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Last active May 30, 2017 21:25
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Array function based Steam & EventStream implementation. Also handles promises.
class Observable {
constructor(fn) {
this._fn = fn;
this._children = [];
const handler = {
get(target, prop) {
return prop in target || !(prop in Array.prototype)
? target[prop]
: target._getHandler(prop);
return new Proxy(this, handler);
static fromEvent(target, event, options = {}) {
const observable = new Observable()
const eventHandler = v => observable.push(v);
target.addEventListener(event, eventHandler, options);
observable.cleanup = () => target.removeEventListener(event, eventHandler, options);
return observable;
set cleanup(fn) {
this._cleanup = fn;
push(value) {
if (this._complete) return;
// Resolve if necessary
const promise = value instanceof Promise ? value : Promise.resolve(value);
promise.then(value_ => {
// Execute function with value_ or use value_ as result directly
const result = this._fn ? this._fn(value_) : value_;
// Pass value on to children
this._children.forEach(observable => observable.push(result))
end() {
this._cleanup && this._cleanup();
this._children.forEach(stream => stream.end());
this._children = [];
this._complete = true;
_getHandler(method) {
// Return a function which uses 'method' as array function
return (...args) => this._chain(v => {
const result = this._box(v)[method](...args);
// When the result of the array function is another array, return the first value
// Return the whole value otherwise
return Array.isArray(result) ? result.shift() : result;
_box(v) {
return typeof v === 'undefined' ? [] : [v];
_chain(fn) {
const observable = new Observable(fn);
return observable;
export default Observable;
const SPACE = 'SPACE';
const KEYS = { 32: SPACE };
const keyStream = EventStream.of(document.documentElement, 'keypress')
const spaceKeyStream = keyStream
.map(e => e.which)
.map(code => KEYS[code])
.filter(key => key === SPACE);
spaceKeyStream.forEach(v => console.log(v));
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