[[ Project Short Description ]]
[[ Feel free to remove any of those bullet points that do not make sense for your project ]]
[[ Describe more thoroughly your project here, why it exists and who are its maintainers. ]]
[[ Describe here the steps that are needed to run the application in a local development environment, how to debug it and other relevant details. ]]
[[ Example linking to other file: Please follow our local development guide to setup your local environment. ]]
[[ Describe here information on how to setup and execute automated tests for your project, if there are any ]]
[[ This is an example of a subtopic on the table of contents. Here can be described in more detail an inner topic. ]]
[[ Describe here information related to the deployment of your project to different run environments (dev / production). It can also detail information on Continuous Integration configuration ]]
[[ This section is for projects that are open for external contribution. ]]
[[ Add here guides and links to communication channels to help people who want to contribute with your project. ]]