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Last active August 9, 2022 11:57
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Randomly generate typable SK-combinator calculus terms using Boltzmann samplers
:- ensure_loaded(library(apply)).
:- ensure_loaded(library(random)).
:- set_prolog_flag(optimise, true).
:- set_prolog_flag(optimise_unify, true).
% Randomly generate typable SK-combinator calculus terms using Boltzmann
% samplers.
% Based on the paper Random generation of closed simply-typed λ-terms: a
% synergy between logic programming and Boltzmann samplers
% Related:
% I haven't read it yet, but I think Paul Tarau does (among other things) what
% I do here in this paper: ``.
% The generating function for SK-combinator calculus terms, given the
% combinatorial class defined by `size/2`, is:
% 1 - sqrt(1 - 8z)
% A(z) = ----------------
% 2z
% The radius of convergence of `A(z)` is:
% rho = 0.125
% More generally, if there are `n` combinators, the combinatorial class for the
% analogous size function is:
% 1 - sqrt(1 - 4nz)
% A_n(z) = -----------------
% 2z
% The radius of convergence of `A_n(z)` is:
% rho = 1 / 4n
% See section 3 of ``.
size(s, 0).
size(k, 0).
size(a(X, Y), S) :- size(X, S0), size(Y, S1), S is S0 + S1 + 1.
%% The Boltzmann sampler %%
boltzmann_combinator(R) :- R < 0.5027624308761950.
next(R1, R2, Size1, Size2) :-
Size2 is Size1 + 1.
random_sk(X, A) :-
random_sk(X, A, R, 0, Size),
Size >= MinSize,
random_sk(X, A) :- random_sk(X, A).
random_sk(X, A, R) -->
{ boltzmann_combinator(R), !, random(NewR) },
random_combinator(X, A, NewR).
random_sk(a(X, Y), B, _) -->
next(R1, R2),
random_sk(X, A -> B, R1),
random_sk(Y, A0, R2),
{ unify_with_occurs_check(A0, A) }.
random_combinator(k, A -> _B -> A, R) --> { R < 0.5, ! }.
random_combinator(s, (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C, _) --> [].
multithreaded_random_sk(X, A) :-
prolog_flag(cpu_count, MaxThreads0),
MaxThreads is MaxThreads0 - 1,
Goal = random_sk(X, A),
length(Goals, MaxThreads),
maplist(=(Goal), Goals),
first_solution([X, A], Goals, []).
% Pretty print an SK-combinator calculus term.
pretty(X) :-
numbervars(X, 0, _),
pretty(X, Xs, []),
maplist(write, Xs),
pretty(s) --> [s].
pretty(k) --> [k].
pretty(a(X, Y)) --> ['('], pretty(X), [' '], pretty(Y), [')'].
% Pretty print a type.
pretty_type(A) :-
numbervars(A, 0, _),
pretty_type(A, As, []),
maplist(write, As),
pretty_type(A -> B) -->
['('], pretty_type(A), !, [' → '], pretty_type(B), [')'].
pretty_type(A) --> [A].
main :-
multithreaded_random_sk(X, A),
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec = 100
d1 = Decimal(1)
d2 = Decimal(2)
d4 = Decimal(4)
d8 = Decimal(8)
def A0(z):
# 1 - sqrt(1 - 8z)
# A0(z) = ----------------
# 2z
z = Decimal(z)
dividend = d1 - (d1 - (d8 * z)).sqrt()
divisor = d2 * z
return dividend / divisor
# First derivative of `A0`.
def A1(z):
# 1 - 4z - sqrt(1 - 8z)
# A1(z) = ----------------------
# 2 * sqrt(1 - 8z) * z^2
z = Decimal(z)
aux = (d1 - (d8 * z)).sqrt()
dividend = d1 - (d4 * z) - aux
divisor = d2 * aux * (z ** d2)
return dividend / divisor
# Expected size.
def E(x):
x = Decimal(x)
return x * (A1(x) / A0(x))
rho = Decimal('0.125')
def parameter(size):
size = Decimal(size)
divisor = d2
guess = rho / divisor
while True:
expected_size = E(guess)
if abs(size - expected_size) < Decimal('0.0001'):
return guess
divisor *= d2
guess += rho / divisor if size > expected_size else -rho / divisor
def probability_combinator(x):
x = Decimal(x)
return 2 / A0(x)
size = 90
x = parameter(size)
p1 = probability_combinator(x)
print(f'boltzmann_combinator(R) :- R < {p1:.16}.')
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