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Last active September 18, 2021 18:45
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Query a grid by x and y coordinate, returning all data points that were added to those particular x and y coordinate.
const clamp = (value, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max)
class SpatialHashMap {
constructor(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.grid = new Array(width * height).fill(null).map(() => []);
clear() {
this.grid.forEach(cell => {
add(x, y, data) {
x = clamp(Math.round(x), 0, this.width - 1);
y = clamp(Math.round(y), 0, this.height - 1);
const index = x + y * this.width;
query(x, y, radius) {
if (radius) {
return this.queryWithRadius(x, y, radius);
x = clamp(Math.round(x), 0, this.width - 1);
y = clamp(Math.round(y), 0, this.height - 1);
const index = x + y * this.width;
return this.grid[index];
queryWithRadius(x, y, radius) {
const left = Math.max(Math.round(x - radius), 0);
const right = Math.min(Math.round(x + radius), this.width - 1);
const bottom = Math.max(Math.round(y - radius), 0);
const top = Math.min(Math.round(y + radius), this.height - 1);
const result = [];
for (let i = left; i <= right; i++) {
for (let j = bottom; j <= top; j++) {
const query = this.query(i, j);
for (let k = 0; k < query.length; k++) {
return result;
export default SpatialHashMap;
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