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Forked from happypeter/
Created September 9, 2013 07:38
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#!/user/bin/env bash
on_die() {
echo byebye proxy
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Ethernet 2" off #close the proxy
# the name can be "wifi" or "Ethernet 1", just see what is listed in "network preference"
trap "on_die" SIGTERM
trap "on_die" SIGINT
trap "on_die" SIGHUP
networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "Ethernet 2" 7070 off
sshpass -pvT45kde5Y9r ssh -N -D 7070 [email protected] #s1....s9, all available
# ssh -N -D 7070 root@linode_us
# 注意:有时候 linode_us 的 ssh 口如果被墙了,那么这个脚本执行的时候,看起来也是正常的,只不过
# 到浏览器中是不能看墙外的景色的。解决方法就是更换主机 IP
the below to commands equals to click the proxy GUI
# peter:~/bin$ networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Ethernet 2" off
# peter:~/bin$ networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "Ethernet 2" on
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