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Last active August 9, 2022 11:57
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Generate typable SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size
:- ensure_loaded(library(aggregate)).
% Generate typable SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
% Based on Paul Tarau's paper A Hiking Trip Through the Orders of Magnitude:
% Deriving Efficient Generators for Closed Simply-Typed Lambda Terms and Normal
% Forms.
% The paper:
% An application of the algorithm shown here:
% I haven't read it yet, but I think Paul Tarau does (among other things) what
% I do here in this paper: ``.
% The generating function for SK-combinator calculus terms, given the
% combinatorial class defined by `size/2`, is:
% 1 - sqrt(1 - 8z)
% A(z) = ----------------
% 2z
% The radius of convergence of `A(z)` is:
% rho = 0.125
% More generally, if there are `n` combinators, the combinatorial class for the
% analogous size function is:
% 1 - sqrt(1 - 4nz)
% A_n(z) = -----------------
% 2z
% The radius of convergence of `A_n(z)` is:
% rho = 1 / 4n
% See section 3 of ``.
size(s, 0).
size(k, 0).
size(a(X, Y), S) :- size(X, S0), size(Y, S1), S is S0 + S1 + 1.
n2s(0, z) :- !.
n2s(N, s(X)) :- N > 0, N0 is N - 1, n2s(N0, X).
down(s(X), X).
% Generate SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
untyped_sk(N, X) :- n2s(N, S), untyped_sk(X, S, z).
untyped_sk(s) --> [].
untyped_sk(k) --> [].
untyped_sk(a(X, Y)) -->
% Count the number of SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
count_untyped(N, Count) :-
aggregate_all(count, untyped_sk(N, _), Count).
% Print the counts of SK-combinator calculus terms of at most a given size.
% ?- counts_untyped(10).
% 0: 2
% 1: 4
% 2: 16
% 3: 80
% 4: 448
% 5: 2688
% 6: 16896
% 7: 109824
% 8: 732160
% 9: 4978688
% 10: 34398208
% true.
counts_untyped(Max) :-
between(0, Max, N),
count_untyped(N, Count),
format('~d: ~d~n', [N, Count]),
% Test if `untyped_sk` generates SK-combinator calculus terms of the correct
% size. Should print the same output as `counts_untyped`.
test_untyped_sk(Max) :-
between(0, Max, N),
test_untyped_sk(N, Count),
format('~d: ~d~n', [N, Count]),
test_untyped_sk(N, Count) :-
count_untyped(N, Count),
aggregate_all(count, (untyped_sk(N, X), size(X, N)), Count).
% Pretty print an SK-combinator calculus term.
pretty(X) :-
numbervars(X, 0, _),
pretty(X, Xs, []),
maplist(write, Xs),
pretty(s) --> [s].
pretty(k) --> [k].
pretty(a(X, Y)) --> ['('], pretty(X), [' '], pretty(Y), [')'].
% Pretty print a type.
pretty_type(A) :-
numbervars(A, 0, _),
pretty_type(A, As, []),
maplist(write, As),
pretty_type(A -> B) -->
['('], pretty_type(A), !, [' → '], pretty_type(B), [')'].
pretty_type(A) --> [A].
% Print all SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
show_untyped(N) :-
untyped_sk(N, X),
% Infer the type of a SK-combinator calculus term.
% The soundness and completeness of `infer` was tested against GHC's type
% checker. For every term of at most size 7, `infer` gives it a type if and
% only if GHC's type checker gives it the same type.
infer(s, (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C).
infer(k, A -> _B -> A).
infer(a(X, Y), B) :-
infer(X, A -> B),
infer(Y, A0),
unify_with_occurs_check(A0, A).
% Generate typable SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
sk(N, X) :- n2s(N, S), sk(X, _, S, z).
sk(N, X, A) :- n2s(N, S), sk(X, A, S, z).
sk(s, (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C) --> [].
sk(k, A -> _B -> A) --> [].
sk(a(X, Y), B) -->
sk(X, A -> B),
sk(Y, A0),
{ unify_with_occurs_check(A0, A) }.
% Count the number of typable SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
count(N, Count) :-
aggregate_all(count, sk(N, _), Count).
% Print the counts of typable SK-combinator calculus terms of at most a given
% size.
% ?- counts(10).
% 0: 2
% 1: 4
% 2: 14
% 3: 67
% 4: 337
% 5: 1867
% 6: 10699
% 7: 63567
% 8: 387080
% 9: 2401657
% 10: 15145554
% true.
counts(Max) :-
between(0, Max, N),
count(N, Count),
format('~d: ~d~n', [N, Count]),
% Test if `sk` generates SK-combinator calculus terms of the correct size and
% type. Should print the same output as `counts`.
test_sk(Max) :-
between(0, Max, N),
test_sk(N, Count),
format('~d: ~d~n', [N, Count]),
test_sk(N, Count) :-
count(N, Count),
aggregate_all(count, (sk(N, X, A), size(X, N), infer(X, A)), Count).
% Print all typable SK-combinator calculus terms of a given size.
show(N) :-
sk(N, X, A),
main :-
between(0, 7, N),
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