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Created June 10, 2020 22:17
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Various properties about convergent sequences
import algebra.pi_instances
import data.real.basic
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
class metric_space (α : Type*) :=
(dist : α → α → ℝ)
(dist_self : ∀ x, dist x x = 0)
(eq_of_dist_eq_zero : ∀ {x y : α}, dist x y = 0 → x = y)
(dist_comm : ∀ x y : α, dist x y = dist y x)
(dist_triangle : ∀ x y z : α, dist x z ≤ dist x y + dist y z)
open metric_space
variables {α : Type*} [metric_space α]
variables {u v : ℕ → α} {l l₁ l₂ : α}
def limit (u : ℕ → α) (l : α) : Prop :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ N : ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N, dist (u n) l ≤ ε
theorem dist_nonneg {x y : α}: 0 ≤ dist x y :=
have : dist x x ≤ dist x y + dist y x, from dist_triangle _ _ _,
rw dist_comm y x at this,
rw dist_self at this,
theorem dist_pos {x y : α} : 0 < dist x y ↔ x ≠ y :=
split; contrapose!,
{ rintro rfl,
have : dist x x = 0, from dist_self _,
linarith },
{ intro h,
apply eq_of_dist_eq_zero,
have : 0 ≤ dist x y, from dist_nonneg,
linarith }
lemma limit_unique (h₁ : limit u l₁) (h₂ : limit u l₂) : l₁ = l₂ :=
by_contra h,
let ε := dist l₁ l₂,
have : ε > 0, from dist_pos.mpr h,
cases h₁ (ε/3) (by linarith) with N₁ hN₁,
cases h₂ (ε/3) (by linarith) with N₂ hN₂,
let n := max N₁ N₂,
specialize hN₁ n (le_max_left _ _),
specialize hN₂ n (le_max_right _ _),
have : dist (u n) l₁ + dist (u n) l₂ < ε, by linarith,
have : ε ≤ dist l₁ (u n) + dist (u n) l₂, from dist_triangle _ _ _,
linarith [dist_comm l₁ (u n)]
notation `|`x`|` := abs x
noncomputable instance : metric_space ℝ :=
{ dist := λ x y, |x - y|,
-- This proof term is hideous and beautiful simultaneously.
dist_self := λ x, eq.symm (sub_self x) ▸ abs_zero,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := λ x y, eq_of_abs_sub_eq_zero,
dist_comm := abs_sub,
dist_triangle := abs_sub_le }
variables {u v : ℕ → ℝ} {c l l₁ l₂ : ℝ}
@[simp] def const (l : ℝ) : ℕ → ℝ := function.const _ l
lemma neg_const : -const l = const (-l) := by funext; simp
theorem const_limit : limit (const c) c :=
intros ε ε_pos,
use 0,
intros n hn,
unfold dist,
theorem limit_add_limit (h₁ : limit u l₁) (h₂ : limit v l₂) :
limit (u + v) (l₁ + l₂) :=
intros ε ε_pos,
cases h₁ (ε/2) (by linarith) with N₁ hN₁,
cases h₂ (ε/2) (by linarith) with N₂ hN₂,
use max N₁ N₂,
intros n hn,
specialize hN₁ n (le_of_max_le_left hn),
specialize hN₂ n (le_of_max_le_right hn),
unfold dist at *,
|(u + v) n - (l₁ + l₂)| = |(u n + v n) - (l₁ + l₂)| : rfl
... = |(u n - l₁) + (v n - l₂)| : by congr; ring
... ≤ |u n - l₁| + |v n - l₂| : by apply abs_add
... ≤ ε : by linarith
lemma limit_add_const (h : limit u l) : limit (u + const c) (l + c) :=
limit_add_limit h const_limit
lemma limit_sub_self (h : limit u l) : limit (u - const l) 0 :=
rw [←sub_self l, sub_eq_add_neg, sub_eq_add_neg, neg_const],
exact limit_add_const h
example (α : Type*) [linear_ordered_field α] (a b c : α) (h : a ≤ b / c) (H : c > 0) : a*c ≤ b := by refine (le_div_iff H).mp h
lemma limit_mul_const (h : limit u l) : limit (u * const c) (l * c) :=
intros ε ε_pos,
by_cases hc : c = 0,
{ use 0,
intros n hn,
rw hc,
rw dist_self,
exact le_of_lt ε_pos },
{ change c ≠ 0 at hc,
have : ε / |c| > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_pos ε_pos (by rwa abs_pos_iff),
cases h _ this with N hN,
use N,
intros n hn,
specialize hN n hn,
unfold dist at *,
suffices : |(u n - l) * c| ≤ ε,
{ calc
|(u * const c) n - l * c| = |(u n * c) - l * c| : rfl
... = |(u n - l) * c| : by congr; ring
... ≤ ε : this },
rwa [abs_mul, ←le_div_iff],
rwa abs_pos_iff }
theorem limit_zero_mul_limit_zero (h₁ : limit u 0) (h₂ : limit v 0) :
limit (u * v) 0 :=
intros ε ε_pos,
have : ε.sqrt > 0, from real.sqrt_pos.mpr ε_pos,
cases h₁ (ε.sqrt) this with N₁ hN₁,
cases h₂ (ε.sqrt) this with N₂ hN₂,
use max N₁ N₂,
intros n hn,
specialize hN₁ n (le_of_max_le_left hn),
specialize hN₂ n (le_of_max_le_right hn),
unfold dist at *,
|(u * v) n - 0| = |(u n * v n) - 0| : rfl
... = |(u n - 0) * (v n - 0)| : by ring
... = |u n - 0| * |v n - 0| : by apply abs_mul
... ≤ ε.sqrt * ε.sqrt : mul_le_mul hN₁ hN₂ (abs_nonneg _) (le_of_lt this)
... = ε.sqrt ^ 2 : by ring
... = ε : real.sqr_sqrt (le_of_lt ε_pos)
@[simp] lemma limit_neg_iff : limit (-u) (-l) ↔ limit u l :=
{ intros h ε ε_pos,
cases h ε ε_pos with N hN,
use N,
intros n hn,
specialize hN n hn,
unfold dist at *,
simpa [abs_sub] using hN }
notation u `+` v := limit_add_limit u v
theorem limit_mul_limit (h₁ : limit u l₁) (h₂ : limit v l₂) :
limit (u * v) (l₁ * l₂) :=
let c₁ := const l₁,
let c₂ := const l₂,
have w₁ : limit ((u - c₁) * (v - c₂)) 0,
from limit_zero_mul_limit_zero (limit_sub_self h₁) (limit_sub_self h₂),
rw (show (u - c₁) * (v - c₂) = u * v - u * c₂ - v * c₁ + c₁ * c₂, by ring) at w₁,
have w₂ : limit (-c₁ * c₂) (-l₁ * l₂), by simp [limit_mul_const const_limit],
have w₃ : limit (u * c₂) (l₁ * l₂), from limit_mul_const h₁,
have w₄ : limit (v * c₁) (l₁ * l₂), by { rw mul_comm l₁, exact limit_mul_const h₂ },
have w := w₁ + w₂ + w₃ + w₄,
-- The most satisfying two lines.
simp [mul_comm u, mul_comm l₁] at w,
ring at w,
exact w
def nonzero {α : Type*} [has_zero α] (u : ℕ → α) : Prop := ∀ n, u n ≠ 0
variable {φ : ℕ → ℕ}
def extraction (φ : ℕ → ℕ) := ∀ m n, m < n → φ m < φ n
lemma nonzero_extraction_of_limit_ne_zero {hl : l ≠ 0} (h : limit u l) :
∃ φ, extraction φ ∧ nonzero (u ∘ φ) :=
set ε := |l|/2 with hε,
have ε_pos : ε > 0, from div_pos_of_pos_of_pos (by rwa abs_pos_iff) two_pos,
cases h ε ε_pos with N hN,
-- A better idea would be to define `shift φ` s.t. `shift φ → extraction φ`.
use λ n, n + N,
{ intros m n hmn, simpa },
-- Brace yourselves, this proof is horribly ugly.
{ intros n hn,
simp at hn,
specialize hN (n + N) (by linarith),
unfold dist at *,
rw hn at hN,
simp at hN,
rw hε at hN,
linarith }
def lower_bound (M : ℝ) (u : ℕ → ℝ) := ∀ n, M ≤ u n
lemma lower_bound_of_abs_nonzero (hu : nonzero u) (hl : l ≠ 0) (h : limit u l) :
∃ M > 0, lower_bound M (abs ∘ u) :=
example {a b : ℝ} : a⁻¹ - b⁻¹ = (a - b) * a⁻¹ * b⁻¹ :=
theorem limit_inv {hu : nonzero u} {hl : l ≠ 0} (h : limit u l) :
limit u⁻¹ l⁻¹ :=
rcases lower_bound_of_abs_nonzero hu hl h with ⟨M, M_pos, hM⟩,
intros ε ε_pos,
have h₁ : M * M * ε > 0, from mul_pos (mul_pos M_pos M_pos) ε_pos,
cases h (M * M * ε) h₁ with N hN,
use N,
intros n hn,
specialize hN n hn,
unfold dist at *,
|u⁻¹ n - l⁻¹| = |(u n - l) * u⁻¹ n * l⁻¹| : by { sorry }
... ≤ |(u n - l) * M⁻¹ * M⁻¹| : by { sorry }
... ≤ ε : by { sorry }
rcases lower_bound_of_abs_nonzero hu hl h with ⟨M, M_pos, hM⟩,
intros ε ε_pos,
cases h ε ε_pos with N hN,
use N,
intros n hn,
unfold dist at *,
unfold lower_bound at hM,
simp at hM,
have h₁ : |u⁻¹ n| ≤ M⁻¹,
{ simp only [abs_inv, pi.inv_apply],
exact inv_le_inv_of_le M_pos (hM n) },
have h₃ : |(u n - l) * u⁻¹ n * l⁻¹| ≤ |(u n - l) * M⁻¹ * M⁻¹|,
{ simp only [abs_mul, abs_inv, abs_of_pos M_pos] at *,
apply mul_le_mul,
apply mul_le_mul,
simpa, -- `h₁` is used here.
apply abs_nonneg,
apply abs_nonneg,
exact h₂,
rw inv_nonneg,
apply abs_nonneg,
rw mul_nonneg_iff_right_nonneg_of_pos,
apply abs_nonneg,
rw inv_pos,
exact M_pos },
specialize hN n hn,
|u⁻¹ n - l⁻¹| = |(u n - l) * u⁻¹ n * l⁻¹| : by { sorry }
... ≤ |(u n - l) * M⁻¹ * M⁻¹| : h₃
... ≤ ε : by { sorry }
cases lt_or_gt_of_ne (ne.symm hl) with hl hl,
{ cases h (l / 2) (by linarith) with N₁ hN₁,
have h₁ : ∀ n, n ≥ N₁ → |u⁻¹ n| ≤ 2 / l,
{ intros n hn,
unfold dist at *,
specialize hN₁ n hn,
simp only [abs_inv, pi.inv_apply],
sorry },
intros ε ε_pos,
cases h ((l^2 / 2) * ε) (by sorry) with N₂ hN₂,
use max N₁ N₂,
intros n hn,
unfold dist at *,
|u⁻¹ n - l⁻¹| = |(u n - l) * u⁻¹ n * l⁻¹| : by {
rw abs_sub,
rw mul_assoc,
-- ring,
-- congr,
-- { rw mul_assoc,
-- unfold nonzero at hu,
-- simp,
-- rw inv_mul_cancel (hu n),
-- sorry },
sorry }
... = |u n - l| * |u⁻¹ n| * |l⁻¹| : by rw [abs_mul, abs_mul]
... ≤ (l^2 / 2) * ε * |u⁻¹ n| * |l⁻¹| : by {
specialize hN₂ n (by sorry),
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right,
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right,
apply abs_nonneg,
apply abs_nonneg }
... ≤ ε : by {
sorry } },
sorry }
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