docker pull mulesoft/flex-gateway:latest
Repository for docker image:
docker run -d --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/local/share/mulesoft/flex-gateway/conf.d -p 8081:8081 mulesoft/flex-gateway
If the flex is not properly registered, re-run the container from the /flex folder, where you have the registration.yaml file
So, first stop the running container
docker container stop $(docker ps -q)
Sample commands to find logs and its configuration
docker exec CONTAINER_ID cat /var/tmp/mulesoft/flex-gateway/logs/current
docker logs CONTAINER_ID
Find the container ID with docker ps
Tracing ID header is X-Request-ID
More info:
Fluent Bit Config file /var/tmp/mulesoft/flex-gateway/fluent-bit.conf
List the images and versions, filtered by Flex
docker images mulesoft/flex-gateway
Connect to the container through the terminal
docker exec -it bbca9200bb8b73a2297da99da4fea7bc66fbe0de3db5f3339aaba950c6e0cc9f bash
List the files in the config folder, from the outside of the container
docker exec a6eb04b7d994 ls /usr/local/share/mulesoft/flex-gateway/conf.d/
Run the docker container in detached mode (-d)
docker run -d --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/local/share/mulesoft/flex-gateway/conf.d -p 8083:8081 mulesoft/flex-gateway
- Release Notes:
anypoint-cli-v4 account:user:describe --client_id 6a6214908ca24b95af9c9bcbc82c62d7 --client_secret BeE7CF5FA09d416da48383b54127301c --environment Sandbox
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:api:list --client_id 6a6214908ca24b95af9c9bcbc82c62d7 --client_secret BeE7CF5FA09d416da48383b54127301c --environment Sandbox
// version 1.3.7 for mule apis, 1.4.0 for flex apis.
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:apply --config '{"rateLimits": [{ "maximumRequests": 3, "timePeriodInMilliseconds": 60000 }], "clusterizable": true, "exposeHeaders": false }' 19108770 rate-limiting --policyVersion 1.3.7 --client_id 6a6214908ca24b95af9c9bcbc82c62d7 --client_secret BeE7CF5FA09d416da48383b54127301c --environment Sandbox
anypoint-cli-v4 api-mgr:policy:apply --config '{"rateLimits": [{ "maximumRequests": 3, "timePeriodInMilliseconds": 60000 }], "clusterizable": true, "exposeHeaders": false }' 19108279 rate-limiting --policyVersion 1.4.0 --client_id 6a6214908ca24b95af9c9bcbc82c62d7 --client_secret BeE7CF5FA09d416da48383b54127301c --environment Sandbox