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Last active December 31, 2022 21:24
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  • Save perrygeo/7273812 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save perrygeo/7273812 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ansible playbook for a full dev environment
sudo apt-get -y install python-pip git python-dev
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone setup
cd setup
sudo pip install --upgrade ansible
- name: deploy the gisdev software stack
hosts: localhost
connection: local
user: mperry
sudo: true
- name: Get aptitude for upgrade
apt: pkg=aptitude state=present
- name: Safe system upgrade via aptitude
apt: upgrade=safe
- name: add SublimeText repo
apt_repository: repo='ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2' state=present update_cache=yes
- name: add Mapbox repo
apt_repository: repo='ppa:developmentseed/mapbox' state=present update_cache=yes
- name: add QGIS key
shell: gpg --keyserver --recv 47765B75
- name: add QGIS key part two
shell: gpg --export --armor 47765B75 | sudo apt-key add -
- name: add QGIS repo
apt_repository: repo='deb saucy main' state=present update_cache=yes
- name: add QGIS src repo
apt_repository: repo='deb-src saucy main' state=present update_cache=yes
- name: install base packages
apt: pkg={{item}} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=604800
- sysstat
- htop
- git
- subversion
- mercurial
- python-samba
- vim
- virtualbox
- vagrant
- indicator-multiload
- chromium-browser
- sublime-text
- rdesktop
- openvpn
- python-dev
- r-base
- r-recommended
- tilemill
- classicmenu-indicator
- gimp
- inkscape
- ruby-dev
- sqlite
- pgadmin3
- postgresql
- libpq-dev
- python-psycopg2
- imagemagick
- marble
- mapserver-bin
- python-mapscript
- python-matplotlib
- liblas-bin
- gdal-bin
- python-gdal
- grass
- libspatialite-dev
- spatialite-gui
- spatialite-bin
- libzmq-dev
- qgis
- pandoc
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-recommended
- texlive-latex-extra
- texlive-fonts-recommended
- unity-tweak-tool
- xclip
- sqliteman
- filezilla
- gummi
- texmaker
- keepassx
- wireshark
- cifs-utils
# - postgis
# install from src to get 2.0
# rstudio via
- name: grab build dependencies for numpy and scipy
command: apt-get -y build-dep python-scipy
- name: Install global python requirements
pip: name={{item}} state=present
- pandas
- scipy
- shapely
- django
- pyshp
- geopy
- pyproj
- ipython
- ipdb
- scikit-learn
- pyzmq
- tornado
- pygments
- sphinx
- patsy
- statsmodels
- ggplot
- rpy2
- fabric
- name: install ruby dependencies
gem: name={{item}} state=present
- jekyll
- rake
- name: install node/js dependencies
npm: name={{item}} global=yes
- yo
- generator-angular
ansible-playbook dev.yml -i ./hosts --ask-sudo-pass -vvv
Default settings:
// List any packages to ignore here. When removing entries from this list,
// a restart may be required if the package contains plugins.
"ignored_packages": [],
"vintage_start_in_command_mode": true
Pretty JSON
implement security measures
git config
config files
full sublimetext config
set up openvpn
rdesktop and network drive to terra
set up evolution
postgis and GDAL (ppa)
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Awesome!! I'm working on the same thing for myself, will share the link to my repo once i push the stuff

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r3vit commented Nov 13, 2019

@perrygeo when I try this solution, it warns me Invoking "apt" only once while using a loop via squash_actions is deprecated

To solve this the warnings:
geerlingguy/ansible-role-docker#77 (comment)

Thank you anyway for the useful gist!

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ColCh commented Sep 25, 2021

Wow thank you! This would be my starteing point

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