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Last active July 18, 2022 14:20
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Normalization by Evaluation for Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
-- Agda version:
inductive type : Type
| arrow : type → type → type
| unit : type
def ctx : Type 1 := type → Type
def ctx.nil : ctx := λ A, empty
def ctx.cons (Γ : ctx) (A : type) : ctx :=
λ B, psum (A = B) (Γ B)
inductive term : ctx → type → Type 1
| var {Γ : ctx} {A} : Γ A → term Γ A
| lam {Γ A B} : term (ctx.cons Γ A) B → term Γ (type.arrow A B)
| app {Γ A B} : term Γ (type.arrow A B) → term Γ A → term Γ B
inductive typing : bool → ctx → type → Type 1
| lam {Γ A B} : typing ff (ctx.cons Γ A) B → typing ff Γ (type.arrow A B)
| unit {Γ} : typing tt Γ type.unit → typing ff Γ type.unit
| var {Γ : ctx} {A} : Γ A → typing tt Γ A
| app {Γ A B} : typing tt Γ (type.arrow A B) → typing ff Γ A → typing tt Γ B
def ctx.subset (Γ Δ : ctx) : Type := Π A, Γ A → Δ A
def ctx.ext {Γ Δ A} (ρ : ctx.subset Γ Δ) : ctx.subset (ctx.cons Γ A) (ctx.cons Δ A)
| A (psum.inl rfl) := psum.inl rfl
| A (psum.inr x) := psum.inr (ρ A x)
set_option eqn_compiler.lemmas false
def typing.rename : Π {Γ Δ A b}, ctx.subset Γ Δ → typing b Γ A → typing b Δ A
| Γ Δ A ff ρ (typing.lam M) := typing.lam (typing.rename (ctx.ext ρ) M)
| Γ Δ A ff ρ (typing.unit M) := typing.unit (typing.rename ρ M)
| Γ Δ A tt ρ (typing.var x) := typing.var (ρ A x)
| Γ Δ A tt ρ ( M N) := (typing.rename ρ M) (typing.rename ρ N)
set_option eqn_compiler.lemmas true
def entail : ctx → type → Type 1
| Γ (type.arrow A B) := Π {Δ}, ctx.subset Γ Δ → entail Δ A → entail Δ B
| Γ type.unit := typing tt Γ type.unit
def motive (Γ A) : bool → Type 1
| ff := entail Γ A → typing ff Γ A
| tt := typing tt Γ A → entail Γ A
def {Γ A} : ctx.cons Γ A A := psum.inl rfl
def ctx.succ {Γ : ctx} : Π A B, Γ B → ctx.cons Γ A B := λ A B, psum.inr
def entail.rebuild : Π {Γ A} b, motive Γ A b
| Γ (type.arrow A B) ff := λ M, typing.lam (entail.rebuild ff (M (ctx.succ A) (entail.rebuild tt (typing.var
| Γ type.unit ff := λ M, typing.unit M
| Γ (type.arrow A B) tt := λ M Δ ρ N, entail.rebuild tt ( (typing.rename ρ M) (entail.rebuild ff N))
| Γ type.unit tt := λ M, M
def rename {Γ Δ} : ctx.subset Γ Δ → Π {A}, entail Γ A → entail Δ A
| ρ (type.arrow A B) M := λ Ε σ, M (λ A, σ A ∘ ρ A)
| ρ type.unit M := typing.rename ρ M
def ctx.entail (Γ Δ : ctx) : Type 1 := Π A, Δ A → entail Γ A
def extend {Γ Δ A} (ρ : ctx.entail Γ Δ) (M : entail Γ A) : ctx.entail Γ (ctx.cons Δ A)
| B (psum.inl rfl) := M
| B (psum.inr x) := ρ B x
def {Γ : ctx} : ctx.entail Γ Γ
| A x := entail.rebuild tt (typing.var x)
set_option eqn_compiler.lemmas false
def denotation : Π {Γ Δ A}, ctx.entail Δ Γ → term Γ A → entail Δ A
| Γ Δ A ρ (term.var x) := ρ A x
| Γ Δ A ρ (term.lam M) := λ Δ σ x, denotation (@extend Δ Γ _ (λ A, rename σ ∘ ρ A) x) M
| Γ Δ A ρ ( M N) := denotation ρ M (λ A, id) (denotation ρ N)
set_option eqn_compiler.lemmas true
def normalize {Γ A} (M : term Γ A) : typing ff Γ A :=
entail.rebuild ff (denotation M)
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