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Forked from michalc/
Created January 30, 2024 12:54
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Use libsqlite3 directly from Python with ctypes: without using the built-in sqlite3 Python package, and without compiling anything
# From, which is itself inspired by
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import namedtuple
from ctypes import cdll, byref, string_at, c_char_p, c_int, c_double, c_int64, c_void_p
from ctypes.util import find_library
from sys import platform
def query(db_file, sql, params=()):
libsqlite3 = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library('sqlite3'))
libsqlite3.sqlite3_errstr.restype = c_char_p
libsqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg.restype = c_char_p
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_name.restype = c_char_p
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_double.restype = c_double
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_int64.restype = c_int64
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_blob.restype = c_void_p
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_bytes.restype = c_int64
bind = {
type(0): libsqlite3.sqlite3_bind_int64,
type(0.0): libsqlite3.sqlite3_bind_double,
type(''): lambda pp_stmt, i, value: libsqlite3.sqlite3_bind_text(pp_stmt, i, value.encode('utf-8'), len(value.encode('utf-8')), SQLITE_TRANSIENT),
type(b''): lambda pp_stmt, i, value: libsqlite3.sqlite3_bind_blob(pp_stmt, i, value, len(value), SQLITE_TRANSIENT),
type(None): lambda pp_stmt, i, _: libsqlite3.sqlite3_bind_null(pp_stmt, i),
extract = {
1: libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_int64,
2: libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_double,
3: lambda pp_stmt, i: string_at(
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_blob(pp_stmt, i),
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_bytes(pp_stmt, i),
4: lambda pp_stmt, i: string_at(
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_blob(pp_stmt, i),
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_bytes(pp_stmt, i),
5: lambda pp_stmt, i: None,
def run(func, *args):
res = func(*args)
if res != 0:
raise Exception(libsqlite3.sqlite3_errstr(res).decode())
def run_with_db(db, func, *args):
if func(*args) != 0:
raise Exception(libsqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(db).decode())
def get_db(db_file):
db = c_void_p()
run(libsqlite3.sqlite3_open_v2, db_file.encode(), byref(db), SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, None)
yield db
run_with_db(db, libsqlite3.sqlite3_close, db)
def get_pp_stmt(db, sql):
pp_stmt = c_void_p()
run_with_db(db, libsqlite3.sqlite3_prepare_v3, db, sql.encode(), -1, 0, byref(pp_stmt), None)
yield pp_stmt
run_with_db(db, libsqlite3.sqlite3_finalize, pp_stmt)
with \
get_db(db_file) as db, \
get_pp_stmt(db, sql) as pp_stmt:
for i, param in enumerate(params):
run_with_db(db, bind[type(param)], pp_stmt, i + 1, param)
row_constructor = namedtuple('Row', (
libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_name(pp_stmt, i).decode()
for i in range(0, libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_count(pp_stmt))
while True:
res = libsqlite3.sqlite3_step(pp_stmt)
if res == SQLITE_DONE:
if res != SQLITE_ROW:
raise Exception(libsqlite3.sqlite3_errstr(res).decode())
yield row_constructor(*(
extract[libsqlite3.sqlite3_column_type(pp_stmt, i)](pp_stmt, i)
for i in range(0, len(row_constructor._fields))
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