- what is the formula??
testing with a goblin doing fixed hit of 70 in real 7.7
skill def max block balanced fullattack
10 14 23 12 8
10 19 31 18 11
10 26 43 24 15
10 35 61 33 20
10 40 70+ 38 21
38 14 57 32 21
38 15 63 32 19
38 16 64 37 22
38 17 66 39 25
38 19 70+ 44 27
despite of anything I always can get a 70 hit, so it's from 0 to some max block formula
- If the hit is not blocked by shield it can poison, regardless of being blocked by armor or not, if it does damage it will always poison.
- monsters cast less spells while moving?
Dragon stationary trapped, expected number of GFB in 5 minutes (1/7 chance) 42 to 43, got 47.
Dragon kitted never at melee range, expected number of GFB in 10 minutes (1/7 chance) 85 to 86, got 31 to 35.
Dragon blocked at melee range, expected number of GFB in 10 minutes (1/14 chance) 42 to 43, got 46.
Hunter fleeing moving (only the "fleestep") at a corner, expected number of Arrows in 10 minutes (1/2 chance) 300, got 131.
Hunter fleeing stationary trapped, expected number of Arrows in 15 minutes (1/2 chance) 450, got 146.
Hunter stationary not trapped, expected number of Arrows in 5 minutes (1/2 chance) 150, got 150.
Hunter kitted never at melee range, expected number of Arrows in 5 minutes (1/2 chance) 150, got 115.
- If a monster can change target, he is going in a straight line into a target and other player go in the middle, he will target that player instead
- ??
uses manhatan distance? (https://github.com/otland/forgottenserver/commit/bc83c4e5bed96eaeb027b9d2aca75403733a74e2)
yeah, they do, the commit is correct.
- how frequently monsters dancestep? ??
- it doesn't melee attack, doesn't slow down, doesn't stop to melee attack
- it keep casting spells, it doesn't turn nor slow down to cast spells
- it will always move (not diagonally) even if it put it's nearby the target
- it won't dancestep
- fleeing algorithm
- monster slow down to melee attack the target, if at melee range
- don't turn to cast spells, not even "directed" ones, nor go slow to cast them
- standstill in the corner, (won't do a step to a "nearby" place to find another place, it standstill in the farthest place it can reach immediatly)
- it can dancestep at ideal target range
- getting distance algorithm
While not fleeing, if the monster cannot reach any better position, and is attacking his target, it has a chance to dancestep, that is a random movement to another sqm with the same range to the target as the previous one.
6 and 7 (8 range) still repeats at 9 but not at 10 range (monster doesn't went idle, continued moving)