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Created August 26, 2020 13:40
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neopixel bus multipin output using buffer blt layoutmap
// test parallel output on multiple pins on ESP32 using RMT technique against RGB fans (ws2812b leds)
// 8 channels (pins) are possible with this ESP32 RMT method.
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <arduino.h>
// manually configure these params:
const uint16_t strip01_PixelCount = 18;
const uint8_t strip01_PixelPin = 2;
const uint16_t strip02_PixelCount = 18;
const uint8_t strip02_PixelPin = 13;
// calculate total pixel count for use later:
const uint16_t totalPixelCount = strip01_PixelCount + strip02_PixelCount;
// these are the "output" objects, but we'll use a "buffer" to collect the led color info, then assign peices of the buffer to these real pins:
NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, NeoEsp32Rmt0Ws2812xMethod> strip01(strip01_PixelCount, strip01_PixelPin);
NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, NeoEsp32Rmt1Ws2812xMethod> strip02(strip02_PixelCount, strip02_PixelPin);
// create the "input" LED array to store the LED data, use the "buffer" method so the LEDs array can be used later:
// wants name, width, height, pixels
// The buffer is a bitmap. so it has a height, width. Our use case is a single "strip" of leds put together by WLED
// so the width of this bitmap really represents our total pixel count:
NeoBuffer<NeoBufferMethod<NeoGrbFeature>> strip00(totalPixelCount,1,NULL);
#define colorSaturation 128
RgbColor red(colorSaturation, 0, 0);
RgbColor green(0, colorSaturation, 0);
RgbColor blue(0, 0, colorSaturation);
RgbColor white(colorSaturation);
RgbColor black(0);
HslColor hslRed(red);
HslColor hslGreen(green);
HslColor hslBlue(blue);
HslColor hslWhite(white);
HslColor hslBlack(black);
// create a new layout map for later use to move the buffer pixels out to NeoPixelBus objects
// in our case, width is equal to total pixel count, and height is 1, since its not a panel.
// create a "NeoTopology" object, named "topo" that defines a qty to fill into.
// This is measured in pixels, so the first entry is "1", instead of "0" as used the coordinate system.
NeoTopology<RowMajorLayout> topo(totalPixelCount, 1);
uint16_t LayoutMap(int16_t x, int16_t y)
return topo.MapProbe(x, y);
void setup()
// required init:
// reset them to off:
// set the entire buffer to black color to set off for all pixels:
void loop()
// assign color to the buffer object LEDs instead: (notice the x/y coordiinate, just use 0 since we're using a "single row" bitmap)
strip00.SetPixelColor(35,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(34,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(33,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(32,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(31,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(30,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(29,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(28,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(27,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(26,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(25,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(24,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(23,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(22,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(21,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(20,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(19,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(18,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(17,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(16,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(15,0, blue);
strip00.SetPixelColor(14,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(13,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(12,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(11,0, blue);
strip00.SetPixelColor(10,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(9,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(8,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(7,0, blue);
strip00.SetPixelColor(6,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(5,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(4,0, green);
strip00.SetPixelColor(3,0, blue);
strip00.SetPixelColor(2,0, white);
strip00.SetPixelColor(1,0, red);
strip00.SetPixelColor(0,0, green);
// now we need to divy out the pixels from the buffer (NeoBuffer object) to the actual strips (NeoPixelBus objects)
// use the more complicated form of the Blt method:
// send pixels from strip00 using Blt, to strip01, starting at buffer index 0,0 (width,height coordinate of starting pixel), to strip01's starting coordinate 0,0, consisting of: 18 pixels wide, 1 pixel tall.
// using the LayoutMap
strip00.Blt(strip01, 0, 0, 0, 0, strip01_PixelCount, 1, LayoutMap);
// send pixels from strip00 using Blt, to strip02, starting at buffer index 18,0 (width,height coordinate of starting pixel), to strip01's starting coordinate 0,0 consisting of: 18 pixels wide, 1 pixel tall, using the layoutmap.
strip00.Blt(strip02, 18, 0, 0, 0, 18, 1, LayoutMap);
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