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Last active January 27, 2023 02:58
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def renum_pdb_str(pdb_str, Ls=None, renum=True, offset=1):
from string import ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase
assert len(Ls) == 2
Ls = [int(i) for i in Ls]
alphabet_list = list(ascii_uppercase+ascii_lowercase)
if Ls is not None:
L_init = 0
new_chain = {}
for L,c in zip(Ls, alphabet_list):
new_chain.update({i:c for i in range(L_init,L_init+L)})
L_init += L
n,num,pdb_out = 0,offset,[]
resnum_ = None
chain_ = None
new_chain_ = new_chain[0]
for line in pdb_str.split("\n"):
if line[:4] == "ATOM":
chain = line[21:22]
resnum = int(line[22:22+5])
if resnum_ is None: resnum_ = resnum
if chain_ is None: chain_ = chain
if resnum != resnum_ or chain != chain_:
num += (resnum - resnum_)
n += 1
resnum_,chain_ = resnum,chain
if Ls is not None:
if new_chain[n] != new_chain_:
num = offset
new_chain_ = new_chain[n]
N = num if renum else resnum
if Ls is None: pdb_out.append("%s%4i%s" % (line[:22],N,line[26:]))
else: pdb_out.append("%s%s%4i%s" % (line[:21],new_chain[n],N,line[26:]))
pdb_str = "\n".join(pdb_out)
return pdb_str
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