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Created November 12, 2012 12:31
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Mapping oneToMany relationship
case class Music(id:ID, title:String, isrc:String)
case class Compilation(id:ID=None, title:String, musics: List[Music], author:User /* TODO Either[DJ,Programmer]? */)
case class User(id:ID=None, name:String, email:String, password:String)
object Musics extends Table[Music]("music") {
def id = this.autoIncPk("id")
def title = this.string("title")
def isrc = this.string("isrc")
def * = id.? ~ title ~ isrc <> (Music, Music.unapply _)
def autoInc = title ~ isrc returning id
object Users extends Table[User]("user") {
def id = this.autoIncPk("id")
def name = this.string("name")
def email = this.string("email")
def password = this.string("password")
def * = id.? ~ name ~ email ~ password <> (User, User.unapply _)
} /* TODO all the other fields */
object CompiledMusics extends Table[(Int, Int)]("compiled_music") {
def musicId = column[Int]("music_id")
def compilationId = column[Int]("compilation_id")
def musics = foreignKey(tableName+"_music_fk", musicId, Musics)(
def compilations = foreignKey(tableName+"_compilation_fk", compilationId, Compilations)(
def * = musicId ~ compilationId
object Compilations extends Table[Compilation]("compilation") {
def id = this.autoIncPk("id")
def title = this.string("title")
def authorId = column[Int]("author_id")
def authorFk = foreignKey(tableName+"_author_fk", authorId, Users)(
def musics =
for( cm <- CompiledMusics; if cm.compilationId === id; m <- cm.musics; if === cm.musicId) yield m
def author = for(a <- Users; if === authorId) yield a
/* How it should be
def * = id.? ~ title ~ musics ~ author <>
(Compilation, x => Compilation.unapply(x) map { x => (x._1,x._2) } )
/* TODO ugly cheating/hacking to workaround my doubts regarding foreign keys! */
def * = id.? ~ title <>
(Compilation(_,_,List(),null), x => Compilation.unapply(x) map { x => (x._1,x._2) } )
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