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Last active March 15, 2025 15:07
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  • Save pervognsen/ee74944453cdc4b809cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pervognsen/ee74944453cdc4b809cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dynamic tiling window manager for Emacs (inspired by dwm/awesome/xmonad for Linux)
; This code is hereby released by its author (Per Vognsen) into the public domain.
; It's mostly a proof of concept though it was surprisingly usable for how simple it was to code.
; If you want to use it as a starting point for a more polished package, go right ahead.
(require 'cl)
(defstruct wm-window buffer (point 0) (start 0) (hscroll 0) dedicated)
(defvar wm-windows)
(defvar wm-windows-alist)
(defvar wm-focus)
(defvar wm-workspace 0)
(defvar wm-workspaces nil)
(defvar wm-layout 0)
(defvar wm-layouts '(wm-layout-stacked-columns
(defmacro wm-when-let (binding &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((,(first binding) ,(second binding)))
(when ,(first binding)
(defun wm-window-from-emacs-window (window)
(make-wm-window :buffer (window-buffer window)
:point (window-point window)
:start (window-start window)
:hscroll (window-hscroll window)
:dedicated (window-dedicated-p window)))
(defun wm-window-from-buffer (buffer)
(make-wm-window :buffer buffer))
(defun wm-restore-window (window)
(set-window-buffer nil (wm-window-buffer window))
(set-window-point nil (wm-window-point window))
(set-window-start nil (wm-window-start window))
(set-window-hscroll nil (wm-window-hscroll window))
(set-window-dedicated-p nil (wm-window-dedicated window)))
(defun wm-emacs-windows ()
(window-list nil nil (frame-first-window)))
(defun wm-update-windows ()
(dolist (window (wm-emacs-windows))
(wm-when-let (kv (assoc window wm-windows-alist))
(setf (nth (cdr kv) wm-windows) (wm-window-from-emacs-window window)))))
(defun wm-update-focus ()
(wm-when-let (kv (assoc (selected-window) wm-windows-alist))
(setq wm-focus (cdr kv))))
(defun wm-status ()
(let ((status ""))
(dotimes (n (length wm-windows))
(let ((focused (= n wm-focus))
(window (nth n wm-windows)))
(setq status (format "%s%-20s"
(concat (if focused "[" " ")
(format "%d: %s" (1+ n) (buffer-name (wm-window-buffer window)))
(if focused "] " " "))))))
(format "%-35s %s" (format "<%d> %s: " (1+ wm-workspace) (symbol-name (nth wm-layout wm-layouts))) status)))
(defun wm-display-status ()
(let ((message-log-max nil)
(message-truncate-lines t))
(message (wm-status))))
(defun wm-reset-layout ()
(other-window 1)
(defun wm-layout-fullscreen ()
(wm-restore-window (nth wm-focus wm-windows))
(setq wm-windows-alist (list (cons (selected-window) wm-focus))))
(defun wm-layout-grid ()
(let* ((n 0)
(len (length wm-windows))
(sqrt-len (truncate (sqrt len)))
(dim (if (= len (* sqrt-len sqrt-len)) sqrt-len (1+ sqrt-len))))
(dotimes (y (1- (/ (+ len (1- dim)) dim)))
(while (< n len)
(dotimes (x dim)
(when (< n len)
(wm-restore-window (nth n wm-windows))
(incf n))
(when (and (< x (1- dim)) (< n len))
(other-window 1)))
(other-window 1)))
(other-window wm-focus)
(let ((n -1))
(setq wm-windows-alist (mapcar (lambda (window) (cons window (incf n)))
(defun wm-layout-bisection ()
(dotimes (n (length wm-windows))
(wm-restore-window (nth n wm-windows))
(when (< n (1- (length wm-windows)))
(funcall (nth (mod n 2) '(split-window-horizontally split-window-vertically)))
(other-window 1)))
(other-window (1+ wm-focus))
(let ((n -1))
(setq wm-windows-alist (mapcar (lambda (window) (cons window (incf n)))
(defun wm-layout-stacked-columns ()
(wm-restore-window (first wm-windows))
(when (rest wm-windows)
(other-window 1)
(loop for (window . more-windows) on (rest wm-windows)
do (progn
(wm-restore-window window)
(when more-windows
(other-window 1))))
(other-window (1+ wm-focus)))
(let ((n -1))
(setq wm-windows-alist (mapcar (lambda (window) (cons window (incf n)))
(defun wm-layout-stacked-rows ()
(wm-restore-window (first wm-windows))
(when (rest wm-windows)
(other-window 1)
(loop for (window . more-windows) on (rest wm-windows)
do (progn
(wm-restore-window window)
(when more-windows
(other-window 1))))
(other-window (1+ wm-focus)))
(let ((n -1))
(setq wm-windows-alist (mapcar (lambda (window) (cons window (incf n)))
(defun wm-update-layout ()
(funcall (nth wm-layout wm-layouts))
(defun wm-cycle-layout ()
(when (= (incf wm-layout) (length wm-layouts))
(setq wm-layout 0))
(defun wm-focus-next-window ()
(if (assoc (selected-window) wm-windows-alist)
(when (= (incf wm-focus) (length wm-windows))
(setq wm-focus 0))
(other-window 1)
(defun wm-focus-previous-window ()
(if (assoc (selected-window) wm-windows-alist)
(when (= (decf wm-focus) -1)
(setq wm-focus (1- (length wm-windows))))
(other-window -1)
(defun wm-remove-nth (n lst)
(when lst
(if (zerop n)
(rest lst)
(cons (first lst) (wm-remove-nth (1- n) (rest lst))))))
(defun wm-delete (n)
(when (and (> (length wm-windows) 1) (< n (length wm-windows)))
(setq wm-windows (wm-remove-nth n wm-windows))
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(when (= wm-focus (length wm-windows))
(decf wm-focus)))
(defun wm-insert-nth (lst n val)
(if (= n 0)
(cons val lst)
(cons (first lst) (wm-insert-nth (rest lst) (1- n) val))))
(defun wm-insert (window n)
(setq wm-windows (wm-insert-nth wm-windows n window))
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(when (>= wm-focus n)
(incf wm-focus))
(defun wm-push-window ()
(setq wm-windows (append wm-windows (list (wm-window-from-emacs-window (selected-window)))))
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(defun wm-insert-window ()
(wm-insert (wm-window-from-emacs-window (selected-window)) (1+ wm-focus)))
(defun wm-pop-window ()
(wm-delete (1- (length wm-windows))))
(defun wm-delete-next-window ()
(if (assoc (next-window) wm-windows-alist)
(wm-delete (mod (1+ wm-focus) (length wm-windows)))
(delete-window (next-window))))
(defun wm-delete-window ()
(if (assoc (selected-window) wm-windows-alist)
(wm-delete wm-focus)
(defun wm-move-window-forward ()
(when (< (1+ wm-focus) (length wm-windows))
(rotatef (nth wm-focus wm-windows) (nth (1+ wm-focus) wm-windows))
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(setq wm-focus (1+ wm-focus)))
(defun wm-move-window-backward ()
(when (> wm-focus 0)
(rotatef (nth wm-focus wm-windows) (nth (1- wm-focus) wm-windows))
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(setq wm-focus (1- wm-focus)))
(defun wm-move-window-to-back ()
(setq wm-focus (1- (length wm-windows)))
(defun wm-move-window-to-front ()
(wm-insert (wm-window-from-emacs-window (selected-window)) 0)
(setq wm-focus 0)
(defun wm-focus-window (n)
(interactive "p")
(when (< n (length wm-windows))
(setq wm-focus n))
(defun wm-manage-windows ()
(setq wm-focus (position (selected-window) (wm-emacs-windows)))
(setq wm-windows (mapcar 'wm-window-from-emacs-window (wm-emacs-windows)))
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(defun wm-restore-workspace (layout focus windows)
(setq wm-layout layout)
(setq wm-focus focus)
(setq wm-windows windows)
(setq wm-windows-alist nil)
(defun wm-save-workspace (workspace)
(unless (assoc workspace wm-workspaces)
(push (cons workspace nil) wm-workspaces))
(setf (cdr (assoc workspace wm-workspaces)) (list wm-layout wm-focus wm-windows)))
(defun wm-switch-workspace (workspace)
(wm-save-workspace wm-workspace)
(unless (assoc workspace wm-workspaces)
(push (cons workspace (list wm-layout 0 (list (wm-window-from-emacs-window (selected-window))))) wm-workspaces))
(let ((state (cdr (assoc workspace wm-workspaces))))
(setq wm-workspace workspace)
(wm-restore-workspace (first state) (second state) (third state))))
(define-minor-mode wm-mode
:init-value t
:global t
:keymap (let ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-RET") 'wm-cycle-layout)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-=") 'wm-push-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-+") 'wm-insert-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C--") 'wm-pop-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-_") 'wm-delete-next-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-0") 'wm-delete-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-]") 'wm-move-window-backward)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-\\") 'wm-move-window-forward)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-}") 'wm-move-window-to-front)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-|") 'wm-move-window-to-back)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-<tab>") 'wm-focus-next-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "C-S-<tab>") 'wm-focus-previous-window)
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-1") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 0)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-2") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 1)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-3") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 2)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-4") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 3)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-5") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 4)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-6") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 5)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-7") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 6)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-8") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 7)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "M-9") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-focus-window 8)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "<f1>") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-switch-workspace 0)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "<f2>") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-switch-workspace 1)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "<f3>") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-switch-workspace 2)))
(define-key keymap (kbd "<f4>") (lambda () (interactive) (wm-switch-workspace 3)))
(provide 'wm)
;;; wm.el ends here
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This is really cool and it is usable (in fact I'm going to use it).
However, I think that the proper way to implement this is via display-buffer-alist.

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cireu commented Dec 2, 2020

cl is obsolete, why not just use cl-lib?

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pervognsen commented Dec 2, 2020

The last time I touched this code was in 2014 and it wasn't intended as a public release. I don't use Emacs anymore, but I always used cl instead of cl-lib in my own private code because I don't want to have to add verbose prefixes to basic functions/macros. In publicly released libraries that are intended to interop with arbitrary code, sure, do the right thing and follow the now-standard prefix convention for packages to avoid namespace pollution/clashes, but like I said this was just some private code I posted for a few friends to check out.

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