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Last active January 23, 2019 14:28
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Save pe7er/f73b5c6cf70d8952d01a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EU country VAT rates + tax zones for Hikashop (webshop for Joomla)
/*! European Union country VAT rates + tax zones for Hikashop (webshop for Joomla)
by Peter Martin
Twitter: @pe7er
Currently, before January 1st 2015, VAT on e-services (like telecommunications, radio & television
broadcasting and electronic services) to consumers (and businesses without VAT number) within the EU,
is charged based on the location (EU country) of the seller.
Starting on January 1st 2015, the VAT on e-services must be calculated based on the end customer’s
location (address on invoice).
This SQL file is to configure your Hikashop to comply with those rates.
The file is 'as is' and use it on your own responsibility.
Note: change #__ with the prefix used in your database.
* Create records for all EU Countries + their local VAT Tax Rates per 1 January 2015
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (AT)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (BE)', 0.21000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (BG)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (CY)', 0.19000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (CZ)', 0.21000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (HR)', 0.25000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (DK)', 0.25000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (EE)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (FI)', 0.24000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (FR)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (DE)', 0.19000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (GR)', 0.23000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (HU)', 0.27000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (IE)', 0.23000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (IT)', 0.22000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (LV)', 0.21000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (LT)', 0.21000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (LU)', 0.17000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (MT)', 0.18000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (NL)', 0.21000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (PL)', 0.23000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (PT)', 0.23000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (RO)', 0.24000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (SK)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (SI)', 0.22000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (ES)', 0.21000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (SE)', 0.25000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (GB)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT (GB)', 0.20000);
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_tax` (`tax_namekey`, `tax_rate`) VALUES('VAT Exempt', 0.00000);
* Create new Tax Category for electronic goods and services
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_category` (`category_id`, `category_parent_id`, `category_type`,
`category_name`, `category_description`, `category_published`, `category_ordering`,
`category_left`, `category_right`, `category_depth`, `category_namekey`, `category_created`,
`category_modified`, `category_access`, `category_menu`, `category_keywords`,
`category_meta_description`, `category_layout`, `category_page_title`, `category_alias`,
`category_site_id`, `category_canonical`, `category_quantity_layout`) VALUES(0, 3, 'tax',
'Electronic goods & services', '<p>Until January 1st 2015, within the EU the&nbsp;VAT on
e-services (like telecommunications, radio &amp; television broadcasting and electronic services)
to consumers (and businesses without VAT number) is charged based on the location (EU country) of
the seller. <br /> <br />Starting on January 1st 2015, the VAT on e-services to consumers within
the EU must be calculated based on the end customer’s location (address on invoice).<br />
<br />See <a href=""></a>
</p>', 1, 2, 7, 8, 2, 'tax_eservices', 0, 0, 'all', 0, '', '', '', '', 'electronic-goods-services',
'', '', '');
* Create new Taxation rules for all EU countries for "eservice" products.
Digital goods and services that are sold to:
- customers in EU countries are taxed on the rate of the customer's country
- businesses *without* VAT number in EU countries are taxed on the rate of the business's country
- businesses *with* VAT number in EU countries will be taxed under "VAT Exempt"
Note: Selling digital goods or services to customers and businesses in your own country
should be taxed on your country's VAT tax. Change it after you have imported via
Joomla back-end: Components > Hikashop > System > Taxes.
INSERT INTO `#__hikashop_taxation` (`taxation_id`, `zone_namekey`, `category_namekey`, `tax_namekey`, `taxation_published`, `taxation_type`, `taxation_access`, `taxation_cumulative`, `taxation_post_code`, `taxation_date_start`, `taxation_date_end`, `taxation_internal_code`, `taxation_note`, `taxation_site_id`) VALUES
(0, 'country_Austria_14', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (AT)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Austria_14', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (AT)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Austria_14', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Belgium_21', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (BE)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Belgium_21', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (BE)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Belgium_21', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Bulgaria_33', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (BG)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Bulgaria_33', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (BG)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Bulgaria_33', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Croatia_53', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (CY)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Croatia_53', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (CY)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Croatia_53', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Cyprus_55', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (CZ)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Cyprus_55', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (CZ)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Cyprus_55', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Croatia_53', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (HR)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Croatia_53', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (HR)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Croatia_53', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Denmark_57', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (DK)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Denmark_57', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (DK)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Denmark_57', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Estonia_67', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (EE)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Estonia_67', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (EE)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Estonia_67', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Finland_72', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (FI)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Finland_72', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (FI)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Finland_72', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_France_73', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (FR)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_France_73', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (FR)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_France_73', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Germany_81', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (DE)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Germany_81', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (DE)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Germany_81', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Greece_84', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (GR)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Greece_84', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (GR)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Greece_84', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Hungary_97', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (HU)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Hungary_97', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (HU)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Hungary_97', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Ireland_103', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (IE)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Ireland_103', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (IE)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Ireland_103', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Italy_105', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (IT)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Italy_105', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (IT)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Italy_105', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Latvia_117', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (LV)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Latvia_117', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (LV)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Latvia_117', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Lithuania_123', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (LT)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Lithuania_123', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (LT)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Lithuania_123', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Luxembourg_124', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (LU)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Luxembourg_124', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (LU)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Luxembourg_124', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Malta_132', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (MT)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Malta_132', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (MT)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Malta_132', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Netherlands_150', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (NL)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Netherlands_150', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (NL)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Netherlands_150', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Poland_170', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (PL)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Poland_170', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (PL)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Poland_170', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Portugal_171', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (PT)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Portugal_171', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (PT)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Portugal_171', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Romania_175', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (RO)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Romania_175', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (RO)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Romania_175', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Slovakia_189', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (SK)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Slovakia_189', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (SK)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Slovakia_189', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Slovenia_190', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (SI)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Slovenia_190', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (SI)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Slovenia_190', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Spain_195', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (ES)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Spain_195', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (ES)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Spain_195', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Sweden_203', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (SE)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Sweden_203', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (SE)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_Sweden_203', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_United_Kingdom_222', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (GB)', 1, 'company_without_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_United_Kingdom_222', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT (GB)', 1, 'individual', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', ''),
(0, 'country_United_Kingdom_222', 'tax_eservices', 'VAT Exempt', 1, 'company_with_vat_number', 'all', 0, '', 0, 0, '', '', '');
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