shortcut_name;
//Clean up the generated script
function resolveHostnameIP()
$shell_cmd = 'ping';
$results = shell_exec($shell_cmd);
$result_array = explode("\n", $results);
$result_line = null;
foreach ($result_array as $result) {
if (strpos($result, '') !== FALSE) {
$result_line = $result;
if ($result_line !== null) {
$result_line_array = explode('[', $result_line);
$raw_ip = trim(explode(']', $result_line_array[1])[0]);
} else {
//Unable to resolve Hostname so leave the shortcuts alone and exit
return $raw_ip;
function createShortcutScript($ip, $port, $password)
$line = 'set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")';
$line .= "\n" . 'set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(Wscript.Arguments.Named("shortcut") & ".lnk")';
$line .= "\n" . 'oShellLink.Arguments = "+connect ' . $ip . ':' . $port . ' +password " & Chr(34) & "' . $password . '" & Chr(34)';
$line .= "\n" . 'oShellLink.TargetPath = Wscript.Arguments.Named("target")';
$line .= "\n" . 'oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1';
$line .= "\n" . 'oShellLink.Save';
return $line;
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