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Last active April 6, 2021 21:42
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[Explaining] How does Song recommendations work
me:so i made this playlist out of asong 1, song 2, song 3, i was trying to take songs from different sides of my musical spectrum :)
other:i tried with artists but i dont know i think it recommended stuff that was like similar in general but not similar in sound :(
me:well you have to be veeeeeery openminded :)
this algorithms is only as good as it's dataset
the first song in my list has no sound in comon with songs i added to the list (which makes me even more excited XP)
let me show you in a image how it is generated most likely; se pastboardlink
me:where the dots is some property on some axis that's unoknown to us, stored in spotify's relational database
me:in a perfect world it would be the exact mix between two artists,
but it's rather,
"give me the mixture between russian and amarica" and it returns france to you
because it's geograpicaly inbetween
me:may i ask which artists whoms sound you tried to combine btw?
other:i wanted to get more like this one artist but i got This Other artist as recommendation, which is not what i want
me: trye artist1 + artist2 (that sounds like what you are looking for)
narrow it down, else it give you very general stuff
me: though keep in mind that each artist/song has it's own unique mixture of properties, and adding more of something else will make the
ressults diverge more towards that
other: Oh i see
i guess that is not so much the specific Genre i'm drawn into but the umf (bas and stuff)
me: mm then you want to add some more unf... think of anything with umf
any artist you know that has the unf you're hoping for?
other: not like the genre dance like umf like the heavyness of this artist
like maybe this one song that's not on spotify.
me: perfect, then think of any songs on spotify that in fact like that.
and add it instead, that should hopefully increase the ressult to the sound your after
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