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Created March 29, 2020 20:39
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Software Foundations: An Evaluation Function for Imp
Require Import Nat.
Require Import Omega.
(* *)
Require Import Maps.
Import Total.
(* *)
Require Import Imp.
Definition relation := eval.
Open Scope imp_scope.
Notation "m >>= f" := (match m with Some x => f x | None => None end)
(left associativity, at level 50).
Fixpoint eval (n : nat) (s : state) (c : command) : option state :=
match n with
| O => None
| S n =>
match c with
| skip' => Some s
| k ::= v => Some (k !-> A.eval s v; s)
| c1;; c2 => eval n s c1 >>= fun s => eval n s c2
| test e then c1 else c2 end =>
if B.eval s e then eval n s c1 else eval n s c2
| while e do c1 end =>
if B.eval s e then eval n s c1 >>= fun s => eval n s c else Some s
Close Scope imp_scope.
Definition test_eval (s : state) (c : command) : option (nat * nat * nat) :=
match eval 500 s c with
| Some s => Some (s x, s y, s z)
| None => None
Theorem le_injective : forall n m,
n <= m <-> S n <= S m.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Lemma eval_le : forall n1 n2 c s1 s2,
n1 <= n2 -> eval n1 s1 c = Some s2 -> eval n2 s1 c = Some s2.
induction n1; intros n2 c s1 s2 Hle Heval.
- simpl in Heval. discriminate.
- destruct n2. inversion Hle.
apply le_injective in Hle.
destruct c; simpl; simpl in Heval; trivial.
+ rename s2 into s3.
destruct (eval n1 s1 c1) as [s2 |] eqn:?.
* apply (IHn1 n2) in Heqo; try assumption.
rewrite Heqo.
apply (IHn1 n2) in Heval; assumption.
* discriminate.
+ destruct (B.eval s1 e); apply IHn1; assumption.
+ destruct (B.eval s1 e).
* rename s2 into s3.
destruct (eval n1 s1 c) as [s2 |] eqn:?.
{ apply (IHn1 n2) in Heqo; try assumption.
rewrite Heqo.
apply (IHn1 n2) in Heval; assumption. }
{ discriminate. }
* assumption.
Theorem eval_relation : forall c s1 s2,
s1 =[ c ]=> s2 <-> exists n, eval n s1 c = Some s2.
- intros.
induction H.
+ exists 1. reflexivity.
+ exists 1. simpl. rewrite eq. reflexivity.
+ destruct IHeval1 as [n1 H1].
destruct IHeval2 as [n2 H2].
destruct (le_ge_dec n2 n1) as [le | le]; unfold ge.
* exists (S n1). simpl.
rewrite H1.
apply (eval_le n2 n1) in H2; assumption.
* exists (S n2). simpl.
apply (eval_le n1 n2) in H1; try assumption.
rewrite H1. assumption.
+ destruct IHeval as [n].
exists (S n). simpl.
rewrite eq. assumption.
+ destruct IHeval as [n].
exists (S n). simpl.
rewrite eq. assumption.
+ destruct IHeval1 as [n1 H1].
destruct IHeval2 as [n2 H2].
destruct (le_ge_dec n2 n1) as [le | le]; unfold ge.
* exists (S n1). simpl. rewrite eq.
rewrite H1.
apply (eval_le n2 n1) in H2; assumption.
* exists (S n2). simpl. rewrite eq.
apply (eval_le n1 n2) in H1; try assumption.
rewrite H1. assumption.
+ exists 1. simpl. rewrite eq. reflexivity.
- intros [n H].
generalize dependent s2.
generalize dependent s1.
generalize dependent c.
induction n; intros; simpl in H.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct c.
* injection H as []. apply skip.
* injection H as []. apply assign. reflexivity.
* rename s2 into s3.
destruct (eval n s1 c1) as [s2 |] eqn:?.
{ apply seq with s2; apply IHn; assumption. }
{ discriminate. }
* destruct (B.eval s1 e) eqn:?.
{ apply test_true; try apply IHn; assumption. }
{ apply test_false; try apply IHn; assumption. }
* destruct (B.eval s1 e) eqn:?.
{ rename s2 into s3.
destruct (eval n s1 c) as [s2 |] eqn:?.
- apply while_true with s2; try apply IHn; assumption.
- discriminate. }
{ injection H as []. apply while_false. assumption. }
Theorem eval_deterministic : forall c s1 s2 s3,
s1 =[ c ]=> s2 -> s1 =[ c ]=> s3 -> s2 = s3.
intros c s1 s2 s3 Hs2 Hs3.
apply eval_relation in Hs2.
apply eval_relation in Hs3.
destruct Hs2 as [n2 H2].
destruct Hs3 as [n3 H3].
apply eval_le with (n2 := n2 + n3) in H2; try omega.
apply eval_le with (n2 := n2 + n3) in H3; try omega.
rewrite H2 in H3.
injection H3 as eq.
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