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Mark Lim peta909

Working from home
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peta909 /
Created December 22, 2024 12:57 — forked from icecr4ck/
Some notes about the IDA Microcode (intermediate language).
peta909 / PE PACKER
Created October 19, 2023 12:22 — forked from securitygab/PE PACKER
A simple x86 packer that uses APLib,
# Created by @kuroi_dotsh - KuroiSH #
# Website: #
# E-mail: [email protected] #
; The executable is stored in the final section, so that it does not need
; relocations (as we can simply load it over our own headers and pad with
; virtualsize to keep our module running).
peta909 /
Created January 16, 2022 12:11 — forked from icecr4ck/
Notes on CTREE usage with IDAPython


Important links


The CTREE is built from the optimized microcode (maturity at CMAT_FINAL), it represents an AST-like tree with C statements and expressions. It can be printed as C code.

peta909 / x96shell_msgbox.asm
Created May 8, 2021 01:47 — forked from aaaddress1/x96shell_msgbox.asm
x96 Windows Shellcode: one payload able to used in both 32-bit & 64-bit
; x96 shellcode (x32+x64) by [email protected]
; yasm -f bin -o x96shell_msgbox x96shell_msgbox.asm
section .text
bits 32
call entry
mov ax, cs
sub ax, 0x23
jz retTo32b
peta909 / main.cpp
Created November 14, 2020 15:46 — forked from hasherezade/main.cpp
Get PEB64 from a WOW64 process
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "ntdll_undoc.h"
PPEB get_default_peb()
#if defined(_WIN64)
return (PPEB)__readgsqword(0x60);
peta909 / Wow64Hook.cpp
Created August 27, 2020 16:21 — forked from hoangprod/Wow64Hook.cpp
Wow64Hook example
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
LPVOID lpJmpRealloc = nullptr;
DWORD Backup_Eax, Handle, Address_1, New, Old, *DwSizee;
const DWORD_PTR __declspec(naked) GetGateAddress()
//this requires being able to run at kernel mode and assumes you're using MSVC
//this also uses an unnamed structure for cr0_t, which is a nonstandard extension of the C language
//data structure for cr0
typedef union _cr0_t
uint64_t protection_enable : 1;

manual import resolution

example from 0f5d5d07c6533bc6d991836ce79daaa1:

_0:00F20012 33 D2                   xor     edx, edx
_0:00F20014 64 8B 52 30             mov     edx, fs:[edx+30h] // TEB->PEB
_0:00F20018 8B 52 0C                mov     edx, [edx+0Ch]    // PEB->LDR_DATA
_0:00F2001B 8B 52 14                mov     edx, [edx+14h]    // LDR_DATA->InMemoryOrderLinks (_LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)
                                                              // alt: 0xC: InLoadOrderLinks
 // alt: 0x1C: InInitializationOrderLinks
peta909 /
Created April 26, 2019 00:47 — forked from cmatthewbrooks/
The simplest possible IDA plugin with multiple actions
# Name:
# Auth: @cmatthewbrooks
# Desc: A test plugin to learn how to make these work; Specifically, how to
# have multiple actions within the same plugin.
# In plain English, IDA will look for the PLUGIN_ENTRY function which
# should return a plugin object. This object can contain all the
# functionality itself, or it can have multiple actions.
// Function_Pointers.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int add()