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Last active November 15, 2022 14:03
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Various scheduling algorithms in Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import itertools
class Process():
def __init__(self, /,
turnaround_time=None): = name
self.burst = burst
self.arrival_time = arrival_time
self.priority = priority
self.time_slice = time_slice
self.waiting_time = waiting_time
self.turnaround_time = turnaround_time
def __repr__(self):
args = [('name',,
('burst', self.burst),
('arrival_time', self.arrival_time),
('priority', self.priority),
('time_slice', self.time_slice)]
if self.waiting_time is not None: args.append(('waiting_time', self.waiting_time))
if self.turnaround_time is not None: args.append(('turnaround_time', self.turnaround_time))
args = [f'{arg[0]}={repr(arg[1])}' for arg in args]
return f'Process({", ".join(args)})'
def parse_line(line):
line = line.strip()
assert(line[0] == '@' and line[-1] == '&')
line = line[1:-1]
fields = line.split(';')
assert(len(fields) == 5)
process = Process() = fields[0]
process.burst = int(fields[1])
process.arrival_time = int(fields[2])
process.priority = int(fields[3])
process.time_slice = int(fields[4])
return process
def read_file(filename):
with open(filename) as file:
return [parse_line(line) for line in file.readlines() if line]
# First Come First Serve
# The simplest scheduling algorithm, mainly because it does basically no
# scheduling at all! It just runs processes as they arrive until their
# completion.
def fcfs(processes):
processes.sort(key=lambda process: process.arrival_time)
# Start simulation at the first arrival.
current_time = processes[0].arrival_time
result = []
for process in processes:
# Adjust current time if CPU was idle.
if process.arrival_time > current_time:
current_time = process.arrival_time
process.waiting_time = current_time - process.arrival_time
current_time += process.burst
process.turnaround_time = current_time - process.arrival_time
return result
# Shortest Job First
# The simplest scheduling algorithm that actually does some scheduling. It
# chooses the process with the smallest burst time and runs it to completion.
# This is the non-preemptive version of the algorithm, for the preemptive
# version see `srtf`.
def sjf(processes):
processes.sort(key=lambda process: process.arrival_time)
# Start simulation at the first arrival.
current_time = processes[0].arrival_time
# Yields the job with the shortest burst that has already arrived.
def next_process():
while True:
nonlocal current_time
if not processes: return
next = 0
# Adjust current time if CPU was idle.
if processes[next].arrival_time > current_time:
current_time = processes[next].arrival_time
for i in range(1, len(processes)):
# This condition relies on the list being sorted.
if processes[i].arrival_time > current_time:
if processes[i].burst < processes[next].burst:
next = i
# `pop` removes the process from the `processes` list.
yield processes.pop(next)
result = []
for process in next_process():
process.waiting_time = current_time - process.arrival_time
current_time += process.burst
process.turnaround_time = current_time - process.arrival_time
return result
# Shortest Remaining Time First
# The preemptive version of `sjf`. The key difference is that whenever a new
# process arrives the scheduler switches if its burst in shorter than the
# remaining burst of the currently running process.
# This simulation looks for the shortest remaining burst every unit of time,
# which results in behavior identical to the described above.
def srtf(processes):
processes.sort(key=lambda process: process.arrival_time)
# Since this is a preemptive algorithm, that is, processes will not
# necessarily run until completion uninterrupted, we need to keep track of
# the remaining burst.
for i in range(len(processes)):
processes[i].remaining_burst = processes[i].burst
# Start simulation at the first arrival.
current_time = processes[0].arrival_time
result = []
while True:
if not processes: break
# Find the process with the shortest remaining time.
next = 0
# Adjust current time if CPU was idle.
if processes[next].arrival_time > current_time:
current_time = processes[next].arrival_time
for i in range(1, len(processes)):
# This condition relies on the list being sorted.
if processes[i].arrival_time > current_time:
if processes[i].remaining_burst < processes[next].remaining_burst:
next = i
# Simulate one unit of time at the time in case another processes
# arrives.
processes[next].remaining_burst -= 1
current_time += 1
if processes[next].remaining_burst == 0:
processes[next].completion_time = current_time
for i in range(len(result)):
result[i].waiting_time = result[i].completion_time - result[i].arrival_time - result[i].burst
result[i].turnaround_time = result[i].completion_time - result[i].arrival_time
return result
# Round Robin
# This algorithm cycles between every process giving each a time slice to run.
def rr(processes):
processes.sort(key=lambda process: process.arrival_time)
# Since this is a preemptive algorithm, that is, processes will not
# necessarily run until completion uninterrupted, we need to keep track of
# the remaining burst.
for i in range(len(processes)):
processes[i].remaining_burst = processes[i].burst
# Start simulation at the first arrival.
current_time = processes[0].arrival_time
for i in itertools.cycle(range(len(processes))):
# Terminate if all processes are done.
if all(process.remaining_burst == 0 for process in processes):
# Skip this process if it has not yet arrived or if it is completed.
if processes[i].arrival_time > current_time or processes[i].remaining_burst == 0:
current_burst = min(processes[i].remaining_burst, processes[i].time_slice)
processes[i].remaining_burst -= current_burst
current_time += current_burst
if processes[i].remaining_burst == 0:
processes[i].completion_time = current_time
for i in range(len(processes)):
processes[i].waiting_time = processes[i].completion_time - processes[i].arrival_time - processes[i].burst
processes[i].turnaround_time = processes[i].completion_time - processes[i].arrival_time
return processes
if __name__ == '__main__':
arg = argparse.ArgumentParser()
option = arg.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
option.add_argument('--fcfs', help='First Come First Serve (default)', action='store_true', default=True)
option.add_argument('--sjf', help='Shortest Job First', action='store_true')
option.add_argument('--srtf', help='Shortest Remaining Time First', action='store_true')
option.add_argument('--rr', help='Round Robin', action='store_true')
arg.add_argument('file', help='Input file', type=str)
arg = arg.parse_args()
algorithm = fcfs
if arg.sjf: algorithm = sjf
if arg.srtf: algorithm = srtf
if arg.rr: algorithm = rr
processes = read_file(arg.file)
processes = algorithm(processes)
for process in processes:
print(f'Average waiting time: {sum(process.waiting_time for process in processes) / len(processes)}')
print(f'Average turnaround time: {sum(process.turnaround_time for process in processes) / len(processes)}')

Test Files

File #1 (fcfs_1.txt)

$ python --fcfs fcfs_1.txt 
Process(name='p1', burst=24, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=24)
Process(name='p2', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=24, turnaround_time=27)
Process(name='p3', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=27, turnaround_time=30)
Average waiting time: 17.0
Average turnaround time: 27.0

File #2 (fcfs_2.txt)

$ python --fcfs fcfs_2.txt 
Process(name='p1', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=3)
Process(name='p2', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=3, turnaround_time=6)
Process(name='p3', burst=24, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=6, turnaround_time=30)
Average waiting time: 3.0
Average turnaround time: 13.0

File #3 (sjf_1.txt)

$ python --sjf sjf_1.txt 
Process(name='p2', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=3)
Process(name='p3', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=3, turnaround_time=6)
Process(name='p1', burst=24, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=6, turnaround_time=30)
Average waiting time: 3.0
Average turnaround time: 13.0

File #4 (sjf_2.txt)

$ python --sjf sjf_2.txt 
Process(name='p4', burst=3, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=3)
Process(name='p1', burst=6, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=3, turnaround_time=9)
Process(name='p3', burst=7, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=9, turnaround_time=16)
Process(name='p2', burst=8, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=16, turnaround_time=24)
Average waiting time: 7.0
Average turnaround time: 13.0

File #5 (sjf_3.txt)

$ python --sjf sjf_3.txt 
Process(name='p1', burst=8, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=8)
Process(name='p2', burst=4, arrival_time=1, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=7, turnaround_time=11)
Process(name='p4', burst=5, arrival_time=3, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=9, turnaround_time=14)
Process(name='p3', burst=9, arrival_time=2, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=15, turnaround_time=24)
Average waiting time: 7.75
Average turnaround time: 14.25

File #6 (srtf_1.txt)

$ python --srtf srtf_1.txt 
Process(name='p2', burst=4, arrival_time=1, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=4)
Process(name='p4', burst=5, arrival_time=3, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=2, turnaround_time=7)
Process(name='p1', burst=8, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=9, turnaround_time=17)
Process(name='p3', burst=9, arrival_time=2, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=15, turnaround_time=24)
Average waiting time: 6.5
Average turnaround time: 13.0

File #7 (srtf_2.txt)

$ python --srtf srtf_2.txt 
Process(name='p1', burst=5, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=5)
Process(name='p4', burst=5, arrival_time=7, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=5)
Process(name='p3', burst=11, arrival_time=5, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=5, turnaround_time=16)
Process(name='p2', burst=15, arrival_time=3, priority=0, time_slice=0, waiting_time=18, turnaround_time=33)
Average waiting time: 5.75
Average turnaround time: 14.75

File #8 (rr_1.txt)

$ python --rr rr_1.txt
Process(name='p1', burst=53, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=20, waiting_time=81, turnaround_time=134)
Process(name='p2', burst=17, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=20, waiting_time=20, turnaround_time=37)
Process(name='p3', burst=68, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=20, waiting_time=94, turnaround_time=162)
Process(name='p4', burst=24, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=20, waiting_time=97, turnaround_time=121)
Average waiting time: 73.0
Average turnaround time: 113.5

File #9 (rr_2.txt)

$ python --rr rr_2.txt
Process(name='p1', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=0, turnaround_time=10)
Process(name='p2', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=10, turnaround_time=20)
Process(name='p3', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=20, turnaround_time=30)
Process(name='p4', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=30, turnaround_time=40)
Process(name='p5', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=40, turnaround_time=50)
Process(name='p6', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=50, turnaround_time=60)
Process(name='p7', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=60, turnaround_time=70)
Process(name='p8', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=70, turnaround_time=80)
Process(name='p9', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=80, turnaround_time=90)
Process(name='p10', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=10, waiting_time=90, turnaround_time=100)
Average waiting time: 45.0
Average turnaround time: 55.0

File #10 (rr_3.txt)

$ python --rr rr_3.txt
Process(name='p1', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=81, turnaround_time=91)
Process(name='p2', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=82, turnaround_time=92)
Process(name='p3', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=83, turnaround_time=93)
Process(name='p4', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=84, turnaround_time=94)
Process(name='p5', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=85, turnaround_time=95)
Process(name='p6', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=86, turnaround_time=96)
Process(name='p7', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=87, turnaround_time=97)
Process(name='p8', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=88, turnaround_time=98)
Process(name='p9', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=89, turnaround_time=99)
Process(name='p10', burst=10, arrival_time=0, priority=0, time_slice=1, waiting_time=90, turnaround_time=100)
Average waiting time: 85.5
Average turnaround time: 95.5
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@IdanBanani I've added a bunch of examples. Thanks for the comment.

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@pedrominicz Can you please give me the link of the examples?

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@saeid114 the examples were already provided here but maybe in a confusing way. I reformatted it to make it clearer.

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