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Created May 4, 2022 18:56
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leapjs typings
declare module "leapjs" {
* When creating a Controller object, you may optionally pass in options
* to set the host , set the port, or select the frame event type.
* ```javascript
* var controller = new Leap.Controller({
* host: '',
* port: 6437,
* frameEventName: 'animationFrame'
* });
* ```
* @class Controller
* @memberof Leap
* @classdesc
* The Controller class is your main interface to the Leap Motion Controller.
* Create an instance of this Controller class to access frames of tracking data
* and configuration information. Frame data can be polled at any time using the
* [Controller.frame]{@link Leap.Controller#frame}() function. Call frame() or frame(0) to get the most recent
* frame. Set the history parameter to a positive integer to access previous frames.
* A controller stores up to 60 frames in its frame history.
* Polling is an appropriate strategy for applications which already have an
* intrinsic update loop, such as a game.
* loopWhileDisconnected defaults to true, and maintains a 60FPS frame rate even when Leap Motion is not streaming
* data at that rate (such as no hands in frame). This is important for VR/WebGL apps which rely on rendering for
* regular visual updates, including from other input devices. Flipping this to false should be considered an
* optimization for very specific use-cases.
export class Controller extends import("events").EventEmitter {
constructor(opts: {
inNode?: boolean;
frameEventName?: "animationFrame" | "deviceFrame";
suppressAnimationLoop?: boolean;
loopWhileDisconnected?: boolean;
useAllPlugins?: boolean;
checkVersion?: boolean;
animationFrameRequested: boolean;
onAnimationFrame(timestamp: number): void;
suppressAnimationLoop: boolean;
loopWhileDisconnected: boolean;
frameEventName: "animationFrame" | "deviceFrame";
useAllPlugins: boolean;
history: CircularBuffer;
lastFrame: Frame;
lastValidFrame: Frame;
lastConnectionFrame: Frame;
checkVersion: boolean;
// connectionType = opts.connectionType;
// connection = new this.connectionType(opts);
streamingCount: number;
devices: {};
plugins = {};
// this._pluginPipelineSteps = {};
// this._pluginExtendedMethods = {};
setBackground(state: any): this;
setOptimizeHMD(state: any): this;
inBrowser(): boolean;
useAnimationLoop(): boolean;
inBackgroundPage(): boolean;
connect(): this;
streaming(): boolean;
connected(): boolean;
startAnimationLoop(): void;
disconnect(): this;
frame(num: number): Frame;
loop(callback?: { [eventName: string]: Function } | Function): this;
addStep(step): void;
processFinishedFrame(frame: Frame): void;
emitHandEvents(frame: Frame): void;
setupFrameEvents(opts: any): void;
setupConnectionEvents(): void;
checkOutOfDate(): boolean;
plugin<Factory extends Function>(
pluginName: string,
factory: Factory
): Factory;
plugins(): string[];
use(pluginName: string, options: any): this;
stopUsing(pluginName: string): this;
useRegisteredPlugins(): void;
* Frame instances created with this constructor are invalid.
* Get valid Frame objects by calling the
* [Controller.frame]{@link Leap.Controller#frame}() function.
* @class Frame
* @memberof Leap
* @classdesc
* The Frame class represents a set of hand and finger tracking data detected
* in a single frame.
* The Leap detects hands, fingers within the tracking area, reporting
* their positions, orientations and motions in frames at the Leap frame rate.
* Access Frame objects using the [Controller.frame]{@link Leap.Controller#frame}() function.
export class Frame {
constructor(data: Frame["data"]);
data: {
id: string;
timestamp: number;
t?: any;
r?: any;
s?: any;
currentFrameRate: number;
pointables: Pointable[];
* Reports whether this Frame instance is valid.
* A valid Frame is one generated by the Controller object that contains
* tracking data for all detected entities. An invalid Frame contains no
* actual tracking data, but you can call its functions without risk of a
* undefined object exception. The invalid Frame mechanism makes it more
* convenient to track individual data across the frame history. For example,
* you can invoke:
* ```javascript
* var finger = controller.frame(n).finger(fingerID);
* ```
* for an arbitrary Frame history value, "n", without first checking whether
* frame(n) returned a null object. (You should still check that the
* returned Finger instance is valid.)
* @member valid
* @type {Boolean}
valid: boolean;
* A unique ID for this Frame. Consecutive frames processed by the Leap
* have consecutive increasing values.
* @member id
* @memberof Leap.Frame.prototype
* @type {String}
id: string;
* The frame capture time in microseconds elapsed since the Leap started.
* @member timestamp
* @memberof Leap.Frame.prototype
* @type {number}
timestamp: number;
* The list of Hand objects detected in this frame, given in arbitrary order.
* The list can be empty if no hands are detected.
* @member hands[]
* @memberof Leap.Frame.prototype
* @type {Leap.Hand}
hands: Hand[];
handsmap: {};
* The list of Pointable objects (fingers) detected in this frame,
* given in arbitrary order. The list can be empty if no fingers are
* detected.
* @member pointables[]
* @memberof Leap.Frame.prototype
* @type {Leap.Pointable}
pointables: Pointable[];
pointablesMap: {};
* The list of Finger objects detected in this frame, given in arbitrary order.
* The list can be empty if no fingers are detected.
* @member fingers[]
* @memberof Leap.Frame.prototype
* @type {Leap.Pointable}
fingers: Finger[];
* The InteractionBox associated with the current frame.
* @member interactionBox
* @memberof Leap.Frame.prototype
* @type {Leap.InteractionBox}
interactionBox?: InteractionBox;
currentFrameRate: number;
* used by event emitting
type: "frame";
postprocessData(data?: Frame["data"]);
* Adds data from a pointable element into the pointablesMap;
* also adds the pointable to the frame.handsMap hand to which it belongs,
* and to the hand's fingers map.
* @param pointable {Pointable} a Pointable
addPointable(pointable: Pointable): void;
* The Pointable object with the specified ID in this frame.
* Use the Frame pointable() function to retrieve the Pointable object from
* this frame using an ID value obtained from a previous frame.
* This function always returns a Pointable object, but if no finger
* with the specified ID is present, an invalid Pointable object is returned.
* Note that ID values persist across frames, but only until tracking of a
* particular object is lost. If tracking of a finger is lost and subsequently
* regained, the new Pointable object representing that finger may have
* a different ID than that representing the finger in an earlier frame.
* @method pointable
* @param {String} id The ID value of a Pointable object from a previous frame.
* @returns {Pointable} The Pointable object with
* the matching ID if one exists in this frame;
* otherwise, an invalid Pointable object is returned.
pointable(id: string): Pointable;
* The finger with the specified ID in this frame.
* Use the Frame finger() function to retrieve the finger from
* this frame using an ID value obtained from a previous frame.
* This function always returns a Finger object, but if no finger
* with the specified ID is present, an invalid Pointable object is returned.
* Note that ID values persist across frames, but only until tracking of a
* particular object is lost. If tracking of a finger is lost and subsequently
* regained, the new Pointable object representing that physical finger may have
* a different ID than that representing the finger in an earlier frame.
* @method finger
* @param {String} id The ID value of a finger from a previous frame.
* @returns {Pointable} The finger with the
* matching ID if one exists in this frame; otherwise, an invalid Pointable
* object is returned.
finger(id: string): ReturnType<Frame["pointable"]>;
* The Hand object with the specified ID in this frame.
* Use the Frame hand() function to retrieve the Hand object from
* this frame using an ID value obtained from a previous frame.
* This function always returns a Hand object, but if no hand
* with the specified ID is present, an invalid Hand object is returned.
* Note that ID values persist across frames, but only until tracking of a
* particular object is lost. If tracking of a hand is lost and subsequently
* regained, the new Hand object representing that physical hand may have
* a different ID than that representing the physical hand in an earlier frame.
* @method hand
* @param {String} id The ID value of a Hand object from a previous frame.
* @returns {Hand} The Hand object with the matching
* ID if one exists in this frame; otherwise, an invalid Hand object is returned.
hand(id: string): Hand;
* The angle of rotation around the rotation axis derived from the overall
* rotational motion between the current frame and the specified frame.
* The returned angle is expressed in radians measured clockwise around
* the rotation axis (using the right-hand rule) between the start and end frames.
* The value is always between 0 and pi radians (0 and 180 degrees).
* The Leap derives frame rotation from the relative change in position and
* orientation of all objects detected in the field of view.
* If either this frame or sinceFrame is an invalid Frame object, then the
* angle of rotation is zero.
* @method rotationAngle
* @param {Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative rotation.
* @param {number[]} [axis] The axis to measure rotation around.
* @returns {number} A positive value containing the heuristically determined
* rotational change between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
rotationAngle(sinceFrame: Frame, axis: number[]): number;
* The axis of rotation derived from the overall rotational motion between
* the current frame and the specified frame.
* The returned direction vector is normalized.
* The Leap derives frame rotation from the relative change in position and
* orientation of all objects detected in the field of view.
* If either this frame or sinceFrame is an invalid Frame object, or if no
* rotation is detected between the two frames, a zero vector is returned.
* @method rotationAxis
* @param {Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative rotation.
* @returns {import("gl-matrix").vec3} A normalized direction vector representing the axis of the heuristically determined
* rotational change between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
rotationAxis(sinceFrame: Frame): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* The transform matrix expressing the rotation derived from the overall
* rotational motion between the current frame and the specified frame.
* The Leap derives frame rotation from the relative change in position and
* orientation of all objects detected in the field of view.
* If either this frame or sinceFrame is an invalid Frame object, then
* this method returns an identity matrix.
* @method rotationMatrix
* @param {Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative rotation.
* @returns {import("gl-matrix").mat3} A transformation matrix containing the heuristically determined
* rotational change between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
rotationMatrix(sinceFrame: Frame): import("gl-matrix").mat3;
* The scale factor derived from the overall motion between the current frame and the specified frame.
* The scale factor is always positive. A value of 1.0 indicates no scaling took place.
* Values between 0.0 and 1.0 indicate contraction and values greater than 1.0 indicate expansion.
* The Leap derives scaling from the relative inward or outward motion of all
* objects detected in the field of view (independent of translation and rotation).
* If either this frame or sinceFrame is an invalid Frame object, then this method returns 1.0.
* @method scaleFactor
* @param {Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative scaling.
* @returns {number} A positive value representing the heuristically determined
* scaling change ratio between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
scaleFactor(sinceFrame: Frame): number;
* The change of position derived from the overall linear motion between the
* current frame and the specified frame.
* The returned translation vector provides the magnitude and direction of the
* movement in millimeters.
* The Leap derives frame translation from the linear motion of all objects
* detected in the field of view.
* If either this frame or sinceFrame is an invalid Frame object, then this
* method returns a zero vector.
* @method translation
* @param {Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative translation.
* @returns {number[]} A vector representing the heuristically determined change in
* position of all objects between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
translation(sinceFrame: Frame): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* A string containing a brief, human readable description of the Frame object.
* @method toString
* @returns {String} A brief description of this frame.
toString(): string;
* Returns a JSON-formatted string containing the hands, pointables
* in this frame.
* @method dump
* @returns {String} A JSON-formatted string.
dump(): string;
* An invalid Frame object.
* You can use this invalid Frame in comparisons testing
* whether a given Frame instance is valid or invalid. (You can also check the
* [Frame.valid]{@link Leap.Frame#valid} property.)
* @static
* @type {Frame}
* @name Invalid
static Invalid: {
valid: false;
hands: Hand[];
fingers: Finger[];
pointables: Pointable[];
pointable: () => Pointable.Invalid;
finger: () => Pointable.Invalid;
hand: () => Hand.Invalid;
toString: () => "invalid frame";
dump: () => string;
rotationAngle: () => 0.0;
rotationMatrix: () => import("gl-matrix").mat3;
rotationAxis: () => import("gl-matrix").vec3;
scaleFactor: () => 1.0;
translation: () => import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* An uninitialized hand is considered invalid.
* Get valid Hand objects from a Frame object.
* @class Hand
* @memberof Leap
* @classdesc
* The Hand class reports the physical characteristics of a detected hand.
* Hand tracking data includes a palm position and velocity; vectors for
* the palm normal and direction to the fingers; properties of a sphere fit
* to the hand; and lists of the attached fingers.
* Note that Hand objects can be invalid, which means that they do not contain
* valid tracking data and do not correspond to a physical entity. Invalid Hand
* objects can be the result of asking for a Hand object using an ID from an
* earlier frame when no Hand objects with that ID exist in the current frame.
* A Hand object created from the Hand constructor is also invalid.
* Test for validity with the [Hand.valid]{@link Leap.Hand#valid} property.
export class Hand {
* A unique ID assigned to this Hand object, whose value remains the same
* across consecutive frames while the tracked hand remains visible. If
* tracking is lost (for example, when a hand is occluded by another hand
* or when it is withdrawn from or reaches the edge of the Leap field of view),
* the Leap may assign a new ID when it detects the hand in a future frame.
* Use the ID value with the {@link Frame.hand}() function to find this
* Hand object in future frames.
* @member id
* @type {String}
id: string;
* The center position of the palm in millimeters from the Leap origin.
* @member palmPosition
* @type {number[]}
palmPosition: number[];
* The direction from the palm position toward the fingers.
* The direction is expressed as a unit vector pointing in the same
* direction as the directed line from the palm position to the fingers.
* @member direction
* @type {number[]}
direction: number[];
* The rate of change of the palm position in millimeters/second.
* @member palmVeclocity
* @type {number[]}
palmVeclocity: number[];
* The normal vector to the palm. If your hand is flat, this vector will
* point downward, or "out" of the front surface of your palm.
* ![Palm Vectors](images/Leap_Palm_Vectors.png)
* The direction is expressed as a unit vector pointing in the same
* direction as the palm normal (that is, a vector orthogonal to the palm).
* @member palmNormal
* @memberof Leap.Hand.prototype
* @type {number[]}
palmNormal: number[];
* The center of a sphere fit to the curvature of this hand.
* This sphere is placed roughly as if the hand were holding a ball.
* ![Hand Ball](images/Leap_Hand_Ball.png)
* @member sphereCenter
* @type {number[]}
sphereCenter: number[];
* The radius of a sphere fit to the curvature of this hand, in millimeters.
* This sphere is placed roughly as if the hand were holding a ball. Thus the
* size of the sphere decreases as the fingers are curled into a fist.
* @member sphereRadius
* @type {number}
sphereRadius: number;
* Reports whether this is a valid Hand object.
* @member valid
* @type {boolean}
valid: boolean;
* The list of Pointable objects (fingers) detected in this frame
* that are associated with this hand, given in arbitrary order. The list
* can be empty if no fingers or tools associated with this hand are detected.
* Use the {@link Pointable} tool property to determine
* whether or not an item in the list represents a tool or finger.
* You can also get only the fingers using the Hand.fingers[] list.
* @member pointables[]
* @type {Leap.Pointable[]}
pointables: Pointable[];
* The list of fingers detected in this frame that are attached to
* this hand, given in arbitrary order.
* The list can be empty if no fingers attached to this hand are detected.
* @member fingers[]
* @type {Leap.Pointable[]}
fingers: Finger[];
arm: null | Bone;
* Time the hand has been visible in seconds.
* @member timeVisible
* @type {number}
timeVisible: number;
* The palm position with stabalization
* @member stabilizedPalmPositio
* @type {number[]}
stabilizedPalmPosition: number[];
* Reports whether this is a left or a right hand.
* @member type
* @type {String}
type: string;
* The finger with the specified ID attached to this hand.
* Use this function to retrieve a Pointable object representing a finger
* attached to this hand using an ID value obtained from a previous frame.
* This function always returns a Pointable object, but if no finger
* with the specified ID is present, an invalid Pointable object is returned.
* Note that the ID values assigned to fingers persist across frames, but only
* until tracking of a particular finger is lost. If tracking of a finger is
* lost and subsequently regained, the new Finger object representing that
* finger may have a different ID than that representing the finger in an
* earlier frame.
* @method finger
* @param {String} id The ID value of a finger from a previous frame.
* @returns {Pointable} The Finger object with
* the matching ID if one exists for this hand in this frame; otherwise, an
* invalid Finger object is returned.
finger(id: string): Pointable;
* The angle of rotation around the rotation axis derived from the change in
* orientation of this hand, and any associated fingers, between the
* current frame and the specified frame.
* The returned angle is expressed in radians measured clockwise around the
* rotation axis (using the right-hand rule) between the start and end frames.
* The value is always between 0 and pi radians (0 and 180 degrees).
* If a corresponding Hand object is not found in sinceFrame, or if either
* this frame or sinceFrame are invalid Frame objects, then the angle of rotation is zero.
* @method rotationAngle
* @param {Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative rotation.
* @param {number[]} [axis] The axis to measure rotation around.
* @returns {number} A positive value representing the heuristically determined
* rotational change of the hand between the current frame and that specified in
* the sinceFrame parameter.
rotationAngle(sinceFrame: Frame, axis: number[]): number;
* The axis of rotation derived from the change in orientation of this hand, and
* any associated fingers, between the current frame and the specified frame.
* The returned direction vector is normalized.
* If a corresponding Hand object is not found in sinceFrame, or if either
* this frame or sinceFrame are invalid Frame objects, then this method returns a zero vector.
* @method rotationAxis
* @param {Leap.Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative rotation.
* @returns {import("gl-matrix").vec3} A normalized direction Vector representing the axis of the heuristically determined
* rotational change of the hand between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
rotationAxis(sinceFrame: Frame): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* The transform matrix expressing the rotation derived from the change in
* orientation of this hand, and any associated fingers, between
* the current frame and the specified frame.
* If a corresponding Hand object is not found in sinceFrame, or if either
* this frame or sinceFrame are invalid Frame objects, then this method returns
* an identity matrix.
* @method rotationMatrix
* @param {Leap.Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative rotation.
* @returns {import("gl-matrix").mat3} A transformation Matrix containing the heuristically determined
* rotational change of the hand between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
rotationMatrix(sinceFrame: Frame): import("gl-matrix").mat3;
* The scale factor derived from the hand's motion between the current frame and the specified frame.
* The scale factor is always positive. A value of 1.0 indicates no scaling took place.
* Values between 0.0 and 1.0 indicate contraction and values greater than 1.0 indicate expansion.
* The Leap derives scaling from the relative inward or outward motion of a hand
* and its associated fingers (independent of translation and rotation).
* If a corresponding Hand object is not found in sinceFrame, or if either this frame or sinceFrame
* are invalid Frame objects, then this method returns 1.0.
* @method scaleFactor
* @param {Leap.Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative scaling.
* @returns {number} A positive value representing the heuristically determined
* scaling change ratio of the hand between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
scaleFactor(sinceFrame: Frame): number;
* The change of position of this hand between the current frame and the specified frame
* The returned translation vector provides the magnitude and direction of the
* movement in millimeters.
* If a corresponding Hand object is not found in sinceFrame, or if either this frame or
* sinceFrame are invalid Frame objects, then this method returns a zero vector.
* @method translation
* @param {Leap.Frame} sinceFrame The starting frame for computing the relative translation.
* @returns {number[]} A Vector representing the heuristically determined change in hand
* position between the current frame and that specified in the sinceFrame parameter.
translation(sinceFrame: Frame): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* A string containing a brief, human readable description of the Hand object.
* @method toString
* @returns {String} A description of the Hand as a string.
toString(): string;
* The pitch angle in radians.
* Pitch is the angle between the negative z-axis and the projection of
* the vector onto the y-z plane. In other words, pitch represents rotation
* around the x-axis.
* If the vector points upward, the returned angle is between 0 and pi radians
* (180 degrees); if it points downward, the angle is between 0 and -pi radians.
* @method pitch
* @returns {number} The angle of this vector above or below the horizon (x-z plane).
pitch(): number;
* The yaw angle in radians.
* Yaw is the angle between the negative z-axis and the projection of
* the vector onto the x-z plane. In other words, yaw represents rotation
* around the y-axis. If the vector points to the right of the negative z-axis,
* then the returned angle is between 0 and pi radians (180 degrees);
* if it points to the left, the angle is between 0 and -pi radians.
* @method yaw
* @returns {number} The angle of this vector to the right or left of the y-axis.
yaw(): number;
* The roll angle in radians.
* Roll is the angle between the y-axis and the projection of
* the vector onto the x-y plane. In other words, roll represents rotation
* around the z-axis. If the vector points to the left of the y-axis,
* then the returned angle is between 0 and pi radians (180 degrees);
* if it points to the right, the angle is between 0 and -pi radians.
* @method roll
* @returns {number} The angle of this vector to the right or left of the y-axis.
roll(): number;
* An invalid Hand object.
* You can use an invalid Hand object in comparisons testing
* whether a given Hand instance is valid or invalid. (You can also use the
* Hand valid property.)
* @static
* @type {Leap.Hand}
* @name Invalid
* @memberof Leap.Hand
static Invalid: {
valid: false;
fingers: Finger[];
pointables: Pointable[];
left: false;
pointable(): Pointable.Invalid;
finger(): Pointable.Invalid;
toString(): string;
dump(): string;
rotationAngle(): 0.0;
rotationMatrix(): import("gl-matrix").mat3;
rotationAxis(): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
scaleFactor(): 1.0;
translation(): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
class Bone {
public finger: Finger,
data: {
type: Bone["type"];
prevJoint: Bone["prevJoint"];
nextJoint: Bone["nextJoint"];
width: Bone["width"];
basis: Bone["basis"];
* An integer code for the name of this bone.
* * 0 -- metacarpal
* * 1 -- proximal
* * 2 -- medial
* * 3 -- distal
* * 4 -- arm
* @member type
* @type {number}
* @memberof Leap.Bone.prototype
type: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
* The position of the previous, or base joint of the bone closer to the wrist.
* @type {vector3}
prevJoint: import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* The position of the next joint, or the end of the bone closer to the finger tip.
* @type {vector3}
nextJoint: import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* The estimated width of the pointable in millimeters.
* The reported width is the average width of the visible portion of the
* pointable from the hand to the tip. If the width isn't known,
* then a value of 0 is returned.
* Bone objects representing fingers do not have a width property.
* @member width
* @type {number}
* @memberof Leap.Pointable.prototype
width: number;
length: number;
* These fully-specify the orientation of the bone.
* See examples/threejs-bones.html for more info
* Three vec3s:
* x (red): The rotation axis of the finger, pointing outwards. (In general, away from the thumb )
* y (green): The "up" vector, orienting the top of the finger
* z (blue): The roll axis of the bone.
* Most up vectors will be pointing the same direction, except for the thumb, which is more rightwards.
* The thumb has one fewer bones than the fingers, but there are the same number of joints & joint-bases provided
* the first two appear in the same position, but only the second (proximal) rotates.
* Normalized.
basis: import("gl-matrix").vec3;
left(): boolean;
matrix(): import("gl-matrix").mat4;
lerp(out: import("gl-matrix").vec3, t: number): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
center(): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
direction(): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* An uninitialized pointable is considered invalid.
* Get valid Pointable objects from a Frame or a Hand object.
* @class Pointable
* @memberof Leap
* @classdesc
* The Pointable class reports the physical characteristics of a detected
* finger or tool.
* Both fingers and tools are classified as Pointable objects. Use the
* Pointable.tool property to determine whether a Pointable object represents a
* tool or finger. The Leap classifies a detected entity as a tool when it is
* thinner, straighter, and longer than a typical finger.
* Note that Pointable objects can be invalid, which means that they do not
* contain valid tracking data and do not correspond to a physical entity.
* Invalid Pointable objects can be the result of asking for a Pointable object
* using an ID from an earlier frame when no Pointable objects with that ID
* exist in the current frame. A Pointable object created from the Pointable
* constructor is also invalid. Test for validity with the Pointable.valid
* property.
export class Pointable {
* Indicates whether this is a valid Pointable object.
* @member valid
* @type {Boolean}
valid: boolean;
* A unique ID assigned to this Pointable object, whose value remains the
* same across consecutive frames while the tracked finger or tool remains
* visible. If tracking is lost (for example, when a finger is occluded by
* another finger or when it is withdrawn from the Leap field of view), the
* Leap may assign a new ID when it detects the entity in a future frame.
* Use the ID value with the pointable() functions defined for the
* {@link Frame} and {@link Frame.Hand} classes to find this
* Pointable object in future frames.
* @member id
* @type {String}
id: string;
handId: string;
* The estimated length of the finger or tool in millimeters.
* The reported length is the visible length of the finger or tool from the
* hand to tip. If the length isn't known, then a value of 0 is returned.
* @member length
* @type {number}
length: number;
* Whether or not the Pointable is believed to be a tool.
* Tools are generally longer, thinner, and straighter than fingers.
* If tool is false, then this Pointable must be a finger.
* @member tool
* @type {Boolean}
tool: boolean;
* The estimated width of the tool in millimeters.
* The reported width is the average width of the visible portion of the
* tool from the hand to the tip. If the width isn't known,
* then a value of 0 is returned.
* Pointable objects representing fingers do not have a width property.
* @member width
* @type {number}
width: number;
* The direction in which this finger or tool is pointing.
* The direction is expressed as a unit vector pointing in the same
* direction as the tip.
* ![Finger](images/Leap_Finger_Model.png)
* @member direction
* @type {number[]}
direction: number[];
* The tip position in millimeters from the Leap origin.
* Stabilized
* @member stabilizedTipPosition
* @type {number[]}
stabilizedTipPosition: number[];
* The tip position in millimeters from the Leap origin.
* @member tipPosition
* @type {number[]}
tipPosition: number[];
* The rate of change of the tip position in millimeters/second.
* @member tipVelocity
* @type {number[]}
tipVelocity: number[];
* The current touch zone of this Pointable object.
* The Leap Motion software computes the touch zone based on a floating touch
* plane that adapts to the user's finger movement and hand posture. The Leap
* Motion software interprets purposeful movements toward this plane as potential touch
* points. When a Pointable moves close to the adaptive touch plane, it enters the
* "hovering" zone. When a Pointable reaches or passes through the plane, it enters
* the "touching" zone.
* The possible states include:
* * "none" -- The Pointable is outside the hovering zone.
* * "hovering" -- The Pointable is close to, but not touching the touch plane.
* * "touching" -- The Pointable has penetrated the touch plane.
* The touchDistance value provides a normalized indication of the distance to
* the touch plane when the Pointable is in the hovering or touching zones.
* @member touchZone
* @type {String}
touchZone: string;
* A value proportional to the distance between this Pointable object and the
* adaptive touch plane.
* ![Touch Distance](images/Leap_Touch_Plane.png)
* The touch distance is a value in the range [-1, 1]. The value 1.0 indicates the
* Pointable is at the far edge of the hovering zone. The value 0 indicates the
* Pointable is just entering the touching zone. A value of -1.0 indicates the
* Pointable is firmly within the touching zone. Values in between are
* proportional to the distance from the plane. Thus, the touchDistance of 0.5
* indicates that the Pointable is halfway into the hovering zone.
* You can use the touchDistance value to modulate visual feedback given to the
* user as their fingers close in on a touch target, such as a button.
* @member touchDistance
* @type {number}
touchDistance: number;
* How long the pointable has been visible in seconds.
* @member timeVisible
* @type {number}
timeVisible: number;
* A string containing a brief, human readable description of the Pointable
* object.
* @method toString
* @returns {String} A description of the Pointable object as a string.
toString(): string;
* Returns the hand which the pointable is attached to.
hand(): ReturnType<Frame["hand"]>;
* An invalid Pointable object.
* You can use this Pointable instance in comparisons testing
* whether a given Pointable instance is valid or invalid. (You can also use the
* Pointable.valid property.)
* @static
* @type {Leap.Pointable}
* @name Invalid
Invalid: { valid: false };
* An uninitialized finger is considered invalid.
* Get valid Finger objects from a Frame or a Hand object.
* @class Finger
* @memberof Leap
* @classdesc
* The Finger class reports the physical characteristics of a finger.
* Both fingers are classified as Pointable objects. Use the
* Pointable.tool property to determine whether a Pointable object represents a
* tool or finger. The Leap classifies a detected entity as a tool when it is
* thinner, straighter, and longer than a typical finger.
* Note that Finger objects can be invalid, which means that they do not
* contain valid tracking data and do not correspond to a physical entity.
* Invalid Finger objects can be the result of asking for a Finger object
* using an ID from an earlier frame when no Finger objects with that ID
* exist in the current frame. A Finger object created from the Finger
* constructor is also invalid. Test for validity with the Pointable.valid
* property.
export class Finger extends Pointable {
constructor(data: {
dipPosition: Finger["dipPosition"];
pipPosition: Finger["pipPosition"];
mcpPosition: Finger["mcpPosition"];
carpPosition: Finger["carpPosition"];
extended: Finger["extended"];
type: Finger["type"];
bases?: Parameters<Finger["addBones"]>[0]["bases"];
* The position of the distal interphalangeal joint of the finger.
* This joint is closest to the tip.
* The distal interphalangeal joint is located between the most extreme segment
* of the finger (the distal phalanx) and the middle segment (the medial
* phalanx).
* @member dipPosition
* @type {number[]}
dipPosition: number[];
* The position of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the finger. This joint is the middle
* joint of a finger.
* The proximal interphalangeal joint is located between the two finger segments
* closest to the hand (the proximal and the medial phalanges). On a thumb,
* which lacks an medial phalanx, this joint index identifies the knuckle joint
* between the proximal phalanx and the metacarpal bone.
* @member pipPosition
* @type {number[]}
pipPosition: number[];
* The position of the metacarpopophalangeal joint, or knuckle, of the finger.
* The metacarpopophalangeal joint is located at the base of a finger between
* the metacarpal bone and the first phalanx. The common name for this joint is
* the knuckle.
* On a thumb, which has one less phalanx than a finger, this joint index
* identifies the thumb joint near the base of the hand, between the carpal
* and metacarpal bones.
* @member mcpPosition
* @type {number[]}
mcpPosition: number[];
* The position of the Carpometacarpal joint
* This is at the distal end of the wrist, and has no common name.
carpPosition: number[];
* Whether or not this finger is in an extended posture.
* A finger is considered extended if it is extended straight from the hand as if
* pointing. A finger is not extended when it is bent down and curled towards the
* palm.
* @member extended
* @type {Boolean}
extended: boolean;
* An integer code for the name of this finger.
* * 0 -- thumb
* * 1 -- index finger
* * 2 -- middle finger
* * 3 -- ring finger
* * 4 -- pinky
* @member type
* @type {number}
type: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
finger: true;
* The joint positions of this finger as an array in the order base to tip.
* @member positions
* @type {array[]}
* @memberof Leap.Finger.prototype
positions: [number, number, number, number, number];
bones: Bone[];
addBones(data: { bases: number[] });
toString(): string;
Invalid: { valid: false };
* Constructs a InteractionBox object.
* @class InteractionBox
* @memberof Leap
* @classdesc
* The InteractionBox class represents a box-shaped region completely within
* the field of view of the Leap Motion controller.
* The interaction box is an axis-aligned rectangular prism and provides
* normalized coordinates for hands, fingers, and tools within this box.
* The InteractionBox class can make it easier to map positions in the
* Leap Motion coordinate system to 2D or 3D coordinate systems used
* for application drawing.
* ![Interaction Box](images/Leap_InteractionBox.png)
* The InteractionBox region is defined by a center and dimensions along the x, y, and z axes.
export class InteractionBox {
* Indicates whether this is a valid InteractionBox object.
* @member valid
* @type {Boolean}
valid: boolean;
* The center of the InteractionBox in device coordinates (millimeters).
* This point is equidistant from all sides of the box.
* @member center
* @type {number[]}
center: number[];
// size;
* The width of the InteractionBox in millimeters, measured along the x-axis.
* @member width
* @type {number}
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox.prototype
width: number;
* The height of the InteractionBox in millimeters, measured along the y-axis.
* @member height
* @type {number}
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox.prototype
height: number;
* The depth of the InteractionBox in millimeters, measured along the z-axis.
* @member depth
* @type {number}
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox.prototype
depth: number;
* Converts a position defined by normalized InteractionBox coordinates
* into device coordinates in millimeters.
* This function performs the inverse of normalizePoint().
* @method denormalizePoint
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox.prototype
* @param {number[]} normalizedPosition The input position in InteractionBox coordinates.
* @returns {import("gl-matrix").vec3} The corresponding denormalized position in device coordinates.
denormalizePoint(normalizedPosition: number[]): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* Normalizes the coordinates of a point using the interaction box.
* Coordinates from the Leap Motion frame of reference (millimeters) are
* converted to a range of [0..1] such that the minimum value of the
* InteractionBox maps to 0 and the maximum value of the InteractionBox maps to 1.
* @method normalizePoint
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox.prototype
* @param {number[]} position The input position in device coordinates.
* @param {Boolean} clamp Whether or not to limit the output value to the range [0,1]
* when the input position is outside the InteractionBox. Defaults to true.
* @returns {import("gl-matrix").vec3} The normalized position.
normalizePoint(position: number, clamp: boolean): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
* Writes a brief, human readable description of the InteractionBox object.
* @method toString
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox.prototype
* @returns {String} A description of the InteractionBox object as a string.
toString(): string;
* An invalid InteractionBox object.
* You can use this InteractionBox instance in comparisons testing
* whether a given InteractionBox instance is valid or invalid. (You can also use the
* InteractionBox.valid property.)
* @static
* @type {Leap.InteractionBox}
* @name Invalid
* @memberof Leap.InteractionBox
Invalid: { valid: false };
export class CircularBuffer<T> {
constructor(size: number);
pos: number;
size: number;
get(i: number): T | undefined;
push(o: T): number;
export namespace UI {
export class Region extends import("events").EventEmitter {
constructor(public start: number, public end: number);
enteredFrame: null | Frame;
hasPointables(frame: Frame): boolean;
listener(opts?: {
nearThreshold?: number;
}): (frame: Frame) => ReturnType<Region["updatePosition"]>;
clipper(): Frame | null;
setupNearRegion(distance: number): void;
updatePosition(frame: Frame): Frame;
normalize(position: import("gl-matrix").vec3): Vector;
position: import("gl-matrix").vec3,
width: number,
height: number
): import("gl-matrix").vec3;
export const Cursor: () => (frame: Frame) => Frame;
export class JSONProtocol {}
export { default as glMatrix } from "gl-matrix";
export { mat3 } from "gl-matrix";
export { vec3 } from "gl-matrix";
export const loopController: undefined | Controller;
export const version: {
full: string;
major: number;
minor: number;
dot: number;
export { EventEmitter } from "events";
* The Leap.loop() function passes a frame of Leap data to your
* callback function and then calls window.requestAnimationFrame() after
* executing your callback function.
* Leap.loop() sets up the Leap controller and WebSocket connection for you.
* You do not need to create your own controller when using this method.
* Your callback function is called on an interval determined by the client
* browser. Typically, this is on an interval of 60 frames/second. The most
* recent frame of Leap data is passed to your callback function. If the Leap
* is producing frames at a slower rate than the browser frame rate, the same
* frame of Leap data can be passed to your function in successive animation
* updates.
* As an alternative, you can create your own Controller object and use a
* {@link Controller#onFrame onFrame} callback to process the data at
* the frame rate of the Leap device. See {@link Controller} for an
* example.
* @method Leap.loop
* @param {function} callback A function called when the browser is ready to
* draw to the screen. The most recent {@link Frame} object is passed to
* your callback function.
* ```javascript
* Leap.loop( function( frame ) {
* // ... your code here
* })
* ```
export function loop(callback: (frame: Frame) => void): Controller;
export function loop(
opts: object,
callback: (frame: Frame) => void
): Controller;
* Convenience method for Leap.Controller.plugin
export const plugin: (name: string, options: any) => void;
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