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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Trying out nixos 14.12 in vagrant
# The vagrant box provided by @zimbatm is still on 14.02. Follow
# this recipe to update the machine to 14.12
# Make sure you have a recent version of `vagrant` (
# and virtualbox.
mkdir nixos-test
cd nixos-test
vagrant init zimbatm/nixbox64 # creates Vagrantfile
vagrant up # brings up the box
# ... wait ...
vagrant ssh
# --- inside the vagrant machine
sudo nix-channel --list
sudo nix-channel --remove nixos
sudo nix-channel --add nixos
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
sudo reboot # switch to the new kernel
# you can now add packages in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# and run `sudo nixos-rebuild switch`
# You can also install packages imperatively using `sudo nix-env -i <package-name>`
# To find the name of a package use `sudo nix-env -Paq` like so:
# sudo nix-env -Paq | grep git
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