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Created February 8, 2025 21:11
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FastHtml (MonsterUI) demo of slider Control adapted from split.js (
from fasthtml.common import *
from monsterui.all import *
scripts = [Script(src=script, type='text/javascript') for script in [
links = [Link(rel="stylesheet", href=link) for link in [
.gutter {
background-color: #999;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 50%;
.gutter.gutter-horizontal {
background-image: url('');
cursor: col-resize;
hdrs = [ scripts, links, Style(SPLIT_STYLE), Theme.slate.headers() ]
app, rt = fast_app( live=True, hdrs=hdrs)
SPLITH = """
Split(['{left_selector}','{right_selector}'], {{
sizes: [{left_limit}, {right_limit}],
minSize: 100,
gutterSize: 7,
gutterClass: 'table-gutter',
cursor: 'ew-resize'
def HSplit(*a, left_limit=50, right_limit=20, left_selector=None,right_selector=None,**kwa):
__args = dict(
left_selector = left_selector or "#" + getattr(a[0], 'id'),
right_selector = right_selector or "#" + getattr(a[1], 'id'),
left_limit = left_limit,
right_limit = right_limit
return Div( *a, cls='flex', style="", **kwa), Script(SPLITH.format(**__args))
def index():
container = (
DividerSplit(P(" %50 wide with 1:4 split")),
Card("10%", id='left'),
Card("40%", id='right'),
left_limit = 10,
right_limit = 40
DividerSplit(P(" %100 wide 4:1 split")),
Card("80%", id='leftB'),
Card("20%", id='rightB'),
left_limit = 80,
right_limit = 20
return container
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pete312 commented Feb 8, 2025

This is a demo to try adapt split.js for use in FastHTML with MonsterUI.

using HSplit demonstrates a way to place a slider in your content in the FastHTML fashon. It is then resizable. Useful for adjustable sidebars.


check out split.js for more ways to use that.

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