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Created November 20, 2024 15:42
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JS Array Prototype - Interview Question
* Without calling, Array.prototype.filter(), Array.prototype.reduce(), or
* Array.prototype.forEach(), implement the following three similar functions on the Array prototype:
* myMap(callback)
* Without mutating the original array, this function should call the passed callback function on every
* element of the array and return a new array containing the result of all these calls, in the corresponding order.
* The callback function can take up to three parameters:
* 1. The current value in the array
* 2. The current index in the array
* 3. The array itself
Array.prototype.myMap = function (callback) {};
* myFilter(callback)
* Without mutating the original array, this function should call the passed callback function on every element
* of the array and return a new array containing the values of the original array that, when passed to the callback
* function, returned true. These values should maintain their original order.
* The callback function takes in the same arguments as the one that the callback function in myMap takes in.
Array.prototype.myFilter = function (callback) {};
* myReduce(callback, initialValue)
* Without mutating the original array, this function should call the passed callback function on every element
* of the array and return the result of the last call to the callback.
* The callback function can take up to four parameters:
* 1. The accumulator, which is the return value of the previous call to the callback. On the first call to the
* callback, the accumulator should be set to the intialValue. If the initialValue is undefined, then it should
* be set to the first value of the array, and the callback should skip the first element in the array and be
* called directly on the second element.
* 2. The current value in the array
* 3. The current index in the array
* 4. The array itself
* If the array contains no elements, the initialValue should be returned. Note that this differs slightly from
* the Array.prototype.reduce function.
Array.prototype.myReduce = function (callback, initialValue) {};
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const mappedArray = arr.myMap((value, i, arr) => {
return value + i + arr[1];
const filteredArray = arr.myFilter((value, i, arr) => {
return value + i + arr[1] > 5;
const reducedValue = arr.myReduce((accumulator, value, i, arr) => {
return accumulator + value + i + arr[1];
}, 3);
console.log(mappedArray); // [3, 5, 7]
console.log(filteredArray); // [3]
console.log(reducedValue); // 18
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