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Last active January 6, 2022 13:18
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pdoResources - load class with custom db prefix


If you want to store data inside one or more custom tables you'll propably want to access that data.

It is possible to do this with pdoResources.

First you need to create the necessary files.

I recommend CreateXpdoClasses by BobRay to create them: (see snippet below)

For an example how to query a custom class with pdoResources if your tables have a custom prefix have a look at the example below.

See: #245 - core/components/pdotools/model/pdotools/pdotools.class.php

* @package = CreateXpdoClasses
* Create Xpdo Classes script
* This script creates xPDO-ready classes from existing custom
* database tables. Run it again whenever you change
* your schema.
* It assumes that your custom tables have been imported into
* the MODX DB and use a different table prefix than the MODX
* tables.
* In theory, you can use a separate DB but this has not been
* tested and the process of using the classes would be more
* complicated. To do this, you would need to set the
* following variables after including the config file,
* but before creating the $modx object:
* $database_server = 'yourDbServer';
* $database_type = 'mysql';
* $dbase = 'yourDbName';
* $database_user = 'user';
* $database_password = 'password';
* $table_prefix = 'yourPrefix_';
* In the snippets that use the classes, you'd need to
* instantiate a new $xpdo object, and use $xpdo-> rather
* than $modx-> to call the methods.
* $xpdo = new xPDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yourDbName',
* $database_user,$database_password,$table_prefix);
* Note: If you are running this outside of MODX and testing
* it in the Manager, it will log you out when it runs, even
* though the Manager screen will still be visible. Actions
* taken in the Manager (e.g., saving a snippet) will not be
* successful. After running the script, reload the Manager
* page in your browser and you will be prompted to
* log back in.
/* assume we're in a snippet */
$outsideModx = false;
if (!defined('MODX_CORE_PATH')) {
$outsideModx = true;
/* put the path to your core in the next line to run
* outside of MODX */
define(MODX_CORE_PATH, 'c:/xampp/htdocs/test/core/');
include_once MODX_CORE_PATH .
$modx= new modX();
/* set these if running outside of MODX */
if ($outsideModx) {
$myPackage = 'mypackage';
/* table prefix; must match the prefix of the tables
* to process. Using the same prefix as the MODX
* tables is not recommended */
$myPrefix = 'bobs_';
// $myTables = 'bobs_quotation';
/* These two switches let you write the schema and/or
* create the classes; useful for debugging and for leaving
* a manually edited schema file alone*/
$createSchema = $modx->getOption('createSchema',
$createClasses = $modx->getOption('createClasses',
/* Used to include the phpDoc templates below or
* other custom templates */
$includeCustomTemplates = empty($includeCustomTemplates)?
false : $includeCustomTemplates;
/* $myPackage is the name of your package. Use this in
* your addPackage() call to load all classes created
* by this script.
* The class files will be created under the
* /core/components/$myPackage/model/
* directory.
* Example:
* $myPackage = 'quotes';
* $myPrefix = 'bobs_';
* $path = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' . $myPackage .
* $result = $modx->addPackage($myPackage, $path .
'model/', $myPrefix);
* if (! $result) {
* return('Failed to add package');
* }
$myPackage = empty($myPackage)? 'mypackage' : $myPackage;
/* table prefix; must match the prefix of the
* tables you want to process */
$myPrefix = empty ($myPrefix)? '' : $myPrefix;
/* Table names to process -- this is only necessary if
* your table prefix is the same as that of the MODX
* tables (not recommended). You can send a comma-separated
* list of full table names. In that case the class name
* will be the table name minus the prefix with any
* underscores removed and any letter after an
* underscore in upper case.
* You can also send an array of arrays of
* tableName => className,
* which allows you to specify the exact class name rather
* then letting MODX create it from the table name.
* Each inner array specifies a full table name and the
* class name to use.
* NOTE: This feature may not be implemented yet.
* Examples:
$myTables = 'bobs_quotation';
$myTables = array(
$myTables = empty($myTables)? '' : $myTables;
/* You shouldn't need to modify the code beyond this point
******************************************************* */
$sources = array(
'config' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'config/',
'package' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' .
$myPackage . '/',
'model' => MODX_CORE_PATH. 'components/' . $myPackage .
'schema' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' .
$myPackage . '/schema/',
if (! file_exists($sources['package'])) {
if (! file_exists($sources['model'])) {
if (! file_exists($sources['schema'])) {
$modx->setLogTarget(XPDO_CLI_MODE ? 'ECHO' : 'HTML');
$manager = $modx->getManager();
$generator = $manager->getGenerator();
if ($includeCustomTemplates) {
$file = $sources['schema'] . $myPackage .
// echo '<br/>File: ' . $file;
/* writeSchema() arguments
* ---------------------------
* string $schemaFile -- Full path to the schema file
* you want to write
* string $package -- (optional) Name of your component
* string $baseClass -- (optional) xPDO base class to use;
* (send '' if using args below)
* string $tablePrefix -- Table prefix (of tables to
* process)
* boolean $restrictPrefix) -- (optional) Process only
* tables with $tablePrefix
* mixed $tableList -- Array of arrays of
* full-table-name=>className or
* a string with a comma-separated
* list of full table names;
* if you send the string the table
* name will be used as the class name.
* returns true on success, false on failure
if ($createSchema) {
$xml= $generator->writeSchema($file,
$myPackage, '',$myPrefix,true,$myTables);
if ($xml) {
'Schema file written to ' . $file);
} else {
'Error writing schema file');
if ($createClasses) {
if ($generator->parseSchema($file, $sources['model'])){
'Schema file parsed -- Files written to ' .
} else {
'Error parsing schema file');
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'FINISHED');
function customTemplates($generator) {
$generator->classTemplate= <<<EOD
* [+phpdoc-package+]
* [+phpdoc-subpackage+]
class [[+class]] extends [[+extends]] {
$generator->platformTemplate= <<<EOD
* [+phpdoc-package+]
* [+phpdoc-subpackage+]
require_once (dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) .
class [+class+]_[+platform+] extends [+class+] {
$generator->mapHeader = <<<EOD
* [+phpdoc-package+]
* [+phpdoc-subpackage+]
Use loadModels with this syntax: packageName:tablePrefix
&tpl=`@INLINE [[+title]]`
<h2>Advanced 2</h2>
Use a json encoded config
&tpl=`@INLINE [[+title]]`
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