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Untyped Lambda Calculus (various incomplete proofs)
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import tactic | |
-- I will stop myself from writing incomplete lambda calculus "things" on Lean. In the future this will be a nice project, but not now. | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : Type | |
| app (M N : term) : term | |
| lam (M : term) : term | |
| var (x : ℕ) : term | |
open term | |
-- Suggested by Mario Carneiro ( | |
@[simp] def shift_n : ℕ → term → term | |
| k (app M N) := app (shift_n k M) (shift_n k N) | |
| k (lam M) := lam (shift_n (k + 1) M) | |
| k (var x) := if x < k then var x else var (x + 1) | |
abbreviation shift := shift_n 0 | |
@[simp] def subst_n : ℕ → term → term → term | |
| k L (app M N) := app (subst_n k L M) (subst_n k L N) | |
| k L (lam M) := lam (subst_n (k + 1) (shift L) M) | |
| k L (var x) := if x < k then var x else if x = k then L else var (x - 1) | |
abbreviation subst := subst_n 0 | |
inductive beta : term → term → Prop | |
| app_left {M₁ M₂ N : term} : beta M₁ M₂ → beta (app M₁ N) (app M₂ N) | |
| app_right {M N₁ N₂ : term} : beta N₁ N₂ → beta (app M N₁) (app M N₂) | |
| lam {M L : term} : beta (app (lam M) L) (subst L M) | |
infix `—→`:40 := beta | |
infix `—→*`:40 := relation.refl_trans_gen beta |
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import logic.function.iterate | |
import tactic.basic | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : Type | |
| app (M N : term) : term | |
| lam (M : term) : term | |
| var (x : ℕ) : term | |
open term | |
variables {x y z : ℕ} {M N L : term} | |
@[simp] def FV : term → set ℕ | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (lam M) := FV M ∘ nat.succ | |
| (var x) := {x} | |
instance (x : ℕ) : decidable (x ∈ FV M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with M N ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x, | |
{ cases ih₁ x with ih₁ ih₁; cases ih₂ x with ih₂ ih₂, | |
{ exact is_false (λ h, h.cases_on ih₁ ih₂) }, | |
all_goals { exact is_true (by exact or.inl ih₁ <|> exact or.inr ih₂) } }, | |
{ exact decidable.cases_on (ih (x + 1)) is_false is_true }, | |
{ exact dite (x = y) is_true is_false } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ | |
| 0 := 0 | |
| (x + 1) := ρ x + 1 | |
@[simp] lemma rename_ext_id : rename_ext id = id := | |
by { ext x, cases x; refl } | |
lemma rename_ext_succ (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : rename_ext ρ ∘ nat.succ = nat.succ ∘ ρ := | |
by { ext x, simp } | |
lemma rename_ext_comp (ρ₁ ρ₂ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
rename_ext ρ₁ ∘ rename_ext ρ₂ = rename_ext (ρ₁ ∘ ρ₂) := | |
by { ext x, cases x; refl } | |
lemma iterate_rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
(rename_ext ρ)^[x] = rename_ext (ρ^[x]) := | |
by { induction x; simp [*, rename_ext_comp] } | |
lemma iterate_rename_ext_eq {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (h : x ≤ y) : | |
rename_ext^[x] ρ y = ρ (y - x) + x := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih generalizing y, refl, | |
cases y, exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ h), | |
simp [ih (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h), function.iterate_succ'], | |
refl | |
end | |
lemma rename_ext_inj : function.injective rename_ext := | |
λ _ _ h, funext (λ x, nat.succ_inj (congr_fun h (x + 1))) | |
lemma rename_ext_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hρ : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext ρ) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h.symm) }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw hρ (nat.succ_inj h) } | |
end | |
lemma rename_ext_succ_inj (x : ℕ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) := | |
begin | |
intros n m h, | |
induction x with x ih generalizing n m, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at h, | |
exact rename_ext_inj_inj (ih : function.injective _) h } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename : (ℕ → ℕ) → term → term | |
| ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
lemma rename_id : rename id = id := | |
by { ext M, induction M; simp * } | |
lemma rename_comp (ρ₁ ρ₂ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
rename ρ₁ ∘ rename ρ₂ = rename (ρ₁ ∘ ρ₂) := | |
begin | |
ext M, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing ρ₁ ρ₂, | |
{ simp only [rename, function.comp_app], exact ⟨ih₁ _ _, ih₂ _ _⟩ }, | |
{ simp only [rename, ←rename_ext_comp ρ₁ ρ₂, function.comp_app], apply ih }, | |
{ refl } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_rename (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
(rename ρ)^[x] = rename (ρ^[x]) := | |
by { induction x; simp [*, rename_id, rename_comp, rename_ext_comp] } | |
lemma rename_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hρ : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename ρ) := | |
begin | |
intros M N h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing N ρ hρ; | |
cases N; simp only [rename] at h; try { exfalso, exact h }, | |
{ congr, exact ih₁ hρ h.1, exact ih₂ hρ h.2 }, | |
{ congr, exact ih (rename_ext_inj_inj hρ) h }, | |
{ congr, exact hρ h } | |
end | |
notation `rename_ext_succ^[` x `]` := rename (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) | |
lemma rename_ext_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 = (rename_ext^[y] nat.succ z) ↔ x = z := | |
begin | |
split, | |
{ intro hM, | |
induction z with z ih generalizing x y, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ apply nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ hM) } }, | |
{ cases x, | |
{ rw nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero h at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ (nat.succ_inj hM.symm)) }, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_lt_succ h) (nat.succ_inj hM) } } } }, | |
{ rintro rfl, | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x, exact rfl, | |
cases x, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h) } } | |
end | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] (var z)) ↔ x = z := | |
rename_ext_iff h | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt (hy : y < x) (hz : z < x) : | |
x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] M) → x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[z] M) := | |
begin | |
intro h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih w generalizing x y z, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁ hy hz) (or.inr ∘ ih₂ hy hz) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at ⊢ h, | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'] at ⊢ h, | |
refine ih (nat.succ_lt_succ hy) (nat.succ_lt_succ hz) h }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y z w, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ hy) }, | |
{ cases y; cases z, | |
{ rw nat.succ_inj h, exact rfl }, | |
{ rw [←nat.succ_inj h, FV_rename_ext_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hz)] }, | |
{ congr, | |
rwa FV_rename_ext_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hy) at h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at ⊢ h, | |
cases w, exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h), | |
congr, | |
refine ih _ _ _ (nat.succ_inj h), | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hy, | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hz } } } | |
end | |
lemma not_FV_rename_ext_succ (x : ℕ) : x ∉ FV (rename_ext_succ^[x] M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih y generalizing x, | |
{ exact λ h, h.cases_on (ih₁ x) (ih₂ x) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'], | |
exact ih (x + 1) }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ ∘ eq.symm }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ }, | |
{ exact (ih _ ∘ nat.succ_inj) } } }, | |
end | |
notation `shift` := rename nat.succ | |
lemma shift_eq_rename_ext_succ : shift = rename_ext_succ^[0] := rfl | |
lemma shift_inj : function.injective shift := | |
λ _ _ h, rename_inj_inj @nat.succ_inj h | |
@[simp] def subst_ext (σ : ℕ → term) : ℕ → term | |
| 0 := var 0 | |
| (x + 1) := shift (σ x) | |
lemma subst_ext_inj : function.injective subst_ext := | |
λ _ _ h, funext (λ x, shift_inj (congr_fun h (x + 1))) | |
lemma subst_ext_inj_inj {σ : ℕ → term} (hσ : function.injective σ) : | |
function.injective (subst_ext σ) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h; try | |
{ exfalso, | |
simp only [subst_ext] at h, | |
cases σ ‹_›; simp only [rename] at h; try { exact h }, | |
apply nat.succ_ne_zero, exact h <|> exact h.symm }, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ congr, exact hσ (shift_inj h) } | |
end | |
@[simp] def subst : (ℕ → term) → term → term | |
| σ (app M N) := app (subst σ M) (subst σ N) | |
| σ (lam M) := lam (subst (subst_ext σ) M) | |
| σ (var x) := σ x | |
@[simp] def σ (x : ℕ) (L : term) (y : ℕ) : term := | |
if x = y then L else var y | |
-- This changes the precedence of `[`. Let's hope this doesn't become an issue. | |
notation M `[`:std.prec.max_plus x ` := ` L `]` := subst (σ x L) M | |
lemma subst_ext_eq_shift (x : ℕ) : subst_ext (σ x M) = σ (x + 1) (shift M) := | |
begin | |
ext y, | |
cases y, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_ne_zero x] }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma subst_eq_of_not_FV (h : x ∉ FV M) : M[x := L] = M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x L, | |
{ cases h with h₁ h₂, simp [ih₁ h₁, ih₂ h₂] }, | |
{ simp [subst_ext_eq_shift, ih h] }, | |
{ simp [show x ≠ _, from h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_shift_of_FV (h : x ∈ FV M) : x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x h, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext, | |
rw shift_eq_rename_ext_succ at ih, | |
refine FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt _ _ (ih h), | |
exact nat.succ_pos _, exact nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.succ_pos _) }, | |
{ show _ = _, simp [show x = _, from h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_of_FV_shift (h : x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M)) : x ∈ FV M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x h, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at h, | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext at h, | |
rw shift_eq_rename_ext_succ at ih, | |
refine ih (FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt _ _ h), | |
exact nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.succ_pos _), exact nat.succ_pos _, }, | |
{ show _ = _, simp [nat.succ_inj h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_shift_iff : x ∈ FV M ↔ x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M) := | |
⟨FV_shift_of_FV, FV_of_FV_shift⟩ | |
lemma not_FV_shift_iff : x ∉ FV M ↔ x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | |
by { split; contrapose!; exact FV_of_FV_shift <|> exact FV_shift_of_FV } | |
lemma not_FV_shift_of_not_FV (h : x ∉ FV M) : x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | | h | |
lemma not_FV_of_not_FV_shift (h : x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M)) : x ∉ FV M := | |
not_FV_shift_iff.mpr h | |
lemma subst_ext_ext : subst_ext (σ x M) = σ (x + 1) (shift M) := | |
begin | |
ext y, | |
induction y with y ih, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_ne_zero _] }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_subst_ext : subst_ext^[y] (σ x M) = σ (x + y) (shift^[y] M) := | |
begin | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x M, | |
{ simp [nat.add_zero] }, | |
{ simp [ih, subst_ext_ext, nat.add_succ x y, ←nat.succ_add x y] }, | |
end | |
lemma iterate_shift_app : | |
shift^[x] (app M N) = app (shift^[x] M) (shift^[x] N) := | |
by { induction x with x ih generalizing M N, simp, simp [ih] } | |
lemma iterate_rename_app (x : ℕ) (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
(rename ρ)^[x] (app M N) = app ((rename ρ)^[x] M) ((rename ρ)^[x] N) := | |
by { induction x generalizing M N; simp * } | |
lemma iterate_rename_succ : (rename nat.succ)^[x] = rename (+ x) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih, | |
{ have : rename (λ x, x) = id := rename_id, | |
simp [nat.add_zero, this] }, | |
{ simp only [ih, function.iterate_succ'], clear ih, | |
ext M, | |
cases M, | |
{ simp [rename, rename_comp] }, | |
{ simp [rename, rename_comp, rename_ext_comp] }, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_add] } } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_shift_lam : | |
shift^[x] (lam M) = lam (rename (rename_ext (nat.add x)) M) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih generalizing M, | |
{ have : nat.add 0 = id := funext nat.zero_add, | |
simp [rename_ext_id, rename_id, this] }, | |
{ simp only [rename, function.comp_app, function.iterate_succ], | |
rw [ih, ←function.comp_app (rename _), rename_comp, rename_ext_comp], | |
congr' 3, ext y, change (x + y).succ = _ + _, simp [nat.succ_add] } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_shift_var : | |
shift^[x] (var y) = var (y + x) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ simp [nat.add_zero] }, | |
{ simp [ih, nat.succ_add] } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_rename_ext_succ (h : x + y = z) : | |
x + y + 1 = (rename_ext^[y]) nat.succ z := | |
begin | |
induction z with z ih generalizing y, | |
{ cases nat.eq_zero_of_add_eq_zero h with h₁ h₂, | |
rw [h₁, h₂], refl }, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ simp [h] }, | |
{ specialize ih (nat.succ_inj h), | |
simp [ih, function.iterate_succ', nat.succ_add] } } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_rename_ext_succ_iff : | |
x + y = z ↔ x + y + 1 = (rename_ext^[y]) nat.succ z := | |
begin | |
split, exact iterate_rename_ext_succ, | |
intros h, | |
induction y with y ih generalizing z, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj h }, | |
{ simp [function.iterate_succ'] at h, | |
cases z, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h) }, | |
{ simp [←ih (nat.succ_inj h)] } } | |
end | |
lemma rename_ext_succ_var : | |
rename_ext_succ^[y] (var x) = var (rename_ext^[y] nat.succ x) := | |
by { cases y; refl } | |
lemma FV_of_subst_ne : M[x := L] ≠ M → x ∈ FV M := | |
by { contrapose!, exact subst_eq_of_not_FV } | |
lemma iterate_rename_ext_eq_rename_ext (h : x ∉ FV M) : | |
rename (rename_ext^[x + 1] nat.succ) M = rename (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x, | |
{ simp only [rename, function.comp_app, function.iterate_succ], | |
exact ⟨ih₁ (h ∘ or.inl), ih₂ (h ∘ or.inr)⟩ }, | |
{ specialize ih h, simp [*, function.iterate_succ'] at * }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ cases y, exfalso, exact h rfl, refl }, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ simp [function.iterate_succ'] }, | |
{ specialize ih _ (h ∘ congr_arg nat.succ), | |
simp [function.iterate_succ'] at ih, | |
simp [ih, function.iterate_succ'] } } } | |
end | |
lemma subst_iterate_shift_eq_iterate_shift_subst : | |
shift^[y] M[x := L] = (shift^[y] M)[x + y := (shift^[y]) L] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ _ _ M ih z generalizing x y L, | |
{ simp [*, iterate_shift_app] }, | |
{ simp only [subst_ext_ext, subst], | |
sorry }, | |
{ induction y with y ih generalizing x z L, | |
{ by_cases x = z; simp [*, nat.add_zero] }, | |
{ simp only [ih, function.iterate_succ', function.comp_app], | |
by_cases x = z, | |
{ simp [h, iterate_shift_var] }, | |
{ simp [h, h ∘ nat.add_right_cancel, iterate_shift_var] } } } | |
end | |
lemma subst_shift_eq_shift_subst : | |
shift M[x := L] = (shift M)[x + 1 := shift L] := | |
begin | |
have := subst_iterate_shift_eq_iterate_shift_subst, | |
rwa function.iterate_one at this | |
end | |
example (h : x ≠ y) (hx : x ∉ FV L) : | |
M[x := N][y := L] = M[y := L][x := N[y := L]] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih z generalizing x y N L, | |
{ simp [ih₁ h hx, ih₂ h hx] }, | |
{ simp only [subst, subst_ext_eq_shift], | |
have := ih (h ∘ nat.succ_inj) ( hx), | |
rw [subst_shift_eq_shift_subst, this] }, | |
{ by_cases x = z ∨ y = z, rcases h with rfl | rfl, | |
{ simp [h.symm] }, | |
{ simp [subst_eq_of_not_FV hx, h] }, | |
{ simp [ h] } } | |
end |
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import logic.function.iterate | |
import tactic.basic | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : Type | |
| app (M N : term) : term | |
| lam (M : term) : term | |
| var (x : ℕ) : term | |
open term | |
variables {x y z : ℕ} {M N L : term} | |
@[simp] def FV : term → set ℕ | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (lam M) := FV M ∘ nat.succ | |
| (var x) := {x} | |
instance (x : ℕ) : decidable (x ∈ FV M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with M N ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x, | |
{ cases ih₁ x with ih₁ ih₁; cases ih₂ x with ih₂ ih₂, | |
{ exact is_false (λ h, h.cases_on ih₁ ih₂) }, | |
all_goals { exact is_true (by exact or.inl ih₁ <|> exact or.inr ih₂) } }, | |
{ exact decidable.cases_on (ih (x + 1)) is_false is_true }, | |
{ exact dite (x = y) is_true is_false } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ | |
| 0 := 0 | |
| (x + 1) := ρ x + 1 | |
@[simp] lemma rename_ext_id : rename_ext id = id := | |
by { ext x, cases x; refl } | |
lemma rename_ext_comp (ρ₁ ρ₂ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
rename_ext ρ₁ ∘ rename_ext ρ₂ = rename_ext (ρ₁ ∘ ρ₂) := | |
by { ext x, cases x; refl } | |
lemma iterate_rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
(rename_ext ρ)^[x] = rename_ext (ρ^[x]) := | |
by { induction x; simp [*, rename_ext_comp] } | |
lemma rename_ext_inj : function.injective rename_ext := | |
λ _ _ h, funext (λ x, nat.succ_inj (congr_fun h (x + 1))) | |
lemma rename_ext_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hρ : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext ρ) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h.symm) }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw hρ (nat.succ_inj h) } | |
end | |
lemma rename_ext_succ_inj (x : ℕ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) := | |
begin | |
intros n m h, | |
induction x with x ih generalizing n m, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at h, | |
exact rename_ext_inj_inj (ih : function.injective _) h } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename : (ℕ → ℕ) → term → term | |
| ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
@[simp] lemma rename_id : rename id = id := | |
by { ext M, induction M; simp * } | |
lemma rename_comp (ρ₁ ρ₂ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
rename ρ₁ ∘ rename ρ₂ = rename (ρ₁ ∘ ρ₂) := | |
begin | |
ext M, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing ρ₁ ρ₂, | |
{ simp only [rename, function.comp_app], exact ⟨ih₁ _ _, ih₂ _ _⟩ }, | |
{ simp only [rename, ←rename_ext_comp ρ₁ ρ₂, function.comp_app], apply ih }, | |
{ refl } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_rename (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
(rename ρ)^[x] = rename (ρ^[x]) := | |
by { induction x; simp [*, rename_comp, rename_ext_comp] } | |
lemma rename_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hρ : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename ρ) := | |
begin | |
intros M N h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing N ρ hρ; | |
cases N; simp only [rename] at h; try { exfalso, exact h }, | |
{ congr, exact ih₁ hρ h.1, exact ih₂ hρ h.2 }, | |
{ congr, exact ih (rename_ext_inj_inj hρ) h }, | |
{ congr, exact hρ h } | |
end | |
notation `rename_ext_succ^[` x `]` := rename (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) | |
lemma rename_ext_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 = (rename_ext^[y] nat.succ z) ↔ x = z := | |
begin | |
split, | |
{ intro hM, | |
induction z with z ih generalizing x y, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ apply nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ hM) } }, | |
{ cases x, | |
{ rw nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero h at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ (nat.succ_inj hM.symm)) }, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_lt_succ h) (nat.succ_inj hM) } } } }, | |
{ rintro rfl, | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x, exact rfl, | |
cases x, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h) } } | |
end | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] (var z)) ↔ x = z := | |
rename_ext_iff h | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt (hy : y < x) (hz : z < x) : | |
x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] M) → x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[z] M) := | |
begin | |
intro h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih w generalizing x y z, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁ hy hz) (or.inr ∘ ih₂ hy hz) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at ⊢ h, | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'] at ⊢ h, | |
refine ih (nat.succ_lt_succ hy) (nat.succ_lt_succ hz) h }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y z w, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ hy) }, | |
{ cases y; cases z, | |
{ rw nat.succ_inj h, exact rfl }, | |
{ rw [←nat.succ_inj h, FV_rename_ext_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hz)] }, | |
{ congr, | |
rwa FV_rename_ext_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hy) at h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at ⊢ h, | |
cases w, exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h), | |
congr, | |
refine ih _ _ _ (nat.succ_inj h), | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hy, | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hz } } } | |
end | |
lemma not_FV_rename_ext_succ (x : ℕ) : x ∉ FV (rename_ext_succ^[x] M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih y generalizing x, | |
{ exact λ h, h.cases_on (ih₁ x) (ih₂ x) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'], | |
exact ih (x + 1) }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ ∘ eq.symm }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ }, | |
{ exact (ih _ ∘ nat.succ_inj) } } }, | |
end | |
notation `shift` := rename nat.succ | |
lemma shift_eq_rename_ext_succ : shift = rename_ext_succ^[0] := rfl | |
lemma shift_inj : function.injective shift := | |
λ _ _ h, rename_inj_inj @nat.succ_inj h | |
@[simp] def subst_ext (σ : ℕ → term) : ℕ → term | |
| 0 := var 0 | |
| (x + 1) := shift (σ x) | |
lemma subst_ext_inj : function.injective subst_ext := | |
λ _ _ h, funext (λ x, shift_inj (congr_fun h (x + 1))) | |
lemma subst_ext_inj_inj {σ : ℕ → term} (hσ : function.injective σ) : | |
function.injective (subst_ext σ) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h; try | |
{ exfalso, | |
simp only [subst_ext] at h, | |
cases σ ‹_›; simp only [rename] at h; try { exact h }, | |
apply nat.succ_ne_zero, exact h <|> exact h.symm }, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ congr, exact hσ (shift_inj h) } | |
end | |
@[simp] def subst : (ℕ → term) → term → term | |
| σ (app M N) := app (subst σ M) (subst σ N) | |
| σ (lam M) := lam (subst (subst_ext σ) M) | |
| σ (var x) := σ x | |
@[simp] def σ (x : ℕ) (L : term) (y : ℕ) : term := | |
if x = y then L else var y | |
-- This changes the precedence of `[`. Let's hope this doesn't become an issue. | |
notation M `[`:std.prec.max_plus x ` := ` L `]` := subst (σ x L) M | |
lemma subst_ext_eq_shift (x : ℕ) : subst_ext (σ x M) = σ (x + 1) (shift M) := | |
begin | |
ext y, | |
cases y, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_ne_zero x] }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma subst_eq_of_not_FV (h : x ∉ FV M) : M[x := L] = M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x L, | |
{ cases h with h₁ h₂, simp [ih₁ h₁, ih₂ h₂] }, | |
{ simp [subst_ext_eq_shift, ih h] }, | |
{ simp [show x ≠ _, from h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_shift_of_FV (h : x ∈ FV M) : x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x h, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext, | |
rw shift_eq_rename_ext_succ at ih, | |
refine FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt _ _ (ih h), | |
exact nat.succ_pos _, exact nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.succ_pos _) }, | |
{ show _ = _, simp [show x = _, from h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_of_FV_shift (h : x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M)) : x ∈ FV M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x h, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at h, | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext at h, | |
rw shift_eq_rename_ext_succ at ih, | |
refine ih (FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt _ _ h), | |
exact nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.succ_pos _), exact nat.succ_pos _, }, | |
{ show _ = _, simp [nat.succ_inj h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_shift_iff : x ∈ FV M ↔ x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M) := | |
⟨FV_shift_of_FV, FV_of_FV_shift⟩ | |
lemma not_FV_shift_iff : x ∉ FV M ↔ x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | |
by { split; contrapose!; exact FV_of_FV_shift <|> exact FV_shift_of_FV } | |
lemma not_FV_shift_of_not_FV (h : x ∉ FV M) : x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | | h | |
lemma not_FV_of_not_FV_shift (h : x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M)) : x ∉ FV M := | |
not_FV_shift_iff.mpr h | |
lemma subst_ext_ext : subst_ext (σ x M) = σ (x + 1) (shift M) := | |
begin | |
ext y, | |
induction y with y ih, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_ne_zero _] }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_subst_ext : subst_ext^[y] (σ x M) = σ (x + y) (shift^[y] M) := | |
begin | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x M, | |
{ simp [nat.add_zero] }, | |
{ simp [ih, subst_ext_ext, nat.add_succ x y, ←nat.succ_add x y] }, | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma iterate_shift_app : | |
shift^[x] (app M N) = app (shift^[x] M) (shift^[x] N) := | |
by { induction x with x ih generalizing M N, simp, simp [ih] } | |
lemma iterate_rename_app (x : ℕ) (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : | |
(rename ρ)^[x] (app M N) = app ((rename ρ)^[x] M) ((rename ρ)^[x] N) := | |
by { induction x generalizing M N; simp * } | |
lemma iterate_rename_succ : (rename nat.succ)^[x] = rename (+ x) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih, | |
{ have : rename (λ x, x) = id := rename_id, | |
simp [nat.add_zero, this] }, | |
{ simp only [ih, function.iterate_succ'], clear ih, | |
ext M, | |
cases M, | |
{ simp [rename, rename_comp] }, | |
{ simp [rename, rename_comp, rename_ext_comp] }, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_add] } } | |
end | |
example : (rename (rename_ext nat.succ))^[x] = rename (rename_ext^[x] (+ x)) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih, | |
{ have : rename (λ x, x) = id := rename_id, | |
simp [nat.add_zero, this] }, | |
{ ext M, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ihM y, | |
{ rw [function.iterate_succ', function.comp_app, ih], | |
simp only [rename], | |
split; try { rw ←ih₁ <|> rw ←ih₂ }; | |
rw [←ih, ←function.comp_app (rename _), ←function.iterate_succ'] }, | |
{ simp only [ih, function.iterate_succ', rename, rename_comp], | |
sorry }, | |
{ induction y; simp [*, nat.succ_add] } } | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma iterate_shift_lam : | |
shift^[x] (lam M) = lam (rename (rename_ext (+ x)) M) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih generalizing M, | |
{ have : rename_ext (λ x, x) = id := rename_ext_id, | |
simp [nat.add_zero, this] }, | |
{ simp only [rename, function.comp_app, function.iterate_succ], | |
rw [ih, ←function.comp_app (rename _), rename_comp, rename_ext_comp], | |
congr, ext, simp [nat.succ_add] } | |
end | |
@[simp] lemma iterate_shift_var : | |
shift^[x] (var y) = var (y + x) := | |
begin | |
induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ simp [nat.add_zero] }, | |
{ simp [ih, nat.succ_add] } | |
end | |
example : | |
rename_ext_succ^[y] M[x + y := rename (+ y) L] = (rename_ext_succ^[y] M)[x + 1 + y := rename (λ x, x + 1 + y) L] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih z generalizing x y L, | |
{ sorry }, | |
{ sorry }, | |
{ induction y with y ih generalizing x z L, | |
{ by_cases x = z, | |
{ simp [h, nat.add_zero], | |
rw [←function.comp_app (rename _), rename_comp] }, | |
{ simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj, nat.add_zero] } }, | |
{ sorry } } | |
end | |
example : shift M[x := L] = (shift M)[x + 1 := shift L] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x L, | |
{ simp only [rename, subst], exact ⟨ih₁, ih₂⟩ }, | |
{ simp [subst_ext_ext], | |
rw [←function.comp_app (rename _) (rename _), rename_comp], | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext, | |
sorry }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma iterate_subst_shift_eq_shift_subst : | |
shift^[y] M[x := L] = (shift^[y] M)[x + y := (shift^[y]) L] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih₁ z generalizing x y L, | |
{ simp only [subst, iterate_shift_app] at *, exact ⟨ih₁, ih₂⟩ }, | |
{ induction y with y ih₂ generalizing x L, | |
{ repeat { rw function.iterate_zero_apply }, refl }, | |
{ rw [function.iterate_succ', function.comp_app, ih₂], | |
rw ←function.iterate_succ', | |
simp [subst_ext_ext], | |
rw ←function.comp_app (rename _), | |
sorry } }, | |
{ by_cases x = z, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.add_right_cancel] } | |
--induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y, | |
--{ simp only [rename, subst] at *, exact ⟨ih₁, ih₂⟩ }, | |
--{ repeat { rw tmp at * }, | |
-- simp at *, | |
-- repeat { rw ←tmp }, | |
-- sorry }, | |
--{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
--induction M[x := L] with _ _ ih _ _ ih y generalizing x M L; | |
--try | |
--{ exfalso, | |
-- have h₁ := @ih 0 (var 0) (var 0), | |
-- have h₂ := @ih 0 (var 0) (var 1), | |
-- rw h₁ at h₂, | |
-- simp at *, | |
-- exact nat.zero_ne_one h₂ }, | |
--induction M with K₁ K₂ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x L, | |
--{ exfalso, | |
-- have h₁ := @ih₁ 0 (var 0), | |
-- have h₂ := @ih₂ 0 (var 0), | |
-- rw h₁ at h₂, | |
-- simp at *, | |
-- sorry }, | |
--induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y, | |
--{ simp only [rename, subst] at *, exact ⟨ih₁, ih₂⟩ }, | |
--{ | |
-- -- Attempt. | |
-- --simp only [rename, function.iterate_zero, id.def], | |
-- --rw [←function.iterate_one rename_ext, ←shift_def], | |
-- -- | |
-- -- Attempt. | |
-- --by_cases x ∈ FV (lam M), | |
-- --{ simp at h, | |
-- -- sorry }, | |
-- --{ have := not_FV_shift_of_not_FV h, | |
-- -- rw [subst_eq_of_not_FV h, subst_eq_of_not_FV this] } | |
-- }, | |
--{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma subst_shift_eq_shift_subst : | |
shift M[x := L] = (shift M)[x + 1 := shift L] := | |
function.iterate_one shift ▸ iterate_subst_shift_eq_shift_subst | |
example (h : x ≠ y) (hx : x ∉ FV L) : | |
M[x := N][y := L] = M[y := L][x := N[y := L]] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih z generalizing x y N L, | |
{ simp [ih₁ h hx, ih₂ h hx] }, | |
{ simp only [subst, subst_ext_eq_shift], | |
have := ih (h ∘ nat.succ_inj) ( hx), | |
rw [subst_shift_eq_shift_subst, this] }, | |
{ by_cases x = z ∨ y = z, rcases h with rfl | rfl, | |
{ simp [h.symm] }, | |
{ simp [subst_eq_of_not_FV hx, h] }, | |
{ simp [ h] } } | |
end |
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import data.finset | |
import tactic.basic | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : Type | |
| app (M N : term) : term | |
| lam (M : term) : term | |
| var (x : ℕ) : term | |
open term | |
@[simp] def FV : term → finset ℕ | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (lam M) := finset.image nat.pred (FV M \ {0}) | |
| (var x) := {x} | |
instance (x : ℕ) (M : term) : decidable (x ∈ FV M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with M N ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x, | |
{ simp only [FV, finset.mem_union], | |
cases ih₁ x with ih₁ ih₁; cases ih₂ x with ih₂ ih₂, | |
{ exact is_false (λ h, h.cases_on ih₁ ih₂) }, | |
all_goals { exact is_true (by exact or.inl ih₁ <|> exact or.inr ih₂) } }, | |
{ suffices : decidable (∃ y, y ∈ FV M ∧ y ≠ 0 ∧ y - 1 = x), | |
{ simpa [and_assoc] }, | |
cases ih (x + 1) with ih ih, | |
{ apply is_false, | |
rintro ⟨_ | y, h⟩, | |
{ exact h.2.1 rfl }, | |
{ exact ih (nat.pred_succ y ▸ h.2.2 ▸ h.1) } }, | |
{ exact is_true ⟨x + 1, ih, nat.succ_ne_zero x, nat.pred_succ x⟩ } }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], exact is_true trivial, simp, exact is_false h } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ | |
| 0 := 0 | |
| (x + 1) := ρ x + 1 | |
@[simp] def rename : (ℕ → ℕ) → term → term | |
| ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
notation `shift` := rename nat.succ | |
@[simp] def subst_ext (σ : ℕ → term) : ℕ → term | |
| 0 := var 0 | |
| (x + 1) := shift (σ x) | |
@[simp] def subst : (ℕ → term) → term → term | |
| σ (app M N) := app (subst σ M) (subst σ N) | |
| σ (lam M) := lam (subst (subst_ext σ) M) | |
| σ (var x) := σ x | |
@[simp] def σ (x : ℕ) (L : term) (y : ℕ) : term := | |
if x = y then L else var y | |
-- This changes the precedence of `[`. Let's hope this doesn't become an issue. | |
notation M `[`:std.prec.max_plus x ` := ` L `]` := subst (σ x L) M | |
variables {x y z : ℕ} {M N L : term} | |
-- Type copied. | |
lemma shift_non_free : x ∉ FV M → x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | |
begin | |
contrapose!, | |
intro h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih generalizing x h, | |
{ simp only [FV, rename, finset.mem_union] at *, | |
exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp [and_assoc] at *, | |
rcases h with ⟨y, h₁, h₂, h₃⟩, | |
sorry }, | |
{ simp only [FV, rename, finset.mem_singleton] at *, | |
exact nat.succ_inj h } | |
--intro h, | |
--induction M with M N ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x, | |
--{ simp only [FV, rename, finset.mem_union] at *, | |
-- cases h with h₁ h₂, | |
-- exact not_or_distrib.mpr ⟨ih₁ h₁, ih₂ h₂⟩ }, | |
--{ intro a, | |
-- sorry }, | |
--{ simp only [FV, rename, finset.mem_singleton] at *, | |
-- exact h ∘ nat.succ_inj } | |
end | |
-- Type copied. | |
lemma subst_shift_eq_shift_subst_shift : | |
shift M[x := L] = (shift M)[x + 1 := shift L] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y, | |
{ simp [ih₁, ih₂] }, | |
{ sorry }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end |
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import tactic.basic | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive preterm : Type | |
| abs (x : ℕ) (M : preterm) : preterm | |
| app (M N : preterm) : preterm | |
| var (x : ℕ) : preterm | |
-- Note that `λx.fy` is `λx.(fy)` and not `(λx.f)y`. | |
open preterm | |
-- Free variables. | |
@[simp] | |
def FV : preterm → set ℕ | |
| (abs x M) := FV M \ {x} | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (var x) := {x} | |
instance (x : ℕ) (M : preterm) : decidable (x ∈ FV M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with y M ih M N ih₁ ih₂ y, | |
{ by_cases x = y, | |
{ exact is_false (h.symm ▸ λ h, h.2 rfl) }, | |
{ cases ih, | |
{ exact is_false (mt and.left ih) }, | |
{ exact is_true ⟨ih, h⟩ } } }, | |
{ cases ih₁; cases ih₂, | |
{ refine is_false (λ h, or.cases_on h (λ h, ih₁ h) (λ h, ih₂ h)) }, | |
all_goals { exact is_true (by exact or.inl ih₁ <|> exact or.inr ih₂) } }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, exact is_true h, exact is_false h }, | |
end | |
-- Bound variables. | |
@[simp] | |
def BV : preterm → set ℕ | |
| (abs x M) := FV M ∪ {x} | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (var x) := ∅ | |
-- Names of bound variables should always differ from free ones. | |
@[simp] | |
def behaved (s : set ℕ) : preterm → Prop | |
| (abs x M) := behaved M ∧ x ∉ s | |
| (app M N) := behaved M ∧ behaved N | |
| (var x) := true | |
lemma behaved.subset {M : preterm} {s t : set ℕ} (h : s ⊆ t) : | |
behaved t M → behaved s M := | |
begin | |
change ∀ _, _ at h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih; try { unfold behaved, cc }, | |
exact λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, ⟨ih h₁, λ hs, h₂ (h _ hs)⟩ | |
end | |
def term : Type := {M : preterm // behaved (FV M) M} | |
@[simp] | |
def closed (M : term) : Prop := FV M.val = ∅ | |
-- Substitute `x` for `N`. | |
@[reducible] | |
def subst.main (x : ℕ) (N : preterm) : preterm → preterm | |
| (abs y M) := abs y $ if x = y then M else subst.main M | |
| (app P Q) := app (subst.main P) (subst.main Q) | |
| (var y) := if x = y then N else var y | |
lemma subst.eq {x : ℕ} {M N : preterm} (h : x ∉ FV M) : | |
subst.main x N M = M := | |
begin | |
induction M with y _ ih _ _ ih₁ ih₂; unfold subst.main, | |
{ by_cases this : x = y, | |
{ rwa if_pos }, | |
{ rwa [if_neg, ih (λ x, h ⟨x, this⟩)] } }, | |
{ rw [ih₁ (h ∘ or.inl), ih₂ (h ∘ or.inr)] }, | |
{ rwa if_neg }, | |
end | |
variables {x y z : ℕ} {M N L : term} | |
meta def so_sorry : tactic unit := tactic.all_goals' tactic.admit | |
example {s t : set ℕ} : s ⊆ s ∪ t := λ _, or.inl | |
lemma subst.sound {L : preterm} (h : closed N) : | |
L = subst.main x N.val M.val → behaved (FV L) L := | |
begin | |
rintro rfl, | |
sorry, | |
--induction M.val with y M ih _ _ ih₁ ih₂ y, | |
--{ simp only [FV, behaved], | |
-- by_cases this : x = y; split, | |
-- { sorry }, | |
-- { rw if_pos this, exact λ h, h.2 rfl }, | |
-- { rw if_neg this, refine behaved.subset (λ _, and.left) ih }, | |
-- { rw if_neg this, exact λ h, h.2 rfl } | |
-- --by_cases x = y; split, | |
-- --{ rw if_pos h, refine behaved.subset (λ _, and.left) _, | |
-- -- by_cases x ∈ FV M, | |
-- -- { sorry }, | |
-- -- { rwa subst.eq h at ih } }, | |
-- }, | |
--{ simp only [FV, behaved], | |
-- split, | |
-- { refine behaved.subset (λ _, or.inr) _, | |
-- | |
-- so_sorry }, | |
-- sorry }, | |
--by_cases x = y; unfold subst.main, | |
--{ rw if_pos h, exact }, | |
--{ rw if_neg h, simp } | |
end | |
def subst (x : ℕ) {N : term} (hN : closed N) (M : term) : term := | |
⟨subst.main x N.val M.val, subst.sound hN rfl⟩ | |
notation M `[` x ` := ` N `]` := subst x N M | |
/- | |
example (M N : term) (h₁ : x ≠ y) (h₂ : x ∉ FV L) : | |
M[x := N][y := L] = M[y := L][x := N[y := L]] := | |
begin | |
induction M with z M ih _ _ _ _ z; unfold subst, | |
{ by_cases x = z ∨ y = z, rcases h with rfl | rfl, cc, | |
rw [if_pos, if_neg, if_neg, if_pos], | |
all_goals { try { cc } }, | |
congr, suffices : y ∉ FV N, rw subst.eq this, | |
intro h, | |
apply h₁, | |
sorry }, | |
{ congr' }, | |
{ by_cases x = z ∨ y = z, rcases h with rfl | rfl, | |
{ rw [if_pos, if_neg], unfold subst, | |
all_goals { cc } }, | |
{ rw [if_neg, if_pos], unfold subst, | |
rw [if_pos, subst.eq h₂], | |
all_goals { cc } }, | |
{ rw [if_neg, if_neg], unfold subst, | |
all_goals { cc } } } | |
end | |
-/ |
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import data.fin | |
import algebra.order | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : ℕ → Type | |
| app {Γ : ℕ} (M N : term Γ) : term Γ | |
| lam {Γ : ℕ} (M : term (Γ + 1)) : term Γ | |
| var {Γ : ℕ} (x : fin Γ) : term Γ | |
open term | |
variables {Γ Δ : ℕ} | |
def rename_ext (ρ : fin Γ → fin Δ) (x : fin (Γ + 1)) : fin (Δ + 1) := | |
if h : x = 0 then 0 else fin.succ $ ρ (x.pred h) | |
def rename : ∀ {Γ Δ}, (fin Γ → fin Δ) → term Γ → term Δ | |
| Γ Δ ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| Γ Δ ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| Γ Δ ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
def subst_ext (σ : fin Γ → term Δ) : fin (Γ + 1) → term (Δ + 1) | |
| ⟨0, _⟩ := var 0 | |
| ⟨x + 1, h⟩ := rename fin.succ (σ ⟨x, nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h⟩) | |
def subst : ∀ {Γ Δ : ℕ}, (fin Γ → term Δ) → term Γ → term Δ | |
| Γ Δ σ (app M N) := app (subst σ M) (subst σ N) | |
| Γ Δ σ (lam M) := lam (subst (subst_ext σ) M) | |
| Γ Δ σ (var x) := σ x | |
def subst' (x : fin (Γ + 1)) (N : term Γ) (M : term (Γ + 1)) : term Γ := | |
let σ (y : fin (Γ + 1)) : term Γ := | |
@ordering.cases_on (λ o, cmp x y = o → term Γ) (cmp x y) | |
-- `` | |
(λ h, let h := (ordering.compares.eq_lt (cmp_compares x y)).mp h | |
in var (y.pred (fin.ne_of_vne (ne_bot_of_gt h)))) | |
-- `ordering.eq` | |
(λ h, N) | |
-- `` | |
(λ h, let h := (ordering.compares.eq_gt (cmp_compares x y)).mp h | |
in var ⟨y, lt_of_lt_of_le h ( x.is_lt)⟩) rfl | |
in subst σ M | |
notation M `[` x ` := ` N `]` := subst' x N M |
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import logic.function.iterate | |
import tactic.basic | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : Type | |
| app (M N : term) : term | |
| lam (M : term) : term | |
| var (x : ℕ) : term | |
open term | |
variables {x y z : ℕ} {M N L : term} | |
@[simp] def FV : term → set ℕ | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (lam M) := FV M ∘ nat.succ | |
| (var x) := {x} | |
instance (x : ℕ) : decidable (x ∈ FV M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with M N ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x, | |
{ cases ih₁ x with ih₁ ih₁; cases ih₂ x with ih₂ ih₂, | |
{ exact is_false (λ h, h.cases_on ih₁ ih₂) }, | |
all_goals { exact is_true (by exact or.inl ih₁ <|> exact or.inr ih₂) } }, | |
{ exact decidable.cases_on (ih (x + 1)) is_false is_true }, | |
{ exact dite (x = y) is_true is_false } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ | |
| 0 := 0 | |
| (x + 1) := ρ x + 1 | |
lemma rename_ext_inj : function.injective rename_ext := | |
λ _ _ h, funext (λ x, nat.succ_inj (congr_fun h (x + 1))) | |
lemma rename_ext_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hρ : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext ρ) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h.symm) }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw hρ (nat.succ_inj h) } | |
end | |
lemma rename_ext_succ_inj (x : ℕ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) := | |
begin | |
intros n m h, | |
induction x with x ih generalizing n m, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at h, | |
exact rename_ext_inj_inj (ih : function.injective _) h } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename : (ℕ → ℕ) → term → term | |
| ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
lemma rename_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hρ : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename ρ) := | |
begin | |
intros M N h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing N ρ hρ; | |
cases N; simp only [rename] at h; try { exfalso, exact h }, | |
{ congr, exact ih₁ hρ h.1, exact ih₂ hρ h.2 }, | |
{ congr, exact ih (rename_ext_inj_inj hρ) h }, | |
{ congr, exact hρ h } | |
end | |
notation `rename_ext_succ^[` x `]` := rename (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) | |
lemma rename_ext_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 = (rename_ext^[y] nat.succ z) ↔ x = z := | |
begin | |
split, | |
{ intro hM, | |
induction z with z ih generalizing x y, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ apply nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ hM) } }, | |
{ cases x, | |
{ rw nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero h at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ (nat.succ_inj hM.symm)) }, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_lt_succ h) (nat.succ_inj hM) } } } }, | |
{ rintro rfl, | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x, exact rfl, | |
cases x, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h) } } | |
end | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] (var z)) ↔ x = z := | |
rename_ext_iff h | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt (hy : y < x) (hz : z < x) : | |
x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] M) → x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[z] M) := | |
begin | |
intro h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih w generalizing x y z, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁ hy hz) (or.inr ∘ ih₂ hy hz) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at ⊢ h, | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'] at ⊢ h, | |
refine ih (nat.succ_lt_succ hy) (nat.succ_lt_succ hz) h }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y z w, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ hy) }, | |
{ cases y; cases z, | |
{ rw nat.succ_inj h, exact rfl }, | |
{ rw [←nat.succ_inj h, FV_rename_ext_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hz)] }, | |
{ congr, | |
rwa FV_rename_ext_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hy) at h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at ⊢ h, | |
cases w, exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h), | |
congr, | |
refine ih _ _ _ (nat.succ_inj h), | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hy, | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hz } } } | |
end | |
lemma not_FV_rename_ext_succ (x : ℕ) : x ∉ FV (rename_ext_succ^[x] M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih y generalizing x, | |
{ exact λ h, h.cases_on (ih₁ x) (ih₂ x) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'], | |
exact ih (x + 1) }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ ∘ eq.symm }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ }, | |
{ exact (ih _ ∘ nat.succ_inj) } } }, | |
end | |
notation `shift` := rename nat.succ | |
lemma shift_eq_rename_ext_succ : shift = rename_ext_succ^[0] := rfl | |
lemma shift_inj : function.injective shift := | |
λ _ _ h, rename_inj_inj @nat.succ_inj h | |
@[simp] def subst_ext (σ : ℕ → term) : ℕ → term | |
| 0 := var 0 | |
| (x + 1) := shift (σ x) | |
lemma subst_ext_inj_inj {σ : ℕ → term} (hσ : function.injective σ) : | |
function.injective (subst_ext σ) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h; try | |
{ exfalso, | |
simp only [subst_ext] at h, | |
cases σ ‹_›; simp only [rename] at h; try { exact h }, | |
apply nat.succ_ne_zero, exact h <|> exact h.symm }, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ congr, exact hσ (rename_inj_inj @nat.succ_inj h) } | |
end | |
@[simp] def subst : (ℕ → term) → term → term | |
| σ (app M N) := app (subst σ M) (subst σ N) | |
| σ (lam M) := lam (subst (subst_ext σ) M) | |
| σ (var x) := σ x | |
@[simp] def σ (x : ℕ) (L : term) (y : ℕ) : term := | |
if x = y then L else var y | |
-- This changes the precedence of `[`. Let's hope this doesn't become an issue. | |
notation M `[`:std.prec.max_plus x ` := ` L `]` := subst (σ x L) M | |
lemma subst_ext_eq_shift (x : ℕ) : subst_ext (σ x M) = σ (x + 1) (shift M) := | |
begin | |
ext y, | |
cases y, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_ne_zero x] }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
lemma subst_eq_of_not_FV (h : x ∉ FV M) : M[x := L] = M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x L, | |
{ cases h with h₁ h₂, simp [ih₁ h₁, ih₂ h₂] }, | |
{ simp [subst_ext_eq_shift, ih h] }, | |
{ simp [show x ≠ _, from h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_shift_of_FV (h : x ∈ FV M) : x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x h, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext, | |
rw shift_eq_rename_ext_succ at ih, | |
refine FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt _ _ (ih h), | |
exact nat.succ_pos _, exact nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.succ_pos _) }, | |
{ show _ = _, simp [show x = _, from h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_of_FV_shift (h : x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M)) : x ∈ FV M := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih generalizing x h, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁) (or.inr ∘ ih₂) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at h, | |
rw ←function.iterate_one rename_ext at h, | |
rw shift_eq_rename_ext_succ at ih, | |
refine ih (FV_rename_ext_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_lt _ _ h), | |
exact nat.succ_lt_succ (nat.succ_pos _), exact nat.succ_pos _, }, | |
{ show _ = _, simp [nat.succ_inj h] } | |
end | |
lemma FV_shift_iff : x ∈ FV M ↔ x + 1 ∈ FV (shift M) := | |
⟨FV_shift_of_FV, FV_of_FV_shift⟩ | |
lemma not_FV_shift_iff : x ∉ FV M ↔ x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | |
by { split; contrapose!; exact FV_of_FV_shift <|> exact FV_shift_of_FV } | |
lemma not_FV_shift_of_not_FV (h : x ∉ FV M) : x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M) := | | h | |
lemma not_FV_of_not_FV_shift (h : x + 1 ∉ FV (shift M)) : x ∉ FV M := | |
not_FV_shift_iff.mpr h | |
example (h : M[x := L] = N) : | |
(lam (shift M))[x := shift L] = lam (shift N) := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
lemma tmp : σ (x + 1) (shift M) = subst_ext (σ x M) := | |
begin | |
ext y, | |
induction y with y ih, | |
{ simp [nat.succ_ne_zero _] }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
example : σ (x + y) (shift^[y] M) = (subst_ext^[y]) (σ x M) := | |
begin | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x M, | |
{ simp [nat.add_zero] }, | |
{ simp [nat.add_succ x y, ←nat.succ_add x y, ih, tmp] }, | |
end | |
lemma subst_shift_eq_shift_subst : | |
shift M[x := L] = (shift M)[x + 1 := shift L] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y, | |
{ simp only [rename, subst] at *, exact ⟨ih₁, ih₂⟩ }, | |
{ repeat { rw tmp at * }, | |
simp at *, | |
repeat { rw ←tmp }, | |
sorry }, | |
{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
--induction M[x := L] with _ _ ih _ _ ih y generalizing x M L; | |
--try | |
--{ exfalso, | |
-- have h₁ := @ih 0 (var 0) (var 0), | |
-- have h₂ := @ih 0 (var 0) (var 1), | |
-- rw h₁ at h₂, | |
-- simp at *, | |
-- exact nat.zero_ne_one h₂ }, | |
--induction M with K₁ K₂ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y generalizing x L, | |
--{ exfalso, | |
-- have h₁ := @ih₁ 0 (var 0), | |
-- have h₂ := @ih₂ 0 (var 0), | |
-- rw h₁ at h₂, | |
-- simp at *, | |
-- sorry }, | |
--induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih y, | |
--{ simp only [rename, subst] at *, exact ⟨ih₁, ih₂⟩ }, | |
--{ | |
-- -- Attempt. | |
-- --simp only [rename, function.iterate_zero, id.def], | |
-- --rw [←function.iterate_one rename_ext, ←shift_def], | |
-- -- | |
-- -- Attempt. | |
-- --by_cases x ∈ FV (lam M), | |
-- --{ simp at h, | |
-- -- sorry }, | |
-- --{ have := not_FV_shift_of_not_FV h, | |
-- -- rw [subst_eq_of_not_FV h, subst_eq_of_not_FV this] } | |
-- }, | |
--{ by_cases x = y, simp [h], simp [h, h ∘ nat.succ_inj] } | |
end | |
example (h : x ≠ y) (hx : x ∉ FV L) : | |
M[x := N][y := L] = M[y := L][x := N[y := L]] := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih z generalizing x y N L, | |
{ simp [ih₁ h hx, ih₂ h hx] }, | |
{ simp only [subst, subst_ext_eq_shift], | |
have := ih (h ∘ nat.succ_inj) ( hx), | |
rw [subst_shift_eq_shift_subst, this] }, | |
{ by_cases x = z ∨ y = z, rcases h with rfl | rfl, | |
{ simp [h.symm] }, | |
{ simp [subst_eq_of_not_FV hx, h] }, | |
{ simp [ h] } } | |
end |
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import logic.function.iterate | |
import tactic.basic | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : Type | |
| app (M N : term) : term | |
| lam (M : term) : term | |
| var (x : ℕ) : term | |
open term | |
variables {x y z : ℕ} {M : term} | |
@[simp] def FV : term → set ℕ | |
| (app M N) := FV M ∪ FV N | |
| (lam M) := FV M ∘ nat.succ | |
| (var x) := {x} | |
@[simp] def rename_ext (ρ : ℕ → ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ | |
| 0 := 0 | |
| (x + 1) := ρ x + 1 | |
lemma rename_ext_inj : function.injective rename_ext := | |
λ _ _ h, funext (λ x, nat.succ_inj (congr_fun h (x + 1))) | |
lemma rename_ext_inj_inj {f : ℕ → ℕ} (hf : function.injective f) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext f) := | |
begin | |
rintros ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩ h, | |
{ refl }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h.symm) }, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw hf (nat.succ_inj h) } | |
end | |
lemma rename_ext_succ_inj (x : ℕ) : | |
function.injective (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) := | |
begin | |
intros n m h, | |
induction x with x ih generalizing n m, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at h, | |
exact rename_ext_inj_inj (ih : function.injective _) h } | |
end | |
@[simp] def rename : (ℕ → ℕ) → term → term | |
| ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
lemma rename_inj_inj {ρ : ℕ → ℕ} (hf : function.injective ρ) : | |
function.injective (rename ρ) := | |
begin | |
intros M N h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ M ih x generalizing N ρ hf; | |
cases N; simp only [rename] at h; try { exfalso, exact h }, | |
{ congr, exact ih₁ hf h.1, exact ih₂ hf h.2 }, | |
{ congr, exact ih (rename_ext_inj_inj hf) h }, | |
{ congr, exact hf h } | |
end | |
notation `rename_ext_succ^[` x `]` := rename (rename_ext^[x] nat.succ) | |
lemma rename_ext_succ_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 = (rename_ext^[y] nat.succ z) ↔ x = z := | |
begin | |
split, | |
{ intro hM, | |
induction z with z ih generalizing x y, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ apply nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ hM) } }, | |
{ cases x, | |
{ rw nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero h at hM, | |
exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ (nat.succ_inj hM.symm)) }, | |
{ cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_inj hM }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at hM, | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_lt_succ h) (nat.succ_inj hM) } } } }, | |
{ rintro rfl, | |
induction y with y ih generalizing x, exact rfl, | |
cases x, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ h) }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
congr, exact ih (nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h) } } | |
end | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_succ_iff (h : y ≤ x) : | |
x + 1 ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] (var z)) ↔ x = z := | |
rename_ext_succ_iff h | |
lemma FV_rename_ext_succ_lt_of_FV_rename_ext_succ_lt (hy : y < x) (hz : z < x) : | |
x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[y] M) → x ∈ FV (rename_ext_succ^[z] M) := | |
begin | |
intro h, | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih w generalizing x y z, | |
{ exact h.cases_on (or.inl ∘ ih₁ hy hz) (or.inr ∘ ih₂ hy hz) }, | |
{ simp only [rename] at ⊢ h, | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'] at ⊢ h, | |
refine ih (nat.succ_lt_succ hy) (nat.succ_lt_succ hz) h }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y z w, | |
{ exact false.rec _ (nat.not_lt_zero _ hy) }, | |
{ cases y; cases z, | |
{ rw nat.succ_inj h, exact rfl }, | |
{ rw [←nat.succ_inj h, FV_rename_ext_succ_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hz)] }, | |
{ congr, | |
rwa FV_rename_ext_succ_iff (nat.le_of_lt_succ hy) at h }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ' at ⊢ h, | |
cases w, exact false.rec _ (nat.succ_ne_zero _ h), | |
congr, | |
refine ih _ _ _ (nat.succ_inj h), | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hy, | |
exact nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ hz } } } | |
end | |
lemma not_FV_rename_ext_succ (x : ℕ) : x ∉ FV (rename_ext_succ^[x] M) := | |
begin | |
induction M with _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ ih y generalizing x, | |
{ exact λ h, h.cases_on (ih₁ x) (ih₂ x) }, | |
{ simp only [rename], | |
rw [←function.comp_app rename_ext, ←function.iterate_succ'], | |
exact ih (x + 1) }, | |
{ induction x with x ih generalizing y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ ∘ eq.symm }, | |
{ rw function.iterate_succ', | |
cases y, | |
{ exact nat.succ_ne_zero _ }, | |
{ exact (ih _ ∘ nat.succ_inj) } } }, | |
end |
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import data.fin | |
import algebra.order | |
@[derive decidable_eq] | |
inductive term : ℕ → Type | |
| app {Γ : ℕ} (M N : term Γ) : term Γ | |
| lam {Γ : ℕ} (M : term (Γ + 1)) : term Γ | |
| var {Γ : ℕ} (x : fin Γ) : term Γ | |
open term | |
variables {Γ Δ : ℕ} | |
def rename_ext (ρ : fin Γ → fin Δ) (x : fin (Γ + 1)) : fin (Δ + 1) := | |
if h : x = 0 then 0 else fin.succ $ ρ (x.pred h) | |
def rename : ∀ {Γ Δ}, (fin Γ → fin Δ) → term Γ → term Δ | |
| Γ Δ ρ (app M N) := app (rename ρ M) (rename ρ N) | |
| Γ Δ ρ (lam M) := lam (rename (rename_ext ρ) M) | |
| Γ Δ ρ (var x) := var (ρ x) | |
def subst_ext (σ : fin Γ → term Δ) : fin (Γ + 1) → term (Δ + 1) | |
| ⟨0, _⟩ := var 0 | |
| ⟨x + 1, h⟩ := rename fin.succ (σ ⟨x, nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ h⟩) | |
def subst : ∀ {Γ Δ : ℕ}, (fin Γ → term Δ) → term Γ → term Δ | |
| Γ Δ σ (app M N) := app (subst σ M) (subst σ N) | |
| Γ Δ σ (lam M) := lam (subst (subst_ext σ) M) | |
| Γ Δ σ (var x) := σ x | |
def subst' (x : fin (Γ + 1)) (N : term Γ) (M : term (Γ + 1)) : term Γ := | |
let σ (y : fin (Γ + 1)) : term Γ := | |
@ordering.cases_on (λ o, cmp x y = o → term Γ) (cmp x y) | |
-- `` | |
(λ h, let h := (ordering.compares.eq_lt (cmp_compares x y)).mp h | |
in var (y.pred (fin.ne_of_vne (ne_bot_of_gt h)))) | |
-- `ordering.eq` | |
(λ h, N) | |
-- `` | |
(λ h, let h := (ordering.compares.eq_gt (cmp_compares x y)).mp h | |
in var ⟨y, lt_of_lt_of_le h ( x.is_lt)⟩) rfl | |
in subst σ M | |
notation M `[` x ` := ` N `]` := subst' x N M |
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