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Created January 11, 2019 08:29
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
import Data.List hiding (subsequences)
import Control.Monad
import Numeric.Natural
data State = State
{ sStack :: [(Int, Int)]
, sMax :: Int
deriving (Show)
initial :: State
initial = State [(0,0)] 0
largestRectangle = sMax . last . largestRectangleStates
largestRectangleStates :: [Int] -> [State]
largestRectangleStates = scanl step initial . zip [0..] . (++ [0])
naiveSolution :: [Int] -> Int
naiveSolution [] = 0
naiveSolution xx = maximum . fmap (\x -> length x * minimum x) . subsequences $ xx
subsequences = init . tails >=> tail . inits
step :: State -> (Int, Int) -> State
step state@State{sStack = (hp,i) : stack, ..} (idx, h) =
case compare h hp of
EQ -> state
GT -> state{sStack = (h, idx) : sStack state}
LT -> fix i $ step state{sStack = stack , sMax = max sMax (hp * (idx - i)) } (idx,h)
fix i s@State{sStack = (hp,i'):stack} = s{sStack = (hp,min i' i) : stack}
propCorrect :: [Int] -> Bool
propCorrect ii = largestRectangle ii' == naiveSolution ii'
ii' = map abs ii
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