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tutorial on make leaked 7.7 files running

Running CipSoft 7.7 files

tutorial on make leaked 7.7 files running

#1 First Steps

  1. First download VmWare workstation or virtual box and install.

  2. Now download CentOS 3.1 here: download 3 disks and install in VmWare, I will not go into details about the Linux installation, you yourself must learn.

  3. Install VMware tools in CentOS or install one ftpserver, is recomended VMware tools (faster).

  4. Download server files. Now unpack gameserver. Copy folder game to /home/, you cannot have permission to put directly to this folder, unpack in /home/yourusername, now use this command in terminal:su mv /home/yourusername/game /home and click enter, now your game folder is in /home.

  5. One tip, if you are run ./game in user root make this in terminal: cp /home/game/.tibia /root. If you run in another user make this: cp /home/game/.tibia /home/yourusername/

#2 Database

  1. Now is necessary run another linux in another virtual machine, Ubuntu 14.04 recommended.

  2. Copy and paste database otserv_schema_data.sql to /home/yourusername (you can make this because vmware tools already installed in ubuntu 14). After installing make this in terminal: sudo apt-get updated. After make this: sudo apt-get install g++ libmysqlclient-dev mysql-server.

  3. mysqlserver will question about pass of root user, choose one and install.

  4. In terminal make this: mysql -u root -p and click enter, will be asked for your root password.

     CREATE USER 'otserv'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; (password can be Cz7u89dmyPzHDNEL or another of your choise).
     GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'otserv'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordofyourchoise' WITH GRANT OPTION;
     USE otserv;
     source /home/yourusername/otserv_schema_data.sql;
  5. Make this in terminal: nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf and edit this line: bind-address = to bind-address = Now the database is ok.

#3 Server

  1. Now copy querymanager folder to /home/yourusername, open Main.cpp in text editor.

  2. Inside Main.cpp. If you created one password different you have to change password in all lines like this: Database db("localhost", "otserv", "Cz7u89dmyPzHDNEL", "otserv"); from Cz7u89dmyPzHDNEL to your password.

  3. Inside Main.cpp. std::string q_world = "otserver" change to "RealOTS"

  4. Inside Main.cpp. hton1(INADDR_LOOPBACK); change to inet_addr("yourmachineip");, this is used to connect querymanager to gameserver.

  5. Now go in your CentOS and make this in terminal: ifconfig, you can see your machine ip, get this ip.

  6. Put your ip in order, example your ip is

  7. This will determine which gameserver ip will listen. Save this and close.

  8. in your terminal make this: cd /home/yourusername/querymanager. And make this: make. Wait to compile new querymanager, after it ends type this: ./querymanager, now your querymanager is ok and listening in your machine ip and por 17778.

  9. Go to CentOS machine and make this: nano /root/.tibia if you using root user, or nano /home/youusername/.tibia

  10. Change to your Ubuntu ip where is it querymanager running:

    QueryManager = {("",17778,"nXE?/>j`"),("",17778,"nXE?/>j`"),("",17778,"nXE?/>j`"),("",17778,"nXE?/>j`")}
  11. CTRL + o to save and CTRL + x to close.

  12. Type this in terminal (as root): cd /lib/tls/, then mv and mv

  13. Yet in terminal: cd /home/game/bin, ./game. Wait it connect to querymanager, if it was successfull you can see gameserver loading map files and monsters. Ok server online.

4# Login Server

  1. Download realotserloginserver posted by Yamaken, and compile (I will not teach this), after compiled edit config.lua, save and close:

    ip = "yourloginservermachineip"
    clientVersionMin = 770
    clientVersionMax = 770
    clientVersionStr = "7.70"
    mysqlhost = "ipofyourmysqlserver"
    mysqluser = "otserv"
    mysqlpass = "Cz7u89dmyPzHDNEL" (or you have chosen)
    mysqldatabase = "otserv"
  2. Edit gameservers.xml, to <server id="0" name="RealOTS" ip="yourgameserverip" port="7172" />, save and close, now run loginserver.

#5 Client

  1. Open client 7.70 in xvi32 and edit ips in tibia.exe, tutorial here, do NOT change RSA key. DON'T USE IPCHANGER, ITS CHANGE RSA KEYS.

  2. Now choose one account in database to login, enter and play.


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