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Last active October 5, 2017 14:40
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var URL = require('url'),
http = require('http'),
https = require('https'),
_ = require('lodash'),
contentTypes = require('./content-types.js'),
debug = require('debug')('unblocker:proxy'),
request = require('request');
function proxy(config) {
* Makes the outgoing request and relays it to the client, modifying it along the way if necessary
function proxyRequest(data, next) {
debug('proxying %s %s', data.clientRequest.method, data.url);
var middlewareHandledRequest = _.some(config.requestMiddleware, function(middleware) {
return data.clientResponse.headersSent; // if true, then _.some will stop processing middleware here because we can no longer
if (!middlewareHandledRequest) {
var uri = URL.parse(data.url);
var options = {
uri: uri,
host: uri.hostname,
port: uri.port,
path: uri.path,
method: data.clientRequest.method,
headers: data.headers
//set the agent for the request.
if(uri.protocol == 'http:' && config.httpAgent) {
options.agent = config.httpAgent;
if(uri.protocol == 'https:' && config.httpsAgent) {
options.agent = config.httpsAgent;
// what protocol to use for outgoing connections.
var proto = (uri.protocol == 'https:') ? https : http;
debug('sending remote request: ', options);
data.remoteRequest = request(options)
data.remoteRequest.on('response', function(remoteResponse) {
data.remoteResponse = remoteResponse;
data.remoteResponse.on('error', next);
data.remoteRequest.on('error', next);
// pass along POST data & let the remote server know when we're done sending data;
function proxyResponse(data) {
debug('proxying %s response for %s', data.remoteResponse.statusCode, data.url);
// make a copy of the headers to fiddle with
data.headers = _.cloneDeep(data.remoteResponse.headers);
// create a stream object fir middleware to pipe from and overwrite = data.remoteResponse;
data.contentType = contentTypes.getType(data);
var middlewareHandledResponse = _.some(config.responseMiddleware, function(middleware) {
return data.clientResponse.headersSent; // if true, then _.some will stop processing middleware here
if (!middlewareHandledResponse) {
// fire off out (possibly modified) headers
data.clientResponse.writeHead(data.remoteResponse.statusCode, data.headers);;
return proxyRequest;
module.exports = proxy;
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