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Last active November 28, 2020 11:32
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Split JSON array to files, use attribute as filename
# Split JSON array to files, use json attribute as filename
# input.json:
# [
# {"id":"1", "name":"first"},
# {"id":"1", "name":"second"},
# ...
# ]
# ./ /path/to/input.json name
# Output:
# first.json // {"id":"1", "name":"first"}
# second.json // {"id":"2", "name":"second"}
# ...
dir=$(dirname "$input")
echo $output
jq -cr 'keys[] as $k | "\($k)\n\(.[$k])"' "$input" | while read -r key; do
filename=$(jq --raw-output ".[$key].$name" $input)
read -r item
printf '%s\n' "$item" > "$dir/$filename.json"
echo "$filename.json"
echo "> done."
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