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I'm also getting ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature exception.
Using Rails 4.2.2.
I'm calling the method as follows:
decrypt_session_cookie(params["session_id"], ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"])
Where params["session_id"] is the cookie value being passed via ajax from a chrome extension to my app.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Same experience as @jordan-brough. I removed Marshal.load
and it worked.
@nvanexan, did you manage to get rid of the ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature exception? I also get this exception...
Never mind @nvanexan, just figured it out. Had secret_key_base set both in a secrets.yml and in secret_token.rb, with different values, causing the confusion...
For some strange reason when I tried to copy the key from Chrome it was not copying anything after the --
at the end, and that was giving me the exception above. I ended up having to type the last 32 chars by hand! Then it worked.
@robvandijk Thanks for posting about "secret_key_base set both in a secrets.yml and in secret_token.rb". That was just the clue I needed to solve a problem!
For anyone else who stumbles upon this, here's the updated script to actually use the key_size variable:
require 'rubygems'
require 'cgi'
require 'active_support'
require 'action_controller'
def decrypt_session_cookie(cookie, key)
cookie = CGI::unescape(cookie)
# Default values for Rails 5 apps
key_iter_num = 1000
key_size = 32
salt = "encrypted cookie"
signed_salt = "signed encrypted cookie"
key_generator = ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator.new(key, iterations: key_iter_num)
secret = key_generator.generate_key(salt)[0..key_size-1]
sign_secret = key_generator.generate_key(signed_salt)
encryptor = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(secret, sign_secret, serializer: ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::NullSerializer)
puts encryptor.decrypt_and_verify(cookie)
cookie = 'WUtLMGhlSlovNjh0ZG83OThCdzdUZDFETEhRSEUrU2cwQlB0K1JZNTNUVkRGMUs3ZUw0UmdNL3dvUnZNNzA2RmVxbk96Y0lJUTh1WnJHNE1nbnk1OCtuNEFQeTN4M0Y5OGlobkVXWTFzfaopef9RVTV1UnM4eTRIV09VQ1Y3RzNLT0pWd2hZQ3JnQnlRNHhUckRlakxlNkozQmZNbWNnYnZ3enA1b1Y0RjB4YnJyVEdMWkFOUGxiVEdmSkdsZ3NDOU84MnpZdE5LdFZRdkM1NVBjZWxmZURXY2lpTmFoMXJ6TnJzSk44NkFWcm9vdE0rV213YmMwbDVKWldrVldPbFl3V2ovS3BSRFRkaDc5TllXc0lKZVNmQ3c9PS0tT1ZCWXVoNzVreUJMWUZIdkp3QW5iQT09--fc7bfe14e7cc19c625b416e8e4bde934959bd791'
key = Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base
decrypt_session_cookie(cookie, key)
This worked for me except that I didn't need the
. It blew up with:The rest worked.
Also FYI the
variable is unused.