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# survival Survival | |
#(0 = No; 1 = Yes) | |
#pclass Passenger Class | |
#(1 = 1st; 2 = 2nd; 3 = 3rd) | |
#name Name | |
#sex Sex | |
#age Age | |
#sibsp Number of Siblings/Spouses Aboard | |
#parch Number of Parents/Children Aboard | |
#ticket Ticket Number | |
#fare Passenger Fare | |
#cabin Cabin | |
#embarked Port of Embarkation | |
#(C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton) | |
install.packages('rattle') | |
install.packages('RGtk2') | |
install.packages('rpart.plot') | |
install.packages('RColorBrewer') | |
install.packages('randomForest') | |
install.packages('party') | |
# Set working directory and import datafiles | |
setwd("~/git/hackaton-data-science") | |
library(readr) | |
train <- read_csv("train.csv") | |
View(train) | |
# Sum up number of those who survived and those who didn't | |
table(train$Survived) | |
# Evaluate % of survivors per sex and age (child / adult) | |
train$Child <- 0 | |
train$Child[train$Age < 18] <- 1 | |
aggregate(Survived ~ Child + Sex, data=train, FUN=function(x) {sum(x)/length(x)}) | |
# ^ we can do it naively here - each adult male dies, each adult female survives | |
# instead of looking up patterns manually (e.g. gender, age and how they relate to death rate), | |
# let's use decision trees. Greedy, scans all of the variables for the best one to split on. | |
# The way it measures this is to make the split on the variable that results in the most pure | |
# nodes below | |
library(rattle) | |
library(rpart.plot) | |
library(RColorBrewer) | |
fit <- rpart(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked, | |
data=train, | |
method="class") | |
fancyRpartPlot(fit) | |
train$Prediction <- predict(fit, train, type = "class") | |
mean(train$Prediction == train$Survived) # [1] 0.8395062 | |
# ---------- | |
# Let's do some feature engineering and take into account data that we didn't look at before: | |
# title (Mr, Ms, Mrs etc.), family size and family ID (maybe one family was more likely to | |
# survive than other) | |
# Let's use test data to make our data set for building decisions bigger | |
test <- read_csv("test.csv") | |
test$Survived <- NA | |
test$Prediction <- NA | |
test$Child <- 0 | |
test$Child[test$Age < 18] <- 1 | |
View(test) | |
combi <- rbind(train, test) | |
# Extract titles... | |
combi$Name <- as.character(combi$Name) | |
combi$Title <- sapply(combi$Name, FUN=function(x) {strsplit(x, split='[,.]')[[1]][2]}) | |
combi$Title <- sub(' ', '', combi$Title) | |
combi$Title[combi$Title %in% c('Mme', 'Mlle')] <- 'Mlle' | |
combi$Title[combi$Title %in% c('Capt', 'Don', 'Major', 'Sir')] <- 'Sir' | |
combi$Title[combi$Title %in% c('Dona', 'Lady', 'the Countess', 'Jonkheer')] <- 'Lady' | |
combi$Title <- factor(combi$Title) | |
table(combi$Title) # YES, YES, YES! | |
# Extract family size... | |
combi$FamilySize <- combi$SibSp + combi$Parch + 1 | |
# Extract family ID (we'll use family size + surname composite key) | |
combi$Surname <- sapply(combi$Name, FUN=function(x) {strsplit(x, split='[,.]')[[1]][1]}) | |
combi$FamilyID <- paste(as.character(combi$FamilySize), combi$Surname, sep="") | |
combi$FamilyID[combi$FamilySize <= 2] <- 'Small' | |
famIDs <- data.frame(table(combi$FamilyID)) | |
famIDs <- famIDs[famIDs$Freq <= 2,] | |
combi$FamilyID[combi$FamilyID %in% famIDs$Var1] <- 'Small' | |
combi$FamilyID <- factor(combi$FamilyID) | |
train <- combi[1:891,] | |
test <- combi[892:1309,] | |
fit <- rpart(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize + FamilyID, | |
data=train, | |
method="class") | |
train$Prediction <- predict(fit, train, type = "class") | |
mean(train$Prediction == train$Survived) # [1] 0.8552189 | |
Prediction <- predict(fit, test, type = "class") | |
submit <- data.frame(PassengerId = test$PassengerId, Survived = Prediction) | |
write.csv(submit, file = "feature_engineering.csv", row.names = FALSE) # 0.79426 | |
# Mean looks nice, but still, tree can be overfitted. Let's use random forest now. | |
# Take a large collection of individually imperfect models, and their one-off mistakes | |
# are probably not going to be made by the rest of them. If we average the results of | |
# all these models, we can sometimes find a superior model from their combination than | |
# any of the individual parts. | |
# rpart has a great advantage in that it can use surrogate variables when it encounters | |
# NA value. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for random forest. In our dataset there | |
# are a lot of age values missing and we need to fix it first. | |
# And lets use decision tree to do it! | |
Agefit <- rpart(Age ~ Pclass + Sex + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Embarked + Title + FamilySize, | |
data=combi[!$Age),], | |
method="anova") | |
combi$Age[$Age)] <- predict(Agefit, combi[$Age),]) | |
# Also, Embarked and Fare are missing | |
# just two Embarked missing so let's just hardcode them... | |
combi$Embarked[c(62,830)] = "S" | |
combi$Embarked <- factor(combi$Embarked) | |
# only one Fare is missing, let's replace it with a median fare | |
combi$Fare[1044] <- median(combi$Fare, na.rm=TRUE) | |
# Another problem: Random Forests in R can only digest factors with up to 32 levels. | |
# Our FamilyID variable had almost double that. Let's manually reduce the number of | |
# levels to keep it under the threshold. | |
combi$FamilyID2 <- combi$FamilyID | |
combi$FamilyID2 <- as.character(combi$FamilyID2) | |
combi$FamilyID2[combi$FamilySize <= 3] <- 'Small' | |
combi$FamilyID2 <- factor(combi$FamilyID2) | |
# Let's build random forest now!!! | |
library(randomForest) | |
set.seed(415) | |
fit <- randomForest(as.factor(Survived) ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + | |
Embarked + Title + FamilySize + FamilyID2, | |
data=train, | |
importance=TRUE, | |
ntree=2000) | |
train$Prediction <- predict(fit, train, type = "class") | |
mean(train$Prediction == train$Survived) # [1] 0.8552189 | |
Prediction <- predict(fit, test, type = "class") | |
submit <- data.frame(PassengerId = test$PassengerId, Survived = Prediction) | |
write.csv(submit, file = "random_forest.csv", row.names = FALSE) | |
# Let's try a forest of conditional inference trees. They make their decisions in slightly | |
# different ways, using a statistical test rather than a purity measure, but the basic | |
# construction of each tree is fairly similar. | |
library (party) | |
sapply(train, class) | |
set.seed(415) | |
train$Sex <- factor(train$Sex) | |
train$Embarked <- factor(train$Embarked) | |
fit <- cforest(as.factor(Survived) ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + | |
Embarked + Title + FamilySize + FamilyID, | |
data = train, | |
controls = cforest_unbiased(ntree=2000, mtry=3)) | |
train$Prediction <- predict(fit, train, type = "class") | |
mean(train$Prediction == train$Survived) # [1] 0.8552189 | |
Prediction <- predict(fit, test, OOB=TRUE, type = "response") | |
submit <- data.frame(PassengerId = test$PassengerId, Survived = Prediction) | |
write.csv(submit, file = "conditional_inference_trees.csv", row.names = FALSE) | |
# RESULTS on test data (kaggle) | |
# feature_engineering 0.79426 | |
# decision_trees 0.79426 // no improvement here :( | |
# conditional_inference_trees 0.80861 |
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