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Last active March 21, 2021 17:42
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Lambda terms for natural deduction, sequent calculus and cut elimination
import tactic
-- Lambda terms for natural deduction, sequent calculus and cut elimination
parameters {atom : Type} [decidable_eq atom] {atom.eval : atom → Prop}
inductive formula
| atom : atom → formula
| impl : formula → formula → formula
-- `@[derive decidable_eq]` is broken.
instance formula.decidable_eq : decidable_eq formula :=
def formula.eval : formula → Prop
| (formula.atom a) := atom.eval a
| (formula.impl a b) := formula.eval a → formula.eval b
local infixr ` ⇒ `:80 := formula.impl
inductive N : list formula → formula → Prop
| ax {Γ a} : a ∈ Γ → N Γ a
| elim {Γ a b} : N Γ (a ⇒ b) → N Γ a → N Γ b
| intro {Γ a b} : N (a :: Γ) b → N Γ (a ⇒ b)
local infix ` ⊢ₙ `:25 := N
variables {Γ Γ' : list formula} {a b : formula}
lemma N.ax₁ : a :: Γ ⊢ₙ a := $ or.inl rfl
lemma N.ax₂ : a :: b :: Γ ⊢ₙ b := $ or.inr (or.inl rfl)
lemma N.rename (h : Γ ⊆ Γ') : Γ ⊢ₙ a → Γ' ⊢ₙ a :=
intro s,
induction s with _ _ ha _ _ _ _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ _ _ _ ih generalizing Γ',
{ exact (h ha) },
{ exact N.elim (ih₁ h) (ih₂ h) },
{ exact N.intro (ih (list.cons_subset_cons _ h)) }
lemma N.weaken : Γ ⊢ₙ a → b :: Γ ⊢ₙ a :=
N.rename (list.subset_cons _ _)
inductive L : list formula → formula → Prop
| ax {Γ a} : a ∈ Γ → L Γ a
| left {Γ a b c} : L Γ a → L (b :: Γ) c → L (a ⇒ b :: Γ) c
| right {Γ a b} : L (a :: Γ) b → L Γ (a ⇒ b)
| cut {Γ a b} : L Γ a → L (a :: Γ) b → L Γ b
local infix ` ⊢ₗ `:25 := L
lemma L.ax₁ : a :: Γ ⊢ₗ a := $ or.inl rfl
lemma N_iff_L : Γ ⊢ₙ a ↔ Γ ⊢ₗ a :=
split; intro s,
{ induction s with _ _ ha _ _ _ _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ _ _ _ ih,
{ exact ha },
{ exact L.cut ih₁ (L.left ih₂ L.ax₁) },
{ exact L.right ih } },
{ induction s with _ _ ha _ _ _ _ _ _ ih₁ ih₂ _ _ _ _ ih _ _ _ _ _ ih₁ ih₂,
{ exact ha },
{ refine N.elim _ (N.weaken (N.intro ih₂)),
refine N.elim (N.weaken (N.intro (N.intro _))) N.ax₁,
exact N.elim N.ax₁ (N.elim N.ax₂ (N.weaken (N.weaken ih₁))) },
{ exact N.elim (N.intro N.ax₁) (N.intro ih) },
{ exact N.elim (N.intro (N.elim N.ax₁ (N.weaken ih₁))) (N.intro ih₂) } }
lemma L.rename (h : Γ ⊆ Γ') : Γ ⊢ₗ a → Γ' ⊢ₗ a :=
rw [←N_iff_L, ←N_iff_L],
exact N.rename h
lemma L.weaken : Γ ⊢ₗ a → b :: Γ ⊢ₗ a :=
L.rename (list.subset_cons _ _)
def env (Γ : list formula) : Prop := ∀ ⦃a⦄, a ∈ Γ → formula.eval a
def env.ext (ε : env Γ) (x : formula.eval a) : env (a :: Γ) :=
λ b hb,
if h : b = a
then h.symm ▸ x
else ε (list.mem_of_ne_of_mem h hb)
lemma N.eval_env : env Γ → Γ ⊢ₙ a → formula.eval a :=
intros ε s,
induction s with _ _ ha Γ a b s₁ s₂ ih₁ ih₂ Γ a b s ih generalizing ε,
{ exact ε ha },
{ exact ih₁ ε (ih₂ ε) },
{ exact λ x, ih (ε.ext x) }
def N.eval : ∅ ⊢ₙ a → formula.eval a := N.eval_env (λ x, false.elim)
def L.eval : ∅ ⊢ₗ a → formula.eval a := N.eval ∘ N_iff_L.mpr
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