# \fix-CorruptedGitModules.ps1
This code is a PowerShell script that checks the status of git repositories in a given folder and repairs
them if they are corrupted. It does the following steps:
It defines a begin block that runs once before processing any input. In this block, it sets some variables
for the modules and folder paths, validates them, and redirects the standard error output of git commands
to the standard output stream.
It defines a process block that runs for each input object. In this block, it loops through each subfolder
in the folder path and runs git status on it. If the output is fatal, it means the repository is corrupted
and needs to be repaired. To do that, it moves the corresponding module folder from the modules path to the
subfolder, replacing the existing .git file or folder. Then, it reads the config file of the repository and
removes any line that contains worktree, which is a setting that can cause problems with scoop. It prints
the output of each step to the console.
It defines an end block that runs once after processing all input. In this block, it restores the original
location of the script.#>
# A function to run git commands and check the exit code
function Invoke-Git {
[string]$Command # The git command to run
# Run the command and capture the output
$output = Invoke-Expression -Command "git $Command" -ErrorAction Stop
# return the output to the host
# Check the exit code and throw an exception if not zero
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "Git command failed: git $Command"
# \fix-CorruptedGitModulesCombinedWithQue.ps1
# Define a function to split text by a regular expression
# Define a function to split text by a regular expression
function Split-TextByRegex {
Splits text by a regular expression and returns an array of objects with the start index, end index, and value of each match.
This function takes a path to a text file and a regular expression as parameters, and returns an array of objects with the start index, end index, and value of each match. The function uses the Select-String cmdlet to find the matches, and then creates custom objects with the properties of each match.
The path to the text file to be split.
The regular expression to use for splitting.
Split-TextByRegex -Path ".\test.txt" -Regx "submodule"
This example splits the text in the test.txt file by the word "submodule" and returns an array of objects with the start index, end index, and value of each match.
# Validate the parameters
param (
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
# Try to read the text from the file
try {
$Content = Get-Content $Path -Raw
catch {
Write-Error "Could not read the file: $_"
# Try to split the content by the regular expression
try {
$Matchez = [regex]::Matches($Content, $Regx)
$NonMatches = [regex]::Split($Content, $Regx)
$single = Select-String -InputObject $Content -Pattern $Regx -AllMatches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches
catch {
Write-Error "Could not split the content by $Regx"
# Create an array to store the results
$Results = @()
# Loop through the matches and non-matches and create custom objects with the index and value properties
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Matchez.Count; $i++) {
$Results += [PSCustomObject]@{
index = $Matchez[$i].Index
value = $Matchez[$i].Value
$Results += [PSCustomObject]@{
index = $Matchez[$i].Index + $Matches[$i].Length
value = $NonMatches[$i + 1]
else {
# Loop through each match and create a custom object with its properties
foreach ($match in $single) {
$result = [PSCustomObject]@{
StartIndex = $match.Index
EndIndex = $match.Index + $match.Length - 1
Value = $match.Value
# Add the result to the array
$results += $result
# Return the results
return $Results
function Validate-Path {
param (
if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
Write-Error "Invalid path: $Path"
exit 1
# \GetWorktreeSubmodules.ps1
# Define a function to convert key-value pairs to custom objects
function keyPairTo-PsCustom {
Converts key-value pairs to custom objects with properties corresponding to the keys and values.
This function takes an array of strings containing key-value pairs as a parameter, and returns an array of custom objects with properties corresponding to the keys and values. The function uses the ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet to parse the key-value pairs, and then creates custom objects with the properties.
.PARAMETER KeyPairStrings
The array of strings containing key-value pairs.
keyPairTo-PsCustom -KeyPairStrings @("name=John", "age=25")
This example converts the key-value pairs in the array to custom objects with properties name and age.
# Validate the parameter
param (
# Create an array to store the results
$results = @()
# Loop through each string in the array
foreach ($string in $KeyPairStrings) {
# Try to parse the key-value pairs using ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet
try {
$data = ConvertFrom-StringData $string
catch {
Write-Error "Could not parse the string: $_"
# Create a custom object with properties from the data hashtable
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $data
# Add the result to the array
$results += $result
# Return the array of results
return $results
# Define a function to get the URL of a submodule
function byPath-RepoUrl {
[string]$Path # The path of the submodule directory
# Change the current location to the submodule directory
Push-Location -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
# Get the URL of the origin remote
$url = invoke-git "config remote.origin.url" -ErrorAction Stop
# Parse the URL to get the part after the colon
$parsedUrl = ($url -split ':')[1]
# Return to the previous location
Pop-Location -ErrorAction Stop
# Return the parsed URL as output
return $parsedUrl
function get-gitUnhide ($Path)
Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*" -Force | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq ".git" }
# requries gitmodulesfile
function git-GetSubmodulePathsUrls
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path "$_\.gitmodules"})]
try {
$zz = (git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$')
$rgx = "submodule" # Set the regular expression to use for splitting
# Change the current directory to the working path
Set-Location $RepoPath
# Set the path to the .gitmodules file
$p = Join-Path $RepoPath ".gitmodules"
# Split the text in the .gitmodules file by the regular expression and store the results in a variable
$TextRanges = Split-TextByRegex -Path $p -Regx $rgx
$zz = $TextRanges | keyPairTo-PsCustom
if(! ($zz))
# Convert the key-value pairs in the text ranges to custom objects and store the results in a variable
$zz = $TextRanges | ForEach-Object {
try {
# Trim and join the values in each text range
$q = $_.value.trim() -join ","
catch {
# If trimming fails, just join the values
$q = $_.value -join ","
try {
# Split the string by commas and equal signs and create a hashtable with the path and url keys
$t = @{
path = $q.Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1].trim()
url = $q.Split(',')[1].Split('=')[1].trim()
catch {
# If splitting fails, just use the string as it is
$t = $q
# Convert the hashtable to a JSON string and then back to a custom object
$t | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json
$zz| % {
$path_key, $path = $_.split(" ")
$prop = [ordered]@{
Path = $path
Url = git config -f .gitmodules --get ("$path_key" -replace "\.path",".url")
NonRelative = Join-Path $RepoPath $path
return New-Object –TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
Throw "$($_.Exception.Message)"
# \GitSyncSubmoduleWithConfig.ps1
Synchronizes the submodules with the config file.
This function synchronizes the submodules with the config file, using the Git-helper and ini-helper modules. The function checks the remote URLs of the submodules and updates them if they are empty or local paths. The function also handles conflicts and errors.
The path of the git directory where the config file is located.
The path of the git root directory where the submodules are located.
.PARAMETER FlagConfigDecides
A switch parameter that indicates whether to use the config file as the source of truth in case of conflicting URLs.
function config-to-gitmodules {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
# Import the helper modules
Import-Module Git-helper
Import-Module ini-helper
$configPath = (Join-Path -Path $GitDirPath -ChildPath "config")
# Get the config file content and select the submodule section
$rootKnowledge = Get-IniContent -Path $configPath | Select-Object -Property submodule
# Change the current location to the git root directory
Set-Location -Path $GitRootPath
# Loop through each submodule in the config file
foreach ($rootx in $rootKnowledge) {
try {
# Change the current location to the submodule path
Set-Location -Path $rootx.path
# Get submodule name and path from ini object properties $submoduleName = $submodule.submodule.Name
if(Import-Module PsIni)
# Import the PsIni module
$submodules = Get-IniContent -Path ".gitmodules" | Select-Object -Property submodule
if(Import-Module PsIni)
# Import the PsIni module
$submodulePath = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path ".gitmodules") -ChildPath ($submodule.submodule.path)
# Get the remote URL of the submodule
$q = Get-GitRemoteUrl
# Check if the remote URL is a local path or empty
$isPath = Test-Path -Path $q -IsValid
$isEmpty = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($q)
if ($isPath -or $isEmpty) {
# Set the remote URL to the one in the config file and overwrite it
Set-GitRemote -Url $rootx.url -Overwrite
else {
# Check if the URL in the config file is a local path or empty
$isConfigPath = Test-Path -Path $rootx.url -IsValid
$isConfigEmpty = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($rootx.url)
if ($isConfigEmpty) {
# Append the submodule to the config file
$rootx | Add-IniElement -Path $configPath
elseif ($isConfigPath) {
# Append the remote URL to the submodule and replace it in the config file
# ($rootx + AppendProperty($q)) | Set-IniElement -Path $configPath -OldElement $rootx
elseif ($rootx.url -notin $q.url) {
# Handle conflicting URLs
if ($FlagConfigDecides) {
# Use the config file as the source of truth and replace it in the submodule path
$rootx | Set-IniElement -Path (Join-Path -Path $rootx.path -ChildPath ".gitmodules") -OldElement $q
else {
# Throw an error for conflicting URLs
throw "Conflicting URLs: $($rootx.url) and $($q.url)"
catch {
# Handle errors based on their messages
switch ($_.Exception.Message) {
"path not existing" {
return "uninitialized"
"path existing but no subroot present" {
return "already in index"
"path existing, git root existing, but git not recognized" {
return "corrupted"
default {
return $_.Exception.Message
# A function to move a .git Folder into the current directory and remove any gitfiles present
function unearthiffind ()
param (
# Get the module folder that matches the name of the parent directory
Get-ChildItem -Path $Modules -Directory | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $toRepair.Directory.Name } | Select-Object -First 1 | % {
# Move the module folder to replace the .git file
Remove-Item -Path $toRepair -Force
Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $toRepair -Force
# A function to check the git status of a folder
function Check-GitStatus ($folder) {
# Change the current directory to the folder
Set-Location $folder.FullName
Write-Output "checking $folder"
if ((Get-ChildItem -force | ?{ $_.name -eq ".git" } ))
# Run git status and capture the output
$output = Invoke-Git "git status"
if(($output -like "fatal*"))
Write-Output "fatal status for $folder"
#UnabosrbeOrRmWorktree $folder
Write-Output @($output)[0]
Write-Output "$folder not yet initialized"
# Define a function to remove the worktree from a config file
function Remove-Worktree {
[string]$ConfigPath # The path of the config file
if(Test-Package "Get-IniContent")
# Get the content of the config file as an ini object
$iniContent = Get-IniContent -FilePath $ConfigPath
# Remove the worktree property from the core section
# Write the ini object back to the config file
$iniContent | Out-IniFile -FilePath $ConfigPath -Force
# Read the config file content as an array of lines
$configLines = Get-Content -Path $ConfigPath
# Filter out the lines that contain worktree
$newConfigLines = $configLines | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "worktree" }
if (($configLines | Where-Object { $_ -match "worktree" }))
# Write the new config file content
Set-Content -Path $ConfigPath -Value $newConfigLines -Force
function Remove-WorktreeHere {
[string]$ConfigPath, # The path of the config file
# Get the path to the git config file
$configFile = Join-Path -Path $toRepair -ChildPath "\config"
# Check if it exists
if (-not (Test-Path $configFile)) {
Write-Error "Invalid folder path: $toRepair"
Remove-Worktree -ConfigPath $toRepair
# A function to repair a corrupted git folder
# param folder: where to look for replacement module to unearth with
function UnabosrbeOrRmWorktree ($folder) {
get-gitUnhide $folder | % {
if( $_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo] )
unearthIffind $_ $folder
elseif( $_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] )
Remove-WorktreeHere $_
Write-Error "not a .git file or folder: $_"
# A function to repair a fatal git status
function UnabosrbeOrRmWorktree {
param (
# Print a message indicating fatal status
write-verbos "fatal status for $Path, atempting repair"
cd $Path
UnabosrbeOrRmWorktree -folder $Modules
function RepairWithQue-N-RepairFolder {
# Synopsis: A script to process files with git status and repair them if needed
# Parameter: Start - The start path to process
# Parameter: Modules - The path to the modules folder
param (
begin {
# Validate the arguments
Validate-Path -Path $Start
Validate-Path -Path $Modules
# Redirect the standard error output of git commands to the standard output stream
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing files" -Status "Starting" -PercentComplete 0
# Create a queue to store the paths
$que = New-Object System.Collections.Queue
# Enqueue the start path
$Start | % { $que.Enqueue($_) }
# Initialize a counter variable
$i = 0;
process {
# Loop through the queue until it is empty
# Increment the counter
# Dequeue a path from the queue
$path = $que.Dequeue()
# Change the current directory to the path
Set-Location $path;
# Run git status and capture the output
$output = Check-GitStatus $path
# Check if the output is fatal
if($output -like "fatal*")
ActOnError -Path $path -Modules $modules
# Get the subdirectories of the path and enqueue them, excluding any .git folders
if ($continueOnError)
$toEnque = Get-ChildItem -Path "$path\*" -Directory -Exclude "*.git*"
$toEnque = git-GetSubmodulePathsUrls
$toEnque | % { $que.Enqueue($_.FullName) }
# Calculate the percentage of directories processed
$percentComplete = ($i / ($que.count+$i) ) * 100
# Update the progress bar
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing files" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
} while ($que.Count -gt 0)
end {
# Restore the original location
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing files" -Status "Finished" -PercentComplete 100
function ActOnError {
fallback solutions
* if everything fails,
set git dir path to abbsolute value and edit work tree in place
* if comsumption fails,
due to modulefolder exsisting, revert move and trye to use exsisting folder instead,
if this ressults in error, re revert to initial
move inplace module to x prefixed
atempt to consume again
* if no module is provided, utelyse everything to find possible folders
use hamming distance like priorit order
1. exact parrentmatch rekative to root
order resukts by total exact
take first precedance
2. predefined patterns taken
and finaly sort rest by hamming
# This script converts a git folder into a submodule and absorbs its git directory
param ( # Validate the arguments
$folder = "C:\ProgramData\scoop\persist",
$repairAlternatives = "C:\ProgramData\scoop\persist\.git\modules")
begin {
Get-ChildItem -path B:\GitPs1Module\* -Filter '*.ps1' | % { . $_.FullName }
Validate-Path $repairAlternatives
Validate-Path $folder
$pastE = $error #past error saved for later
# Save the previous error action preference
$previousErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Set the environment variable for git error redirection
process {
# Get the list of folders in $folder # Loop through each folder and run git status
foreach ($f in (git-GetSubmodulePathsUrls)) {
# Change the current directory to the folder
Set-Location $f.FullName
Write-Verbos "checking $f"
if (!(Get-ChildItem -force | ?{ $_.name -eq ".git" } )) { Write-Verbos "$f not yet initialized" }
else {
# Run git status and capture the output
$output = Check-GitStatus $f.FullName
if(!($output -like "fatal*")) {Write-Output @($output)[0] }
else {
Write-Output "fatal status for $f"
$f | Get-ChildItem -force | ?{ $_.name -eq ".git" } | % {
$toRepair = $_
if( $toRepair -is [System.IO.FileInfo] )
$repairAlternatives | Get-ChildItem -Directory | ?{ $_.name -eq $toRepair.Directory.Name } | select -First 1 |
% {
# Move the folder to the target folder Move-Folder -Source $GitFolder -Destination (Join-Path $targetFolder 'x.git')
rm $toRepair -force ;
# Move the submodule folder to replace the git folder
Move-Item -Path $_.fullname -Destination $toRepair -force
else-if( $toRepair -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] )
# Remove the worktree line from the config file (Get-Content -Path $configFile | Where-Object { ! ($_ -match 'worktree') }) | Set-Content -Path $configFile
Remove-Worktree "$toRepair/config"
Write-Error "not a .git folder: $toRepair"
Write-Error "not a .git file: $toRepair"
} end { Pop-Location }
#This script adds git submodules to a working path based on the .gitmodules file
The working path where the .gitmodules file is located.
GitInitializeBySubmodule -WorkPath 'B:\ToGit\Projectfolder\NewWindows\scoopbucket-1'
# requires functional git repo
# A function to get the submodules recursively for a given repo path
# should return the submodules in reverse order, deepest first, when not providing flag?
function Get-SubmoduleDeep {
[string]$RepoPath # The path to the repo
begin {
# Validate the repo path
Validate-PathW -Path $RepoPath
# Change the current directory to the repo path
Set-Location $RepoPath
# Initialize an empty array for the result
$result = @()
process {
# Run git submodule foreach and capture the output as an array of lines
$list = @(Invoke-Git "submodule foreach --recursive 'git rev-parse --git-dir'")
# Loop through the list and skip the last line (which is "Entering '...'")
foreach ($i in 0.. ($list.count-2)) {
# Check if the index is even, which means it is a relative path line
if ($i % 2 -eq 0)
# Create a custom object with the base, relative and gitDir properties and add it to the result array
$result += , [PSCustomObject]@{
base = $RepoPath
relative = $list[$i]
gitDir = $list[$i+1]
end {
# Return the result array
Function Git-InitializeSubmodules {
# File to Create
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
# Validate the parameter
# Set the execution policy to bypass for the current process
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Write-Verbose "[Add Git Submodule from .gitmodules]"
# Filter out the custom objects that have a path property and loop through them
Get-SubmoduleDeep | Where-Object {($_.path)} |
$url = $_.url
$path = $_.path
try {
if( New-Item -ItemType dir -Name $path -WhatIf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($path,"clone $url -->")){
invoke-git "submodule add $url $path"
if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($path,"folder already exsists, will trye to clone $url --> "))
Invoke-Git "submodule add -f $url $path"
# Try to add a git submodule using the path and url properties
catch {
Write-Error "Could not add git submodule: $_"
Unabsorbe-ValidGitmodules from a git repository.
Unabsorbe-ValidGitmodules from a git repository by moving the .git directories from the submodules to the parent repository and updating the configuration.
The paths of the submodules to extract. If not specified, all submodules are extracted.
Extract-Submodules "foo" "bar"
extract-submodules = "!gitextractsubmodules() { set -e && { if [ 0 -lt \"$#\" ]; then printf \"%s\\n\" \"$@\"; else git ls-files --stage | sed -n \"s/^160000 [a-fA-F0-9]\\+ [0-9]\\+\\s*//p\"; fi; } | { local path && while read -r path; do if [ -f \"${path}/.git\" ]; then local git_dir && git_dir=\"$(git -C \"${path}\" rev-parse --absolute-git-dir)\" && if [ -d \"${git_dir}\" ]; then printf \"%s\t%s\n\" \"${git_dir}\" \"${path}/.git\" && mv --no-target-directory --backup=simple -- \"${git_dir}\" \"${path}/.git\" && git --work-tree=\"${path}\" --git-dir=\"${path}/.git\" config --local --path --unset core.worktree && rm -f -- \"${path}/.git~\" && if 1>&- command -v attrib.exe; then MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL=\"*\" attrib.exe \"+H\" \"/D\" \"${path}/.git\"; fi; fi; fi; done; }; } && gitextractsubmodules"
git extract-submodules [<path>...]
function Unabsorbe-ValidGitmodules {
param (
# get the paths of all submodules if not specified
if (-not $Paths) {
$Paths = Get-SubmoduleDeep
# loop through each submodule path
foreach ($Path in $Paths) {
$gg = "$Path/.git"
# check if the submodule has a .git file
if (Test-Path -Path "$gg" -PathType Leaf) {
# get the absolute path of the .git directory
$GitDir = Get-GitDir -Path $Path
# check if the .git directory exists
if (Test-Path -Path $GitDir -PathType Container) {
# display the .git directory and the .git file
Write-Host "$GitDir`t$gg"
# move the .git directory to the submodule path
Move-Item -Path $GitDir -Destination "$gg" -Force -Backup
# unset the core.worktree config for the submodule
Remove-Worktree -ConfigPath "$gg/config"
# remove the backup file if any
Remove-Item -Path "$gg~" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# hide the .git directory on Windows
Hide-GitDir -Path $Path
# \GitUpdateSubmodulesAutomatically.ps1
Updates the submodules of a git repository.
This function updates the submodules of a git repository, using the PsIni module and the git commands. The function removes any broken submodules, adds any new submodules, syncs the submodule URLs with the .gitmodules file, and pushes the changes to the remote repository.
.PARAMETER RepositoryPath
The path of the git repository where the submodules are located.
.PARAMETER SubmoduleNames
An array of submodule names that will be updated. If not specified, all submodules will be updated.
function Update-Git-Submodules {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
# Set the error action preference to stop on any error
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Change the current location to the repository path
Set-Location -Path $RepositoryPath
#update .gitmodules
$submodules = Get-SubmoduleDeep $RepositoryPath
# If submodule names are specified, filter out only those submodules from the array
if ($SubmoduleNames) {
$submodules = $submodules | Where-Object { $_.submodule.Name -in $SubmoduleNames }
# Loop through each submodule in the array and update it
foreach ($submodule in $submodules) {
# Get all submodules from the .gitmodules file as an array of objects
$submodulePath = $submodule.path
# Check if submodule directory exists
if (Test-Path -Path $submodulePath) {
# Change current location to submodule directory
Push-Location -Path $submodulePath
# Get submodule URL from git config
$submoduleUrl = Get-GitRemoteUrl
# Check if submodule URL is empty or local path
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($submoduleUrl) -or (Test-Path -Path $submoduleUrl)) {
# Set submodule URL to remote origin URL
$submoduleUrl = (byPath-RepoUrl -Path $submodulePath)
$submoduleUrl = $submodule.url
Set-GitRemoteUrl -Url $submoduleUrl
# Return to previous location
# Update submodule recursively
Invoke-Git "submodule update --init --recursive $submodulePath"
else {
# Add submodule from remote URL
Invoke-Git "submodule add $(byPath-RepoUrl -Path $submodulePath) $submodulePath"
# Sync the submodule URLs with the .gitmodules file
Invoke-Git "submodule sync"
# Push the changes to the remote repository
Invoke-Git "push origin master"
function Healthy-GetSubmodules {
# Synopsis: A script to get the submodules recursively for a given repo path or a list of repo paths
# Parameter: RepoPaths - The path or paths to the repos
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[string[]]$RepoPaths # The path or paths to the repos
# A function to validate a path argument
# Call the main function for each repo path in the pipeline
foreach ($RepoPath in $RepoPaths) {
Get-SubmoduleDeep -RepoPath $RepoPath
# \git_add_submodule.ps1
#Get-Content .\.gitmodules | ? { $_ -match 'url' } | % { ($_ -split "=")[1].trim() }
function git_add_submodule () {
Write-Host "[Add Git Submodule from .gitmodules]" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "... Dump git_add_submodule.temp ..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$' > git_add_submodule.temp
Get-content git_add_submodule.temp | ForEach-Object {
try {
$path_key, $path = $_.split(" ")
$url_key = "$path_key" -replace "\.path",".url"
$url= git config -f .gitmodules --get "$url_key"
Write-Host "$url --> $path" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
Invoke-Git "submodule add $url $path"
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "... Remove git_add_submodule.temp ..." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
Remove-Item git_add_submodule.temp
#Git-InitializeSubmodules -repoPath 'G:\ToGit\projectFolderBare\scoopbucket-presist'
# \removeAtPathReadToIndex.ps1
function removeAtPathReadToIndex {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage=".git, The path of the git folder to convert")]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container ; Resolve-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction Stop})]
[Alias("GitFolder")][string]$errorus,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="subModuleRepoDir, The path of the submodule folder to replace the git folder")]
#can be done with everything and menu
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container ; Resolve-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction Stop})]
# Get the config file path from the git folder
$configFile = Join-Path $GitFolder 'config'
# Push the current location and change to the target folder
# Get the target folder, name and parent path from the git folder
Write-Verbos "#---- asFile"
$asFile = ([System.IO.Fileinfo]$errorus.trim('\'))
Write-Verbos $asFile
$targetFolder = $asFile.Directory
$name = $targetFolder.Name
$path = $targetFolder.Parent.FullName
about-Repo #does nothing without -verbos
Set-Location $targetFolder
index-Remove $name $path
# Change to the parent path and get the root of the git repository
# Add and absorb the submodule using the relative path and remote url
$relative = get-Relative $path $targetFolder
Add-AbsorbSubmodule -Ref ( get-Origin) -Relative $relative
# Pop back to the previous location
# Restore the previous error action preference
$ErrorActionPreference = $previousErrorAction